What is this thing I have read on Twitter and Tumblr and other sites. Hangeng and Super Junior M will perform in the same Music Show in Taiwan or China. I don't know. But Taiwan is a Chinese country, if I'm not mistaken so let's not give it a big deal. What gets me yeah, pissed off is that they'll perfrom in the same show. Same country, same day, same time. So what do you think they would feel? It would be hard for them, wouldn't it? And the thing is, IT'S TOMORROW. WHAT THE HELL. :/ Hangeng, I feel so bad for him. I don't know why. And for the other members too. 

SJM had gone back to Korea yesterday for a CF filming. And what is this I've read again? They went back there because of another reason? TO AVOID NEWS WITH HANGENG. WTF. I don't know if this is true or not, but I hope its not.

I'm not in the mood to type now? Lol, whut? Haha. XD Ignore me. I'm blogging again to say what I feel. It's up to you if you'll read it. Read at your own risk. And some things here are uncertain except for SJM and Hangeng to perform for the same show tomorrow. That's true.


-Sam. :)


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Ooh that !<br />
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Han Geng will be all.. "It's you guys."<br />
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And they'll be all "Who are you?"<br />
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