im sorry

i have been neglecting my story, i am sorry to my subscribers, but i have been busy these days with my instruments and schools cuz i am a student. i am sorry, i will finish this story sooner or later, maybe in the summer but rite now i just dont have the time, please to my subsrcibers dont unsubsribe, i promise to update but rite now isnt just the best time, i just dont have time cuz of my school work, when i first started the story it was only winter break for me. i really wonder ohw many of you will read this, cuz like normally blogs are just really really really upopular.. sorry, once again, maybe during spring break but now the semestar has started and my goal is to get over 95% on all my subjects,, (except for P.E cuz i hate P.E) i have noticed that PE doesn really count,, hahhaha hardy har har,, please odnt unsubcribe,, its on hiatus,even tho, i only put down one chapter...


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