The character I first fell in love with: u-kwon

The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Zico, such a badass(; a hot one at that.

The character everyone else loves that I don’t:  LOVE.THEM.ALL.

The character I love that everyone else hates: NO ONE. I LOVE ALL AND IM SURE EVERYONE ELSE DO TOO!

The character I used to love but don’t any longer: STILL LOVE THEM ALL

The character I would shag anytime:  U-KWON; he can get in my bed any day(;  

The character I’d want to be like:  b-bomb, great dancer

The character I’d slap: No slapping, more like kiss

A pairing that I love:u-kwon+b-bomb= u-bomb (CUTIES) <3

A pairing that I despise: NONEE!

Favorite character:  U-KWONN<3333

My two favorite characters: U-KWON & Zico (P.o. is in there too!)

My two least favorite characters: cant choose all perfect!!

Which character I am most like: i actually dont know, i can be like all of them at times :p

My deep, dark fandom secret: i follow PBBC on tumblr. lol i have block b posters on my wall


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