

The Block B ‘controversy’ situation has been taken way too far. Block B did not shame South Korea; they didn’t even do anything wrong. The translator had missed a huge part of the interview and it came out misinterpreted plus ‘rude’. 

I can not, just not stress out how much this upsetting me. The maknae, P.O. is hospitalized due to the stress and the shock that the antis even created a suicide petition. All the members being the age that they are now and having all of this stress being placed upon them isn’t fair.

Block B donated money to Thailand before the interview, long before the interview. Each member individually donated an amount that is equivalent to around $200. They donated all of their earnings from their Thailand showcase to charity causes in relation to the flood. During the Thailand showcase, Block B, with the help of Thai BBC’s, donated and distributed books to Thai schools to help in the recovering of the country from the damaged caused by the flood. 

About Zico shaving his hair; shaving your head is very important and symbolic thing in Asian cultures, especially in countries with a strong Buddhist influence/population, it means a lot. A basic overview is that hair is a important/prideful thing in Asian cultures; shaving your head/cutting short your hair in the aftermath of a thing such as this incident shows that someone is lowering themselves/casting away their pride, that they have committed a wrong doing/are feeling great shame and that they acknowledge that and are repenting/cleansing themselves of the perceived sin. It is the want of a new beginning. This shows that he is very sincere. 

From what I’ve seen, no matter how much Block B apologizes, they won’t get a break any time soon. They’ve written out messages, made videos, Zico shaving his hair to show how sincere he is, etc. 

I feel sad for these boys.. I honestly do. Block B, I hope everything will get better soon.. Fighting♥.


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Block B is no one o blame ppl against the upcoming popularity made a big deal of it in order to not be stepped over coff coff 2pm coff coff
I'm not a fan of theirs and think that they should be forgiven. They're sincerely apologetic and they seem very regretful. They have learned their lessons and they won't do this again. Everyone makes mistakes, and it's okay, as long as they apologize and it doesn't happen again.
I LOVE their new song! So addicted...!!!
Anyways, Block B stay strong!
FIGHTING~!!!! ^^
To all BBC's out there, read this and I will love you forever if you keep supporting Block B :')
jenli98 #4
i no rite seriously sum ppl need to freakin get their brains fixed properly.. seriously this is just going too far.. they ave suffered enough plz jus stp it.. leave them alone nd leave ur own life nd stp interuptin otha ppls lives..
I can't sleep thinking of this STUPID MISUNDERSTANDING and put Block B in such a hard life. P.O is very young yet he has to face this situation. Be strong Block B! we, as BBC, always support you. :')