
Hope it's understandable, I'm norwegian ^^

1.Nathalie Neverr

2.Nathalie Never

3.October, 14 1990.



6.54 kg

7.1,60 cm

8.Cute face, chubby cheeks, brown eyes and long, straight, brown hair with purple at the ends,  curvey body.

9.  She grew up in scandinavia with her family. Her family struggels with money and moves a lot due to that. Her father always works, and spends no time with the family. Nat had many part time jobs on cafe's and stores to help her family. She always put others first, even though she always dreamt of getting a life of her own and meet new people.

When she grew up she was a very lonely person, and felt like nobody understood her. She had a couple of friends, and they were pretty close. She always had a problem with opening up herself to other people. She is insecure and doesn't handle critics very well, never have. She spent most of her time alone in her room...She would be reading, watching movies, do homework or watch dramas online.

She was one of the best students in school. She studied to achieve her dream of becoming a foreign diplomat. She didn't complete...At least not yet. She did learn a lot about politics though, and studied a lot of languages. She speaks most of them fluently (natural talent). She might have a few mistakes though...Verbs and stuff.

Her dating past, is not much to talk about. She dated a couple of guys, and the relationships lasted for years. She was always faithfully to the guys, but always afraid of getting her own heart broken. Unsecure, unsecure... When she first fell in love with a guy, she wouldn't think about anything else except that boy. She would want to give him the world, and he would be her world. She seems shy at first, but loves skinship.

10.Her style is unique. You would notice her on the street. Her style is punk/scene alike, with lots of colors and she loves accessorizes!

11. She is a shy, but charming person.  She is very bright and very polite. Kinda clumsy at times, and easily get's embarrassed (you sees her blush often). She is blood type A, very organized, neat and clean.

12. Reading books, baking (cakes, cupcakes...) and listens to music a lot.

13. Sleep talks and touches her hair a lot when she's nervous.

14. Stuffed animals, cartoon characters, cupcakes and sweets, music and dramas.

15. The dark...She's scared.

16. Don't know what that means (norwegian)...I'm sorry but I'll try: Shy, cute looking girl that does her best in everything.

17. Over protective mom ( Lisa) , hard working dad (Kurt), and a little sister (Lotte, 11 years).

18. Yesung oppa!




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