
So...I'm 16 now and for a while I've been noticing how 'OLD' i'm getting. The plain hard fact is that I miss my childhood. Being in high school, being stressed over schoolwork, dealing with stupid little teen issues like 'friendship' and junk is making me want to go back. Like seriously!? What did I do when I was young? Like NOTHING!.....ok that's not entirely true, I did have to work hard in prep, elementary and middle school, but life seemed so easy back then compared to now. I think the turning point of my life from utter happiness to stress was when I turned 13......yep....13....when I turned a teenager. 2009 was a particularly emotional year for me...I mean...i got over it but all I do is stress out...stress out till my hair falls out....I'M YOUNG MY HAIR SHOULDN'T BE FAAALLLIIINNNG OUT LIKE WHAT THE HECK MAN??? (accent on "man")*sigh* I'm 16...and I feel the same as I did when I was 6...except that my life is changing. I hate how idiotic teenagers are just in a hurry to grow up, because they don't want to listen to their parents, take orders or go to school anymore...well guess what? lots of adults wish for their youth after getting hit hard with the reality of taxes and bills and having to always please their boss so they can keep food on the table for their kids.... I don't wanna grow up just to face that!! ;_; *tear* i mean i know we all have to grow up some time but I think I want to enjoy my youngness for as long as possible. When I was 8, I never thought I'd get to 10 (like woah..double digiter!!) then i thought 14 year olds were like...ADULTS (now I look at them and think "gosh...what babies"...then being 14 I thought "wow! 16 year olds? you're old maan!! (exagerated accent intended here) and now I'm 16 and I want to go back.....back to my life consisting of t.v...(.particularly cartoonnetwork when all the good cartoons were showing....Code Lyoko, Totally Spies, Teen Titans, Fosters Home etc)., video games (i remember my nintendo gamecube and my friend's nintengo 64,) *sigh* good times.....and other stuff like when my family used to go out a lot like to the beach or somewhere. now everyone is just working and happiness is just dwindling away like a wilting rose (hehehe simile! *wink*)......sorry i'm a creep i know.....




is this what growing up is supposed to be like?....




but y'know....don't get me wrong. I do want to grow up at some point...I'd like to go to college, live in a dorm, get married have kids and all those other things, (sometimes I want to grow up just to leave high school once 'nd for all)..... but sometimes I wish I could re-do my childhood...just once...and take the time to appreciate those days.....maybe undo some stupidness that i might have done (hehehehehe) dad and elderly people always say "youth is wasted on the young" and i guess their right to an extent...but....*sigh* idk...who knows!???.....gahh!!! i'm hungry as I type this....there's like nothing in the fridge!!???? i opened it and a tumbleweed roled across the shelf!! a tumbleweed!!!!!


*Sigh* from the mind of Nellie....BBUING BBUING >//////<


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don't take me THAT seriously O.o i was just in a philosophical mood this morning ^_^
Nellie I never knew u felt abt life that way! Omg! I've. Never thought in a million years that u have troubles with friendships! I thought that was me! You're so bubbly, so happy. Omg I feel like I'm not deserving of you're friendship! Ur a great friend! Tumbleweed? Oh hush! Pls don't be sad! Pls don't be sad! Ill talk to u later. Mmkay?