Keeper's Sci-fi Entry


I'm strange. I already had a feeling that the results would be out for the Short Story End of the Year Writing Contest that I didn't want to check the anime forum. Hahaha. I usually log in there the same time I open AFF but not today. 


And indeed, the scores of the two judges are out.


From Judge#1

1. Conforming to the boundaries. 4/5
2. Creativity. 4/5
3. Execution. 3/5
4. Story telling style 4/5

Total 15/20


From Judge#2

1. Conforming to the boundaries 3/5
2. Creativity 4/5
3. Execution 3.5/5
4. Story telling style. 4/5

Total 14.5/20



I got 29. 5/40.


Waiting for one more, but from the scores alone, it is obvious that I didn't win but it doesn't matter. The fact that I have written one is enough for me to know that I could definitely write sci-fi. I have to work on execution lols. And I have a story telling style? Omo. I have to figure that one out. I'm glad that I scored high in creativity, teheeheee.

The scores of the other participants are 35, 31.5,  26 and 25.5

Keeper got passing marks for her first sci-fi story! I would like to extend my thanks to luckyritzchick, adncr3 and kpopartory for their comments, suggestions and encouragement ^0^




From Judge #3

1. Conforming to the boundaries. 4/5
2. Creativity. 4/5
3. Execution. 4/5
4. Story telling style 4/5

Total 16/20


P.S. I got the same comment from skull-sama the second time I submitted an entry: The story progressed at a good pace but got a bit rushed towards the end. OTL I have no excuses whatsoever. Keeper and endings don't go along very well, hohoho


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Congratulations, dearie! <3
At least you tried it, so next time, you'll be much comfortable and be better at it. Congrats!!
Yay! It was a success! ^^ Congrats. You don't have to win for it to be a success.. just finishing/writing something you're not normally comfortable with is a success all in its own right.