200%. T'ch~! MY .


You liar. You mother ing liar.


I’ve been so honest with you. Telling you everything I know. Telling you things though they may hurt you. I’m honest with you. And when i promised 200%, i was being honest.

But you hide things from me. And you’re ignoring me now?

I’m so tired of this.

In this friendship… 

I have to get something in return.

I’m not asking for a lot.

But I need something.

Don’t just randomly stop replying. Don’t just walk away from me when I need you. Don’t make it seem like I’m not there when he is. Don’t make it seem like we’re best friends. Don’t make me always some and find you. Don’t make me feel like this is a oneway friendship.

When I”m down, when have you even hugged me? 
When I’m happy, when have you ever replied with anything other than ‘cool’?
When I’m confused, when have you ever helped me figure it out?

So now. I have to find out from your boyfriend, that you lied to me.

ing get out of here. Unless you have an amazing explanation.


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