Unique Classmates =P

*sigh* I seriously have VERY unique classmates...I'll tell you their "names"


- My Best Friend =D

- The Smart One........... (can't believe I just said that....)

- The "Smart At Swearing and Sick-minded" One xD <--- he's seriously VERY funny. He makes my day with A LOT, and I do mean, A LOT, of laughter xD

- The Dumb One 


- The "a little smart and Swears A LOT and also Sick-Minded" One


And yeah. That's about it. They sit RIGHT in front of me, except my best friend cause she sits beside me =) But the others are ALL GUYS. They make my day, without them, I seriously cannot live cause I HAVE to laugh EVERY SINGLE DAY.
And yeah...I have two guys that are like both sick-minded and swears a lot.........and when I mean "a lot" I do mean it. Like they practically swear every hour, or minute... =P


So yeah! Those are my very unique classmates. They all have VERY different things and personalities about them, but there's one thing that they all have in common. IT'S THAT THEYRE ALL FUNNY!!!! I seriously can't live a day without funniness and laughter =D xD

*sigh* My life......


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