I'm gonna kill someone soon

I swear when I sign into tumblr in one hour and I see someone else bash Dongho for his tweet I'm going send them the meanest nastiest anon message in history. Why? Because I have never sent a mean anon before so it's kind of hard to... 

Anyway I'm gonna shoot someone soon. I mean both Block B and Dongho did something wrong but they both apologised so I don't get why everyone is still arguing and yelling and throwing insults at eachother.

That make you more childish than Dongho and lower than Block B. 

Ah, and everyone complains and whines when idols don't speak their mind. How can they when everytime they say something netizen think is childish or a tad bit to rude they throw a hissy fit, do hate messages and do death petitions.

I can say that us K-pop fans are freaking crazy. And i don't regret saying that because it's MY opinion and MY point of view on something. 

Ah why am I so bothered to type this up I don't even know...

Ah, sorry guys, I so pissed at them moment because everyone is bashing U-kiss and Bock B. And everyone can see from my user name I love U-kiss, their ultimate bias group. So when I see people bashing them it pisses me off. I've been pissed off all after noon... 

Erm... okay that's it...


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Well Block B said something about only donating $6 to Thailand over the flooding incident or something like that and then Dongho did a reply tweet saying "A singer worth only $6 which pissed everyone else off... I was really paying attention to the problems honestly... I was paying more attention to Dongho solely so that's all I can give you. Look it up on Allkpop everything is there...
i'm actually really curious as to what Dongho and Block B said...
what did they say?
i've been seeing people's comments on the matter floating around.
but i never knew what it was specifically about....