UGH. Why do I have to get so many ideas for new stories?

*sigh* Okay I once again thought of a new story. haha! I seriously have no idea where all these ideas come from, they just find their way in my head some how.

I literally just started a story not so long ago (Underneath His Mask) and I haven't even finished my other story (A first meeting that will soon change my life) BUT, I'm currently thinking of writing a new one.


What will it be about, you may ask?


Well.. I was thinking it would be werewolf/vampire themed. Something exciting and new (well at least for me)

I know what your thinking, "UGH please no vampire/werewolf story.." hahah, but let me reasure you.. it would be a little more angsty, ty and darker than anything I have ever written before, so it will be more of a challenge for me (which could be a lot of fun! >.< )


I already thought who would the lead man would be.

 U-Kwon.  ^-^



Idk why, but he stood out the most to me for this role. *Probably because he is a total hottie.*


And of course the love interest will be an OC. ^^ 


So.. what do you think? Yes ? No? I need your help with this decision.  


-  Rachel <3 


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