I'm thinking about it

After thinking about what will happen when i turn 18 I'M THINKINg about moving away from PA. I'll miss my friends dearly. The times we all had, even our battles, and our make-ups. i'll definitly miss JM. Even tho he was a jerk to me, i'll never forget the laughter and smile he gave me. I want to get away from the life i'm living now. My parents are really going to make me choose who to live with and not see the other one. If it comes to that, i'm going to choose no one. I love them both, but if they don't love me enough to see this, then its best if i'm not their daughter, and let me be dead to them. I always ask myself, where would i go?how would i live? would i make it? to be honest i don't know. My Grandparents from my dad's side always making me choose my dad. They always told me lies about my mom, and they still do till this day. i always wanted to say to them "HOW LONG ARE YOU GOING TO KEEP LIEING TO ME! IM NOT 5 YEARS OLD ANYMORE SO SHUT UP!!! YOU KNOW NO ABOUT MY MOM AND HOW SHE FELT LIVING WITH YOU ING PEOPLE!!!" with my mom, i love her too much to let her go. I love my side of the family from my mom more. They support me and tell me to be strong. But i'll say that, when it comes for me to choose, i WILL choose no one. I will choose to be dead to my parents. They can say i'm the rotten or bad child if they want. Only they would feel the pain then, of what its like not to have me in their lifes anymore. So i have deicied to move on my own. 


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omg my dads family is lyk tht too, but my dad defends her. <3