LOL at you!

Things that have happened today;

1. Recently i've been spending my evenings saving pictures of SuJu on my phone. Me? Lonely? No... Anyway, so far i've downloaded about 38 of them - and i've only got through 3 members XD I'm such a wierdo :P If my phone were to be stolen and the robbers got through my password, I wonder what their reactions would be when they go through my photo upon photo of hot asian guys? They'd be like; "What duh ?!" Hilarious!!!

2. Browsing through my beloved photo album on my phone I showed a picture of Zhou Mi ( looking like the god he is ;) ) and I said; "Do think he's fit?". She was like; "What? No. He's gross." I went bananas! How could she say that?! About my second bias. Yes, I have a second bias. Hey! Its not cheating! You're allowed 2 right...? Well to be fair, Yesung will always be my number 1 ( <3 ) my second bias always changes ( I have commitment issues :P ) between; Henry, Kangin, Zhou Mi and Hangeng. I can't help it! >.< But they're all so lush~~~!

3. I'm writing this right now because right now my mum thinks i'm revising for my BCS exam tomorrow, and shes actually trusted me with my laptop during revision. Silly woman... 

Anyway, nothing much to report today but my life is pretty dull. Well tomorrow school starts T__T Which means a 2 1/2 hour  Romeo and Juliet essay for me and then followed by a 1 hour BCS exam. In a way, i'm kinda looking forward to it because I get to see people and get these bloody exams over and done with ^^

To conclude. Exams = dull life which means dull blogs which means bordem for you. I propose we ban exams and save hassle for everyone! And we can get qualifications for how awesome we are - and by being on this site means you, my dears, will get the best qualifications in the world!! MWAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA~!

Once I become ruler of the world I will put this plan into action and you guys can be my associates! :D And then we can legally capture Super Junior and use them as our pleasure slaves!!!! >:D I call dibs on Yesung though! and occasionally Zhou Mi. Or both at the same time? :P 


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