U-Kiss - 0330 Parody ^O^ Must watch because it's totally awesome

Yeah! So like what the Title says you must watch the Parody of U-Kiss - 0330 ^O^

I totally LOL a lot because of this words:

And we have a math test tomorrow and We'll fail our math test tomorrow as the chorus ^O^
In AJ's rap was totally beyond funny because of this words: I thought F(x) was a girl group ^^ Totally LOL a lot
And Eli's rap was also funny and asking what did Dongho do *O* Because they blame Dongho that they'll fail their math test tomorrow that's why his going to explain how it happen at his rap (I'm talking about Dongho)

But totally my fave part in the parody is Kevin's part because he was like complaining ^O^ And it really suits it if you watch it together with the MV

I don't spoil more but if you want to watch the parody you can watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lelu2XN65_w


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