Fancy Wedding

So I'm currently at a wedding, a reaaallllyyyy fancy wedding in the tallest building in Seattle, Washington. And my thoughts right now: How many stuck up rich people are going to be here tonight? A lot. But we get $80 food tonight, so I'll over look that. I just got done taking a bunch of pictures with the bride and groom. And family. I have soooooo much family! >,< I don't even know how I'm related to half of them.... But the ceremony is about to start now. And I get to smile at how pretty SHINeegirluno1 looks tonight~ she's beautiful. She's in the wedding. She's lighting the candle(s). I'm worried she might light the entire room on fire, though! Let's hope not! And the bride and groom: congratulations~ FIGHTING!


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I've never been to a wedding! It sounds beautiful though!