The past two days...

My life has been utter complete hell for the past two days:


-my bus was late cause there was a wreck and I got to school 30 minutes late

-i had to finish a test

-due to my bus being late i had to finish typig a paper and editing stuff and probably messed all of the stuff up

-i didn't make it into Grease


-i found out i got blocked by my best friend/big brother on here and I have no earthly idea why

-i have to move by thursday and I'll be changing schools


My life really has no ups in it anymore...I wish I knew what was wrong and what I did wrong that made him block me cause right now I really need someone to talk to...


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>.< listen, there's always ups in life. sometimes you just have to look for them. keep your chin up. i'm here if you need someone to talk to. i know we haven't known each other that long, but i'm here for you ;)