The Disappearance of Estelle

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Anything else? 

hi! after speaking with you, i decided that i had enough inspiration to finish her ^^ i hope you like her!
none for now
i don't really want her to be involved in anything ual... but if that's unrealistic, i totally understand

qin, 8/10, UnReel (like unreal)



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about me! estelle 

FC profile photo


Let's live like we're immortal
Maybe just for tonight
We'll think about tomorrow
When the sun comes up

'Cause by this time tomorrow
We'll be talking 'bout tonight
Keep doing what we want
No more wasted nights

- one ok rock, wasted nights

Citizenship: china

ethnicity: chinese

plotline: spade

faceclaim: everglow's yiren

hometown: fairfax, ia, usa

height: 167cm

back-up: joker

back-up: ex-pristin's zhou jieqiong

Stage Name: - estelle // she'd been fascinated with space ever since she was a kid, and the word 'star' in french just sounded really pretty

Birth Name: - yu wenwen

Nicknames: - wennie, wenz

Birthdate and Debut Age: - may 9, 2002

- english - 100% - grew up in america
- mandarin chinese - 80% - is chinese and grew up in a chinese-speaking household, but doesn't get much of a chance to use it
- korean - 70% - had korean friends and learned before training; then learned from the company and other trainees

-  wenwen is quite lucky to have been born pretty, so she hasn't needed any plastic surgery. however, there are moles on her face (a dark one on her left cheek right below the eye and one right on her hairline) that is usually covered up with makeup.
- her body shape is a standard rectangle, no chest no hips, and though her weight claims to be 55kg, she's actually closer to 65kg (fluctuates between 63-67)

Fashion & Style: - her style is pretty basic '2013 white girl' aesthetic lol. that is, oversized sweaters, infinity scarves, uggs or tight leather boots, etc. she also enjoys wearing dresses with flared skirts, even though they don't necessarily fit her body shape. here's a pinterest board for refs. 


New Note                                      Aa  B  U »


(+) friendly, loyal, thoughtful, hardworking, intelligent
(-) shy/cold, stubborn, emotional, self-doubting, self-destructive

wenwen is sort of unassuming. she's pretty, but she's quiet, rarely speaking to others because of shyness and because she's not confident speaking korean. as i've just mentioned, she's pretty shy and usually has a poker face, which makes other people think that she's cold or mean, but in reality, she's really lonely because she's suddenly in a new, high-pressure environment, though she's always willing to make new ones, as long as other people want to be friends. she does, of course, greet the friends that she has very cheerfully and tries her best to get along with them despite not speaking korean well and knowing that a lot of her friends may leave the company if they don't debut.

she can also be pretty stubborn and stuck in her own mind or mindset, not easily changing her mind once it's set, but she's a loyal friend and cares a lot about her friends and family. if her friends tell her something that goes against her beliefs, she'll consider it very seriously and may change her mind without much convincing, just because it was her friend who said it. she's also very emotional, which makes her prone to anger, but though she's quick to anger, she's just as quick to forgive. she has a fairly good memory and will remember details that her friends tell her, like their coffee orders or their allergies. she's also a good active listener and is willing to spend money/time in order to help others.

in addition, she's quite smart, being able to keep up with training despite not speaking korean as fluently as the other trainees. part of it's because she genuinely just gets stuff, but the majority of it's because she works hard. because she's a foreigner, it takes her ten times more effort to learn stuff than it takes everyone else, and she's willing to do it. however, because she works so hard training, she tends to neglect living her life and often sinks into bouts of self-doubt and self-loathing where she doesn't think she's good enough. she also has a tendency to self-destruct and be like 'well this is already bad enough so i might as well make it worse'.

Mental health

as someone quite sensitive, wenwen's mental health through her trainee years wasn't super good. however, she held on with the hope that she would debut one day and all the hardships would be worth it.

but after reel girls' debut and all the living nightmares they experienced, her mental health took a total nosedive. as the leader, wenwen felt like she should be responsible for everything and believed that the current state of the group was all her fault. she should have been more attentive, she should have done more to oppose them, she should have been firmer in saying no, etc etc.

for wenwen, her mental struggles manifest in the form of insomnia, intrusive thoughts, and recklessness. so many thoughts spiral around in her head and torture her during the night, and she often doesn't feel safe enough to sleep until it's already daytime. she won't make an effort to commit suicide because she fears pain, but she also won't stop the opportunity for death, so she acts recklessly and hopes for everything to end without her taking initiative.

she has a freeze response to trauma. her brain and body simply shuts down and she blindly listens to whatever someone else tells her to do. afterwards, when she's away from the immediate experience, she beats herself up for not doing anything (even though she was physically unable to).

                           📄 New Doc - Edited                        


wenwen's parents are fairly successful doctors, with her mother being the director of a hospital and her father being an ER surgeon. that said, they were often too busy to take care of her, so she was actually brought up by her grandparents. thankfully for her grandparents, wenwen was a quiet child who was to take care of, and she was content to listen to the radio and watch TV with her grandparents. this was her first exposure to music, even if it was old, traditional chinese music that only old people enjoyed.

with the support of her grandparents, wenwen often put on mock concerts at home, where she sang and danced to these traditional songs. this formed the basis for her dream of becoming an idol. because wenwen's family wasn't in dire need of money and her parents didn't really care what career she chose, her family supported her dreams and encouraged her to explore her hobbies. although wenwen was an excellent student and could have been a great academic, her dream was to sing for a living, so she started taking voice lessons from age 10. since they were the ones paying for the lessons, wenwen's parents imposed one restriction (and only one) on her, and it was that she could not debut until she graduated high school. this was to ensure that she would get a high school diploma, even if she didn't go to college.

being a good child, wenwen kept her promise. even though she was accepted through an audition at age 15 by yg entertainment and moved to korea entirely alone, she continued to attend online high school. after a year at yg, she realized that she didn't like the music style that the company preferred, so she started to look for other companies. coincidentally, real media was calling for auditions...

Her story moving forward... 
i think wenwen would be in tatters by the end. even if she recovers physically, she would be forever plagued by what happened to her and the members. she would return to america and, through her parents' medical connections, get into extensive therapy sessions.

i do want her to recover and be super ing angry, though. maybe she would come back on social media and make statements exposing real media (with proof, if possible). however, she wouldn't interact with comments at all and would only take interviews from trusted media outlets.  

   - all fruits, but particularly raspberries
   - spicy foods
   - cats
   - sunny weather
   - vanilla ice cream
   - ghibli movies

   - rainy days
   - heavy metal/hiphop music
   - the cold
   - reptiles
   - fake cherry flavoring
   - getting sick

   - tilts her head to the right when thinking
   - picks at the skin on her hands when she's worried or nervous
   - stutters when lying
   - constantly cracks her knuckles
   - clenches her jaw/grinds teeth in her sleep

   - reading
   - writing stories
   - watching youtube
   - (trying to) cook

general trivia 

   - takes like an hour to wash her face, brush teeth, etc but will change clothes in five minutes
   - her favorite color is lilac purple
   - she likes kids
   - her favorite kpop group is SNSD
   - other than SNSD, her favorite musical artist is jay chou
   - she's double-jointed in her elbows and knees
   - she's quite flexible in general and can do the splits both ways
   - her favorite movie is spirited away
   - she HATES the horror genre and will cry if she watches a horror movie
   - she's a touchy-feely person and will often initiate skin contact with the members
   - she doesn't save ppl's numbers in her phone with nicknames, just their first and last name (or the name they prefer to go by)

Fears ~  
- closed spaces
  - the dark
  - spiders

Dreams ~
 - To write a book
 - Hold a concert at home

Career Aspirations ~
- Win a daesang

Regrets ~
- Not spending enough time with her parents and grandparents

Special talents:
- can her elbow
- is able to imitate every member's voice 


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Name ophelia moon
Relation groupmate
Age 17
Occupation reel girls
Closeness 7/10 


wenwen and ophelia are quite similar in many ways, so it was easy for them to get close. however, because they're so similar, they see their own flaws in each other, and it makes them sort of uncomfortable, so they're not as close as they could be.

How would they react to them going missing? considering they're part of the same group, they would probably know what's going on. 


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Relation groupmates
Occupation reel girls
Closeness 6-9/10


undoubtedly, there are members that wenwen are close to, and ones that she's not as close to. despite that, she genuinely cares for all of them; they suffered through training together, and then suffered through living hell together. she feels sorry for not protecting them well enough.

How would they react to them going missing? again, as the same group, they'd probably know what's going on.


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Name yu heng/zhang wan + yu shaoqian/fang zhixiao
Relation parents + paternal grandparents
Age or DOB 48/46 + 70/71
Occupation doctors + unemployed
Closeness 7/10 + 9/10


as first generation immigrants, wenwen's parents are quite work-focused, determined to create an amazing life without financial worry for their family. this led to wenwen growing up not super close to them, something that they and she all regret.

wenwen was brought up by her grandparents, who were the first to discover her love for music and support her dreams of becoming an idol. they speak on the phone as often as they can and regularly ask their son and daughter-in-law to search on the internet for their granddaughter's activities.

How would they react to them going missing? wenwen's grandparents would be the first to notice, since wenwen would not be picking up the phone. in addition, reel girls' social media going dark would make them worried. wenwen's parents, already feeling worried about sending their daughter away to a foreign country, would pretty much freak out and reach out to all of their contacts to try and find her.


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Name julia han
Relation former best friend
Age or DOB 18
Occupation college student
Closeness 6/10


julia was wenwen's best friend in school, and they went to each other's houses on the regular. as a second-gen korean, julia went to korean school on the weekends and would teach wenwen some korean. on the flip side, wenwen would also teach julia some chinese. but because wenwen became a kpop idol, they fell out of touch.

(fc: mia from everglow)

How would they react to them going missing? honest to god, julia wouldn't even know. she's a busy college student and wenwen is a busy kpop idol, and they don't even contact each other anymore. however, when wenwen's parents get in touch and tell her that something is wrong, julia doesn't know what to do or how to feel. what can she do, realistically? she can only ask her parents to call their relatives back in korea and try to find out what happened. because julia still cares for wenwen and feels like she should have been there for her, she lives in a perpetual state of grief and guilt before reel girls are found.


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Name Here
Relation Here
Age or DOB When reel girls debut
Occuptation Here
Closeness ?/10


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet.

How would they react to them going missing? Here. Only needed for important characters. 


Relation here *Max width 260

Name Here
Relation Here
Age or DOB When reel girls debut
Occuptation Here
Closeness ?/10


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet.

How would they react to them going missing? Here. Only needed for important characters. 


Relation here *Max width 260

Name Here
Relation Here
Age or DOB When reel girls debut
Occupation Here
Closeness ?/10


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet.

How would they react to them going missing? Here. Only needed for important characters. 


Relation here *Max width 260

Name Here
Relation Here
Age or DOB When reel girls debut
Occupation Here
Closeness ?/10


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet.

How would they react to them going missing? Here. Only needed for important characters. 


Relation here *Max width 260

Name Here
Relation Here
Age or DOB When reel girls debut
Occupation Here
Closeness ?/10


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet.

How would they react to them going missing? Here. Only needed for important characters. 

  < >               Girls)                      

FC Wikipedia Photo
   Occupation Singer
Musical Career
   Origin South Korea


   Years Active 2020–present

Real Media


   Member Of Reel Girls
   Talent Twin  gugudan's nayoung
   Back Up  gugudan's sally
   SNS Handle @tellestelle 
   Trainee Years 2017 - 2020

    Estelle (Reel Girls)          ____________________________________
           Article    Talk          
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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Do you want a LI?
i think she would definitely want a love interest, but i don't have one in mind yet haha. i'm thinking one of the digi boys would be good, though!

biual, but thinks she's straight 

Ideal type
someone slightly older than her (not by much) who will make her feel heard, understood, and belonged. ideally someone who's attractive, financially secure, and not in the entertainment industry. 

Attachment Style
insecure, anxious, clingy. 

none for now 

i'm thinking you can pair her up with ophelia if there's no one else who wants to be her love interest! but in case you don't, it'd be interesting to see her be with a ty dude (trainee? non-idol?) who was only with her because she was famous, but after she disappears, he doesn't care about her at all. or, of course, one of the digi boys would be cute. 


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