



(tw: mentions of violence)

Im Jihan was born to Im Suwon and Lee Eunsook, two core members of the white flower, one working as a priest and the other very involved in fundraisers and organisation. When they passed away in a car accident a few days before Jihan's third birthday, the whole cult was grieving the tragedy. For a few days nobody knew what to make of the little toddler which was left behind, the couple had ceased contact with family members who opposed their religion and besides, no one wanted the child to be raised as a non-believer. But raising a young boy could be a huge burden which is why the spiritual brothers and sisters were hesitant to Volunteer to take him in.

Then Leader stepped up.

He who never had a family, chose to take the child in and raise him as his son. The worshippers praised his good deed. They thought that Jihan was lucky to be brought up by their reverent mentor. Thinking back on his childhood, Jihan indeed considers himself lucky. But it’s not his father’s status or faith that made him so, but the love he received.

Of course the cult was always a focal point in his life. Saturday was for prayers. He meditated three times a week. He shouldn’t have preferences, everything should be the same to him so it won’t imbalance his spiritual energy. Except for wild fish, the free creatures of the sea should not be eaten. He should not form connections that are so strong that he would be hurt when they leave his life, the goal is to find contentment regardless of the circumstances. Everyone should do their part in keeping their spiritual energy balanced, creating a continuous flow with their environment free of any blockage or constriction. Depression and anxiety could be eradicated and material things would lose their value. This world could become like a heaven if each person would find their balance and so the goal of the White Flower is to spread their faith and create a better World together.

Jihan spent his first years devoted. He went to a private school for the worshippers of the White Flower, receiving an education which focused much on theology. His friends and aquaintances were all raised in the same cult. But you can’t keep a teen from the internet and from society as whole and so he found out about different lifestyles and questioned his faith. He rebelled, lived life to the fullest and indulged in his whims.

He expected his father to be outraged. Jihan knew his dad could be tough on sinners. He knew of the arranged marriages, The ISolation from the non-believing community and THE bribES for political power in order to spread their faith. But the punishment never came. He also knew that his father, the purest believer, broke his own rules by associating and not disciplining him for his tresspasses. But instead he heard father standing up for him and excusing his behaviour. At that moment Jihan knew that he had the choice to choose whatever path he wanted and his father would accept him. More than that, his father was willing to sin for him. But paradoxically, through his choice he realized that he wanted to be part of the White Flower, work for that community and be a better son.

He returned to his faith and he became more involved with the Flower. He started preaching his own sermons and at some point even took over disciplinary actions like caning the transgressors. Meanwhile he denied to admit his own transgressions, acting like his balance wasn’t off and he didn’t have favorites. Father turned a blind eye on him, even making up a reason he could keep dying his hair.

When the might opened again, Jihan begged him for permission to become a test subject. Jihan was curious about getting powers and thought that this undertaking could speed the conversion progress up. His Father denied him for a year due to his worries about the casualties but since he was an adult, he couldn’t stop Jihan from signing up.


Personality traits
FUNNY, COntenT, self-assured, easygoing
SOCIABLE, Adventurous
DETACHED, HYPOCRITE/lives in denial, Self-SERVING, Unethical
ESTP-T, Ennagram 7 with no particular wing, CHAOTIC EVIL, gryffindor

Personality expanded All of us have spiritual energy. It flows through you Constantly, keeps your energy in a balance with your surroundings. it helps you reach your purest form. But every emotion is a Blockage of that energy, which can rangE from a small hiccup in the stream to a huge obstruction. The changes that happen when you reach a state of emotionality - Your heart palpitations, the change in your posture, the endorphins released - they all work against the natural flow of your energy. In order to be the best version of yourself and reach the holiest state of being, you have to let go of everything that holds your SPIRITUAL ENERGY BACK. Stop seeing the world in likes and dislikes, let go of your preferences. Let go of your emotions and of your attachments to people. By letting go of it all, you will see that you will find contentedness in everything. With this way of living, there will be no more pain or hardships, no more longing for materialistic good, friends or romantic relationships. Your spiritual energy runs free, connected with this world and nothing could ever bring you down.

- Sermon to the believers of the white Flower sect, Goong Munhwan, 2017

Feelings, IMJI knows, are just like objects. You can engage in them, reach out until they submerge you, or you can Detangle, Detach, imagine them as a little ball that you push away AND watch it roll farther and father until IT disappearS at the horizon.

Imji's personality is founded on his cultist beliefs. He has reached the point in his spiritual journey in which his default state is one of mellow contentedness. He walks with a smile on his lips and the knowledge that external pressure can't get to him. He rejects societal approval and fitting in, has no care for rules and authority and is free from the worries of the ordinary people.

His affect is shallow and he's detached from his surroundings. Truthfully, he doesn't come across as such at all, in fact, most people see him as a very funny and likable troublemaker. IMJI doesn't feel like he has to mask very hard, the reason why he comes across as genuine might be because he is rarely acting fake - he's usually himself. On the scarce occasion that his cultists beliefs are at odds with what’s deemed appropriate for the situation, he’ll disguise his views in a joke or stays quiet. He enjoys his friends' company but while he delights in their presence, he counsciously tries to not become emotionally invested to them as a person while they are growing fonder of him with every shared memory.

Jihan’s chaotic wit, dry sense of humor and laidbackness is much appreciated. Imji knows how to tell a story well, he has great comedic timing and adding his whimsical way of living and the irony of his power despite the lack of artistic talent, he comes across as an extremely funny, eccentric dude. Imji doesn't mind being the of a joke and there is something languid in his mannerismS that shows how self-assured he is without bordering on arrogance. He will talk and listen to anybody, make friends with the oddest people and make others feel included without even trying. He and The Real both seem like really wholesome, likable people and there are plenty of heroes within the organisation who’d make an oath on their lives that Im Jihan is a good guy. So what if he isn't opening up much about himself? IMJI seems so content with life that him not having any worries or traumas seems entirely believable.

despite the religious foundation, Imji fails to adhere to the dogmas of his confession. As a follower of the white flower, Imji isn't supposed to like anything. He knows that if he likes something, he should disengage. IT leaves him with three options A) follow the teachings B) disregard them or C) Gaslight himself into believing he doesn't like something when he does. In true imji fashion, he chooses the last one. That's why he comes across as a tsundere - he will swear up and down that he doesn't really like tropical shirts, they were just on sale when he randomly visited a shop, his wardrobe is entirely circumstancial. Of course, everyone (except himself) knows he's full of and he gets called out on the daily. He's like that with everything, mentally finding excuses for himself, telling himself he's monitoring the competition instead of being fascinated by someone's ability or eating pizza for the anti-inflammatory benefits of the cheese instead of the taste of it. His fellow heros think it's a running gag but in reality he's gaslighting himself. If he doesn’t have preferences, he’s not sinning so he’ll go great lengths to justify his actions.

He’s also not as mellow as he should be, getting quickly worked up about the littlest things. The emotions aren’t strong but Imji likes to express them, whether through his humor or by complaining about them. He also easily feels hyped up. Imji allows himself these moments, telling himself that by being so expressive, he can hide his association with the White flower. In reality, this side of him is truer to himself than the more subdued behavior he will fall in at church.

A lot of WORSHIPPERS Among the white Flower are discontent with his status in the sect despite his way of living. they see his fashion and hair color as the sign of preference they are, however, since GooNG Moonhwan accepts his transgressions, they don't dare to speak their mind. Jihan's status as their leaders' only son grants him privileges at odds with their dogma and Imji is way more liked within the might than within his cult.

When he has a dopamine or adrenaline rush, he can get carried away by his admiration, Gushing 'DUDE, that's awesome!' or cursing out an enemy in a decidedly unspiritual way. what can get him worked up the most is himself, Imji can get frustrated about his lack of drawing progress and it will unleash an impatient, WHINY side of him. EVEN Worse ARe close calls in combat for people he reminds himself to detach from the most.

He's Unphased in the face of cruelty, horror and death, he doesn’t even realize this and instead believes that he accepts those as a natural occurence in the world. But whether it was the detachment rules or his innate nature has no compassion for the plights of strangers, even though he has no bad will, either. he will help them towards the ressources they need, maybe send a cult member for recruit after them but it won’t affect his emotions. However, when it comes to people he (Secretly, without realizing) cares about, he won’t stop until they are safe.

although he knows it makes people grieve, opening his heart to mourning wouldn't change a thing about the situation and so imji deems it as pointless. He thinks he'd feel the same about someone close to him biting the bullet, though in this scenario it would be frozen grief, not true detachment. Because Imji doesn't know himself as well as he thinks he does. For all his mental mantras about detachment, he doesn't know how fond he grew of his close friends. Will he betray them when push comes to the shove? Imji has no doubts.. Will it hurt him emotionally? He thinks he’d get over it quickly but it’s safe to say that he won’t.



Likes he won't admit to
⋄ hawaiian shirts
⋄ THE color orange, especially on his hair
⋄ Bright colors in general
⋄ Things that are Laidback, easygoing - Imji appreciates the people who live that way, the environments who foster those sentiments and the aesthetics of it. This is the reason why he keeps wearing either tropical or ridiculous things, he doesn't take himself too seriously and he likes vacation vibes
⋄ his little fiat 500 from 2008 that is entirely red - his car is his baby, he loves driving and he's always happy to give someone a ride. The interior is usually a bit messy, you can find things like two pullovers and a half-empty bag of chips in the back.
⋄ 80s music, especially Boney M and Abba - they sounds so Groovy and happy, just perfect for having a good time
⋄ He likes scented candles and room fragrances so his whole apartment smells like boogey tropical breeze.

Dislikes he won't admit to
⋄ Drawing - he is getting mandatory lessons from the program but so far, there is little progress. Imji just feels frustrated, he used to be so good at it but now his skills are entirely gone and he can't even visualize what he's going to draw.
⋄ Being in Danger/himself Dying (also for his friends, even if he doesn't ever admit it to himself)  - it shouldn't phase him according to his values but Imji likes being alive, thank you very much
⋄ Rules and regulations - the might can be so boring when you just do whatever you're supposed to do without having any fun on the side
⋄ the hustle culture - imji feels like it makes people sadder
⋄ Working out - he knows it's good for his survival but why is the gym such a horrid place?
⋄ Rigidity, things that have to be done a certain way without leaving space for improvision - it's not fun to have everything planned out like that



⋄ Doodling tiny creatures which he'll carry around like pets. He will also create monsters that can help him with difficult tasks like opening a bottle or changing his tires
⋄ never leaves leftovers, eats apples with cores, bites on plastic cutlery until he breaks it after a meal
⋄ HIS default expression is a droopy, slightly absent-minded smile. He looks like he's stoned but that's just his state of contentment
⋄ Imji also has a specific wolfish grin for situations that give him an adrenaline rush

⋄ Praying, mindful meditation - it's not something that he actually likes but it's something he should do and he holds it in high enough regard to honor his obligations
⋄ Socialising - Imji is extremely extroverted to the point he easily gets bored when he is required to be alone. He spends a lot of time with friends and also likes chatting with strangers, just to get to know someone.
⋄ Driving around in the coolest car in town, blasting ABBA the ARrival from the tinny speakers
⋄ Visiting new bars, cafes, boba tea shops, thrift stores, food stalls, sometimes even clubs or have Beer pong, movie, dinner nights with friends, often at their place
⋄ Drawing little Monsters and guide them to where his friends are, either to play pranks, to annoy them or to make them laugh at inopportune moments

⋄ Imji never had a girlfriend and despite frequently going to bars and sometimes even clubs, he doesn't have much experience with the opposite . He is secretly a closeted romantic but knows he cannot date outside the cult and so far he never seriously  pursueD someone when there was no hope for a happy end.
⋄ Before his powers, Imji was great at drawinG, especially portraits. Some of his works are still hanging on the walls of his shared apartment.
⋄ He is a lightweight and sticks to beer. Hard alcohol will just make him sleepy.
⋄ Imji knows how to fish.
⋄ Imji can recognize every pokemon in existence.
⋄ Imji doesn't believe in zodiac signs, superstitions, the occult or anything else that goes against his confession.
⋄ For someone who was never in the medical field, Imji knows a lot about the workings of a human body.
⋄ He is a very bad cook but willing to wash the dishes of whoever includes him when making dinner.
⋄ His vision is 20/20.
⋄ He can play the saxophone.
⋄ People in the might think he has the money for the rent and car because he worked as a waiter and later bartender during and after high school. The money is not a big sum anyways, the apartment is cheap and the car second-hand and made in 2008 so his alibi checks out. It's one of the rare lies that he tells, in reality his dad gives him a small monthly allowance.
⋄ Imji doesn't have a job and he doesn't go to university. He does whatever he wants all day and keeps busy enough.
⋄ He's quite good at mixing drinks even though he stays away from hard alcohol himself.
⋄ He never mentions that he's part of a church and doesn't talk about religion in general, unless he has specific plans of recruitment.

⋄ WHAT THE ! THIS SHOULD                     BE A DOG! A DOG! *points at the headless torso with 5 legs which are arranged in a row*
Aww, , MAN!
WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS LOOKS LIKE? *points at a unidentifiable creation*
You're the egg to my bacon, the salt to my pepper, the dip to my nachos! Yoo, what would I be doing without you?
wait, That guy was a villain? we vibed so well during our convo...


power explanation 

meaning of name: His first monster was created from a small, 2cm tall sketch of a smiley face with arms and legs. It turned into a human-sized yellow something with the consistency of an eyeball on physically impossibly skinny legs and arms. Someone muttered ‘this looks like it came straight out of hell’ and such the name hellraiser was born. Imji thought the name was neat until he visited home and noticed how pissed his dad was about the moinker - no follower of the white Flower should be associated with the unholy hell. at that point it was too late, everyone had already gotten used to hellraiser and it would have looked weird if imji tried to suddenly change the name after voicing his approval.

— He had two intentions that ranked about the same on his list of priorities: the ‘official’ one: infiltrate the might on behalf of the white flower. Gain powers that could be useful for their expansion and political advancements, gain insights into the Korean government, potential allies and threats to look out for. The second one? just Having powers. Because powers are pretty cool, he’s not gonna lie, and Imji was curious about what he could do, given the chance.

—gain secret information on the plans of the might and the Korean government as a whole, seize power, build alliances for the white flower, find out the weak points of the organisation.

power: To create monsters from drawings

— hellraiser has the ability to raise monsters by drawing them on any surface. If he doesn’t have any pens on him, he can use blood or other liquid but obviously his artwork would be imprecise and the monster weaker.

Unfortunately Hellraiser at drawing so his creations rarely look like he envisioned them. As soon as he finished the piece, His drawings step out of the surface and then often expand. Their height is miraculously usually around what he wants them to be, same for the colours more often than not but the anatomy is unfortunately exact like his sketches. His monsters don’t have voice boxes so they can’t speak or scream. 
— In theory he can draw anything living, including humans and animals. But no matter how hard he tries, they don’t look like the real deal. In the dark while wearing baggy clothes, you might confuse them for a human but in light it’s totally obvious that the skin texture and every feature is very much off. 
— His stats are not an accurate representation of his skills because his skills highly depend on
a) how much time he had to prepare
b) what he can come up with for that particular situation
3) luck, since some monsters turn out better than others.
His intelligence would be higher (70) if only street smarts were considered and lower (50) if it's about academics. For street smarts, he's great at gauging short-term consequences but might fail to see the long run (example: when he approved of his name).
His best monsters can max out the power and speed skill bar, his worsts do nothing.
— Give him two hours and a web browser to come up with something and he’ll create the OG dragon demigargoyle king with one hundred eyes, horns, muscles, tentacles, a thick shell, three mouths with sharp teeth, claws, etc. Give him 5 seconds and he’ll most likely create a stick dog that will be useless. 
— His mind is connected to the monsters and this is how he guides them. Basically, he lies in a ditch somewhere but controls his monsters remote, like in a VR game (he does feel their exhaustion, their wounds and their other sensations (for example, metallic taste in his mouth when a monster bites someone) but his own body isn’t wounded. At the same time, he also feels himself lying, being cold, hungry, etc wherever he is. The feelings are superimposed and overall it can be a stressful environment. He can only control one monster at a time (even when drawing and unleashing multiple ones) but he can switch control in between them, as long as they are near each other.
— When he’s not in control of monsters with his mind, they basically act like stray animals, doing whatever they want, just prancing around the street and eating trash. Some of them can act a little like pets too, interacting with curious people, almost always in a non-aggressive matter, but there are exceptions if provoked. However, they can’t be trained and don’t listen to commands. They’ll disintegrate after a few hours.

— His big weakness is his lack of drawing talent due to his aphantasia. Sometimes his birds’ wings are too small to fly, his spider-monsters legs too thin and fragile, his humongous demon desintegrates sooner than he expected. He creates something that should be faster than anything else and it turns out to have differently-long legs and is only able to limp slowly forwards.
— Unless he has enough time for preparation and he can come up with multiple monsters until one is satisfactory, Hellraiser’s skills are a mixed bag. His technique is bad, he doesn’t like to create the same thing over and over again so he constantly has to get used to navigating and fighting in a different body.
— Hellraiser cannot disintegrate his monsters at will.

side effect(s)
— His side effect is that he has aphantasia ever since he got his powers. That means he cannot visualize objects in his mind that well, he isn’t sure about their exact shapes and colors. He cannot give accurate visual descriptions of anything and of course, he cannot draw things that he can’t visualize.

secret keeper(s)
— HIS FATHER, The real, 777, maybe other applicants? [it depends on which secret; no one knows he's in a cULT but these people here know about his aphantasia and about his real name. He doesn't really hide those facts]



♡ love interest

I'd be happy to read a romantic relationship between him and Someone, maybe another applicant. It might end badly, with him betraying her trust even if he has deep feelings.
If you decide that he has a secret crush, I'd LOVE if Imji has portraits he drew of that person in his room and feels melancholic about being unable to picture her face anymore.

But I'm also good if you think that romance is not the best path for this character (if he gets chosen). I trust you to make decisions you deem best :D

☆ weird mentor dynamics with 777
Imji respects 777 a lot but his father told him to stay away and Imji thinks it's for the better. He feels oddly young in the presence of his superior, as if he was still a pre-teen that feels the need to impress someone he looks up to. 777 seems perceptive in a subtle way and it makes Imji a little fidgety about keeping his secret from the might's leader. Since chiwon and Yoo are best friends, 777 often hangs out with them which makes imji a little uneasy. He isn't sure if 777 has picked up on the uneasiness or not.

☆ 'very close FRIENDS' / Roommates with the real / YOO
Imji might have been only part of the program for a year but this was all it took to start a deep friendship with Yoo. Or, a deep friendship according to yoo, as Imji tells himself he just enjoys the presence, he's not becoming attached to yoo himself (but who is he kidding, Imji likes him a lot).
Yoo is the cleaner one of them but Imji does his best to contain the mess to his room and do equally as much as yoo in the living spaces. Imji will do more of the organisation and administrative tasks, pay the bills, update their calendars and take care of yoo when he has bad days. They often let friends crash at their little apartment, organize movie and cooking nights and just generally have open doors for their friends and loved ones.
[Their apartment can be located at hq or somewhere nearby, whatever works best for you]
Living with Yoo is actually a good cover for his visits to the cult's headquarters, as bad as it sounds. If Imji tells yoo that they'd spend the last evening together, yoo will believe his amnesia to be the cause that he can't remember. Despite the betrayal, Imji helps yoo in a lot of ways to jog up his memory, quizzing him on things, leaving sticky notes for him, explaining stuff to him. He knows from a glance when his friend is having an episode and does his best to help in a neutral, not too fussy way that yoo appreciates.
Overall, they seem to have a similar mental age, bond over their side effets  and show overlap in hobbies (the gym not being one of them). Both have an happy disposition, enjoy banter and the joy of having each other around.
Imji doesn't prod him about his real name. Deep down a part of him knows it's better for Yoo if he's unaware of it.

☆ father/SON with goong munhwan
57 years old, face claim: Cha Seungwon
Jihan knows that he is the only one who truly knows how much his father loves him. People expect an adopted child to receive less love from their parents, moreso if the parent in question is a ruthless cult leader. But if there is one thing that goong munhwan might like more than the white flower, it would be his son, Jihan. No matter how many principles he breaks, Jihan is excused.
Jihan has heard from fellow members that his father's lenience towards him makes them weak and this is the reason he strives to be a better member of the lotus. He doesn't have the strongest faith but he is filial and he wants his father to obtain his goals.

format this however you'd like. make sure to add how they're connected, full name, face claim if needed, hero/villain name if needed, and their interactions

format this however you'd like. make sure to add how they're connected, full name, face claim if needed, hero/villain name if needed, and their interactions




— IMJI - EVEryone in the might calls him this way. Imji doesn't know how it started, maybe his name was too common but within a few weeks of joining the program, he was unilaterally known as IMJi.
— CARROT, PUMPKIN, ORANGE,  traffic CONE - nicknames given to him by his best friend Yoo. Imji calls him Big Buff, big bad, big brain, big boy, anything with big and another syllable starting with B.
Birthdate  09091998

birth place  Seoul, South Korea

home town  Seoul, South Korea


Gender  MALE


— Korean - native;
— English - Basic/conversational,  learning the international language  was important for his dad so it was one of his subjects at the private school, He never excelled at it.



power (70%)


speed (60%)


technique (10%)


intelligence (60%)


cooperativeness (55%)


colour palette.





[!] visuals


height: in 171cm
weight: in 58kg

— A SHORT noodle (Fussili?) with chicken legs and a mop of safety-orange DYED hair. HIS FACE is LONG, HIS BROWS PRONOUNCED AND HIS SKIN PALE. NEGATIVE MUSCLE DEFINITION AND eye crinkles when he smiles. Doesn't have any piercings or tattoos. OVERALL HE gives off an approachable impression, average attractiveness.

[I know His face claim is too good-looking for this description but let's pretend]

everyday style
— IMJI's style is tropical. IT doesn't matter that he never actually lived in a tropical country, he loves his hawaiian shirts and the beach shorts. As his hair shows, imji is a fan of saturated colors, rich shades of red, AMBER, RUST, KELLY GREEN and Turquoise. He favors warm tones but his wardrobe shows a good amount of both. Imji likes to have the first few buttons of his shirts undone and his footwear of choice are flipflops or sandals.

Imji is also quite fond of accessoirising, he often ADDS a fanny pack around his hips or sometimes slung vertically over his torso. Sometimes he replaces that with a small purse that is secured by a snap hook on his belt loop. His neck and wrists are adorned by WOODEN beads, occasionally also pendants or semi-precious stones on a band of leather or even those thin, long scarves which are strictly for decorative purposes. On SUNNY DAYS IMJI will pull out his yellow-tinted aviator glasses on a beaded chain.

Imji doesn't easily get cold so he only slightly adjusts his style for the colder months. You'll find a (likely gratingLY colourED) turtleneck underneath his hawaiian shirts and a pair of corduroy PANTS instead of shorts. He'll also wear thick wool socks with individual toes with his sandals.

People often think that he's gay based on his clothing style and music preferences and some even suspect he's dating the real. He doesn't mind as long they don't try to push the idea on him, Imji is just true to himself without trying to appear masculine or fitting into preconceived standards.

training style
— HIS training outfit is not much different from his everyday wear since he basically just needs to lay on the ground while navigating his monsters through his mind. IF he is asked to go to the gym, Imji will change his flip flops for sneakers.

— IT was supposed to be a joke. Imji was in the weird stage of mind between drunk and hangover when he had AN appointment of discussinG costumeS with A designer. amused by her gradually deepening frown, he added more and more ridiculous to his COSTUME. HE thought there would be a follow up but found out that his choices were final when his finished costume was presented to him. Shocked by how ugly it turned out, IMJI tried to get it remade but was told there weren't enough funds [Which is a lie but hq didn't feel like ENabling  his stupid whims]

IT is a TIGHT FULL-BODY SUIT SIMILAR TO THOSE OF A RACECAR DRIVER made out of a TRAUMA-ABSOrbing, protective material COLORED IN A YElloW-ORANGE-PURPLE ERDL PATTERN. RED ZIG-ZAG LINES DECOrate the seams. The steel-reinforced knee and elbow pads have pink hearts drawn on them and apparently there is a simpson quote in morse code on his back. Secured on his hips lays a deep brown fanny pack with his pens. a ROUNDED, firetruck-red BIKE helmet protects his head. OVERALL HE looks like a cartoon match stick. At least they opted out of the glitter.

[!] the end

password: 042019
— Cult ideology is based on the self-development book 'The untethered soul' by Michael A. Singer. I thought it would be a cool concept for a sect.
— Songs that fit this character other than the one played are 'Don't leave me this way' by the communards and 'Sunny' by Boney M. just very 70/80 vibes.
— I don't want him to be painted as a victim of the cult who never had any agency. He knows what he's doing, he doesn't live with religious guilt despite breaking rules on the regular (although that's gaslighting) but at the same time he is enforcing those rules on cult members with lower standing. He might not be the leader but he holds power.
My motivation was to create a character that is evil, fights for the good ones  and is still likable/a little funny. Feel free to do anything you want with him - he can get better, or worse or even die by the end. Take the reigns!

— Another hero/applicant who is talented at drawing is his mandated art teacher or he actually gets drawing lessons from a villain without knowing
— Him trying to recruit someone susceptible and naive who might be going through personal hardships for his church.
— Someone finding out about him being in the cult and giving him an ultimatum to come clean to 777 or abandoning the cult  because IMji made them believe he is brainwashed to stall time.
The real finding out about his cult and them having a emotional conversation/fight about it, then Imji thinks of a plan on how to deal with the situation (leaving the might? betraying and imprisoning The real?) but just as he plans to execute it, he realizes that the real had lost his memory once again.




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hello, and thank you so much for applying! no because the way I’ve been obsessing over jihan for DAYS until I finally had the chance to fully write his review and teaser. I love the whole concept, and I told you this before. but actually getting to read about him fully was so much more satisfying than I even thought. the nicknames exchanged between jihan and yooshik are so fun, and I will be using them every opportunity I can.

pffft, the 10% on his technique stat was so real. I was stunned when I read AVERAGE attractiveness, but I will indeed pretend donghan is not actually gorgeous lol. I– the turtleneck underneath the hawaiian shirt. I can’t deal with this guy. wait, no because the dating rumors between hellraiser and the real! jihan is actually so humorous without even trying, I love it. can I also add in here that you are very descriptive and creative. because a lot of people pulled their character’s style/costume concepts and ideas from pictures (which is great as well), but you went fully in and gave jihan the actual worst thing to ever exist. I’m in love with his costume though, and I love that I imagined it completely from your description!

nah, cause why am I sitting here nodding to their cult ideals. it sounds pretty good to me, not gonna lie. where can I sign up? and his father was so willing to allow his son to stray from the cult too… seriously, the white flower doesn’t sound too bad. I love that jihan chose for himself to commit himself to the cult.

ugh, I love hypocritical characters! they’re very fun to write about. yikes, him making sure he doesn’t get too attached to people while they’re probably thinking they’re close friends with him. and he’s just generally a likable person, so I’m sure he gets a lot of people trying to be his friend. oof, jihan, denial is just a river in egypt to you. one of my favorite parts of his personality is that he gets whiny because of his lack of drawing abilities. it just makes me think of scenes, when he’s probably truly needed, sitting there frustrated while the other heroes are in the background just struggling.

jihan walking around headquarters with his little doodle creatures just makes me want to write for him even more. he has so much personality and character for someone who really isn’t supposed to! it’s even better that his specific power relies on how much preparation he’s given. it’s good because they wouldn’t be able to just throw him into anything, and I actually enjoy that aspect of jihan’s involvement in the might. but then, all the possibilities of things going wrong when they DO just throw him into action, hoping for the best.

I mean, I actually don’t know if it’s obvious enough, but I’m in love with this character. jihan will provide so much for this story in terms of cult drama, friendship, humor, and growth as a hero and as a person. I really appreciated the attention to detail. for someone who gave their character aphantasia, you are insanely good at making me understand everything you’ve written and fully picture how jihan would fit into this story. of course, he’s accepted. and he’s also in the newest teaser! thank you so much again for applying! ♡