Le china town!

NToday I we into chinatown with my sis and my dad. My sis and I raided every store there. I spent about £35 there ^_^' I bought; 5 pockys, a domo notepad, cat ears for a party coming up, korean cute stickers, pikachu stickers, korean stationary, a totoro ring, a calligraphy pen and a snazy bag. Good thing I had my allowence early, huh? ;) unfortunately I couldnt find a Super Junior M D': the only music I found was some classical piano by some Han guy. If im being honest thats the only thing we did there XD I wish there was a big korea town nearby. There is one in the very south of London but theres not very much there, but I know there is a kareoke bar so one day I will spend a night singing head off and drinking the night away XD want to join? :p


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I WANT TO JOINNN T____T You are so lucky!! I wish I could go to a place like that xD