Scenarios: Soohyun: You two had a fight, and he feels bad and wants to make it up to you


Soohyun: You two had a fight, and he feels bad and wants to make it up to you

“Well, if it weren’t for you and your job, this wouldn’t even have started!”

You and Soohyun were at it again, arguing over your career. You were a professional model and you get paired with lots of male models, but Soohyun doesn’t seem to understand that it’s for work and nothing else. He’d always get jealous and start a fight over something as simple as a smile from another man.

You went to your side of the bed and tucked the blanket around you. “Soohyun, can we not do this right now? I’ve got a shoot tomorrow and I have to wake up early.”

“Fine,” he sneered and walked to the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

You sighed and turned off the lamp beside you and lay down. ‘Fine.’ Every argument often ended with that one word, and you hated it when it did.

For all you know, you did nothing wrong. A male colleague of yours happened to ask you out in front of Soohyun, but you declined. He stayed cool throughout the day, but when you went home he exploded and went off on you about ‘setting boundaries’ with your acquaintances. You felt that you were being suffocated but you knew he was just being protective.

A couple of hours passed. You waited for Soohyun to come out so you could talk about this, but he took too long and you fell asleep. He went out of the bathroom, saw that you were sleeping and he slid in beside you.

He put an arm around your waist and pulled you closer. “______-ah, are you still awake?”

Your eyes fluttered open at the sudden touch and your shoulders tensed up against his chest. “Soohyun?”

Soohyun nuzzled his nose against the curve of your neck. “I’m sorry for what I said a while ago. I wasn’t thinking straight and I… I didn’t mean it.”

He kept on apologizing and when you couldn’t take it anymore, you patted his arm and whispered, “It’s okay. Go to sleep.”

Apparently, he thought that you weren’t going to talk to him anytime soon, so he sighed and turned to the other side. You suddenly missed the warmth of his body against yours and you had to stifle the urge to roll over and snuggle into his back.

When you woke up the next morning, the scent of fried rice wafted into the room. Soohyun must be cooking breakfast. You washed up, went outside and sat at the breakfast table. Soohyun was so absorbed in his work that he didn’t even notice you.

“Why are you cooking breakfast?” you suddenly blurted out, and Soohyun dropped a fork at the sound of your voice. Your eyes widened at the tone of your voice; you didn’t mean it to sound so sharp.

“I’m… I…,” he trailed off, not facing you. He seemed to be afraid of what you would say next so he stayed quiet.

You stood up silently and got two plates, then started putting food on both. Soohyun was standing stock still, looking at you through his peripheral vision. To his surprise, you tiptoed up and kissed his cheek. You went back to the table and he followed you.

“Aren’t you angry at me?” he asked curiously in a quiet voice.

You shook your head and pouted. “You were the one who was angry, not me.”

“I’m sorry,” he said again. You sighed and Soohyun flinched.

“Promise me we’ll not fight about this anymore.”

“I… promise,” Soohyun mumbled hesitantly. You knew Soohyun can’t help being jealous, but the promise was good enough. You knew he’d try not to do it again. You nodded and smiled at him, and he at you.

You ended up cancelling the shoot and spent the rest of the day with Soohyun, at his request. He did everything he could do to make it up to you and you couldn’t help but smile at the effort he gave.

Soohyun had his arms around you, gazing into your eyes. You were on the bed, tangled in the unmade sheets. “I love you,” he said after a long day of going around Seoul.

You pressed your ear to his chest, listening to his heartbeat. “I love you, too.”

Written by: Esther


--- waaaaahhhh...i foound this on tumblr..i was like ...asdfjklasdjkljfyweiwujfewds...i just wanted to i put it on a blog since i did't write this..XD this is for soohyun lovers out there..XD


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