Ultra annoyed face

Hey, The last few days has been awful. Ive been stuk at the house revising. Believe me, it gets worse. Ive been revising chemistry -,- I love biology and physics n'all but chemistry is the most confusing thing ever! If you are in the UK then you'll know about triple science. Yh... Im doing that. To be honest I really shouldn't of done that because I dont want to do anything sciencey for my career and by doing it for a GCSE ive created more work for myself =_= -facepalm- Ah well... so tomorrow im going tp on a day trip to London! And our family being oriental obessed, we're going to Chinatown :D so imma be grabbing my money and going crazy in the stores. Hopefully i'll find a shop which sells CDs and i'll try and buy some Super Junior M albums! I'm probably getting ahead of myself but Im super excited! This blog hasnt been particularly funny but im tired and im not when ive been revising chemistry about two days D: Anywho, see you soon! <3


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Triple science? ARE YOU INSANE??? And if you get a suju m cd....get one for me too, eh? ;D hahaha I hope you have fun on your trip to London ^^