Cherry://Lactic ミ☆ Bright:// (under construction)


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birthname Lee Taehwi
other name none
birthdate 21092000
birthplace Gunsan, South Korea
hometown Daejeon, South Korea
ethnicity Korean
nationality Korean

faceclaim Son Youngjae (Eric of The Boyz)
backup Bae Jingyoung (CIX)
height & weight 178cm and 57kg



△ Bright - he uses his stagename as a nickname, as Hwi means bright in Korean


△ Korean - fluent, native language

△ English - basic, learned in school


lee taehwi://이태휘

APPEARANCE Taehwi currently stands at 178cm and weighs in at 57kg. At 21 years old, he's pretty much done growing, but he's currently enjoying working out and getting slightly bulkier. He knows he has a bit of a baby face, so he attempts to remain as emotionless and 'mature' looking as he can. He has a couple of small acne scars, but his acne has mostly cleared up as he's gotten older. He also has a small scar on the inside of his left elbow from an accident as kid when he broke his arm.

FASHION STYLE Taehwi prefers monochromatic outfits, but he does have a couple of pieces of color. He likes to wear a lot of black because he thinks it makes him look more manly. He likes to be very high fashion and does not like looking lazily or slobish. He has each ear pierced once, and he prefers black or silver jewelry.


Hogwarts house: Slytherin

(+): Independent, Rational, Confident, Perceptive
(0): Practical, Relaxed, Private
(-): Cocky, Stubborn, Insensitive, Aloof

Independent and Confident
Taehwi is one of those peoplewho isn't afraid to do his own thing. He knows what he needs to do, and he does it without questioning anything. He's confident in himself, both as a person and an idol, and often leans on his own self confidence where others might lean more into their peers.

Rational, Practical and Stubborn
Taehwi is a critical thinker and he always listens to what the facts are telling him. Being rational helps him keep a level head, and he's not easy to rile up or put down. His practicality often helps him make split second decisions, and once he's decided something, there's no going back for him. He can, and will, dig his feet in if he thinks someone is trying to change his mind or his choice on a matter.

Perceptive and Private
Taehwi is a person who absorbs knowledge from everything around him. He's very perceptive and often files things away for usage at a different time. He's also extremely reserved and private. He doesn't like people knowing his secrets, and will intentionally let certain things be known to distract from whatever private subject is being discussed. Slight of hand, but mentally speaking.

Relaxed and Cocky
Taehwi carries himself with an air of relaxation. It's hard to rile him up, and even harder to upset him. He's naturally comfortable in his own skin and isn't afraid of who he is. Because of this, he can come off a bit cocky when discussing himself. He loves to be praised and will always take more compliments to inflate his ego and self confidence even more than it already is.

Insensitive and Aloof
Though Taehwi is perceptive, and often knows when he's upset someone, he really couldn't care less about it. He's definitelynot a people person, and can actually be pretty cold when he wants to be. He's often seen and accused of being insensitive and aloof, and he makes no effort to try and be otherwise. He believes people will either like him if they want to, or they won't. There's no reason in putting in effort to try and change people's minds.

background Taehwi was born in Gunsan, South Korea, on September 21, 2000. His father was a professor at Howon University in the Cultural & Social Sciences Lab, and his mother was a chef and baker. As an only child, his parents worked a lot, and he was often be left with his homemaker aunt and her three children. In 2004, his father was offered a position with the Cultural Heritage Administration in Daejeon, effectively uprooting the small family and moving them to the fifth largest metropolis in all of South Korea.

Taehwi did well enough in school when he started, though he never showed much interest in his studies. He was a typical boy growing up, spending time with those he chose to call friends and often engaging in a game of soccer or basketball to will the time away. In 2010, his father was placed on a team in charge of a few restoration pieces for Gwanghwamun in Seoul, and his father took him on the trip to the capital city for exploration and understanding of what work needed to be done. It was the first time he was really exposed to the vastness of all that could be.

Their hotel was located in Hongdae, and every evening Taehwi was drawn in by the street performers who showed off skills he'd never even dreamed about having. By the time their week long trip completed, and they returned back to Daejeon, Taehwi had decided music was what he wanted to do. At ten, he was a little old to start learning an instrument, but he begged his parents to let him learn the piano. He struggled with it at first, but with hard work, music became his best friend.

When he was twelve, he started taking dance classes. His years of playing sports and building stamina equipped him for the straneous activity that came with dancing, and he showed almost immediate results. He took classical dance as well as hip hop, as well as starting vocal lessons. By fourteen, he was very vocal about wanting to persue music as a career. He started making plans with his parents for trips to Seoul to audition for companies, but his parents made him wait until he was fifteen.

It took six trips to Seoul and over ten auditions and call backs for him to be acccepted as a trainee at KQ Entertainment. He was sixteen when he moved to Seoul to be a trainee. He was enrolled in Lila Art High School in 2016 with a major in vocal applied music. He graduated in 2018. He chose not to take his ESATs in favor of focusing on his dream to debut.

☆ Likes
♔ min 5
♔ min 5
♔ min 5
♔ min 5
♔ min 5

☆ Dislikes
♕ min 5
♕ min 5
♕ min 5
♕ min 5
♕ min 5

☆ Fears
♖ min 3
♖ min 3
♖ min 3

☆ Habits
♗ min 5
♗ min 5
♗ min 5
♗ min 5
♗ min 5

☆ Hobbies
♘ min 3
♘ min 3
♘ min 3

☆ Special talents
♙ min 3
♙ min 3
♙ min 3

☆ Trivia
♢ Unlimited
♢ Unlimited
♢ Unlimited
♢ Unlimited
♢ Unlimited

☆ e ___ says!
♤ "optional and unlimited"
♤ "optional and unlimited"
♤ "optional and unlimited"



- Name :: relationship / age / occupation / personality / closeness (fc)


kim sookyung / lua

backup Park Chaewon / Go Won
birthdate 06102000


personality Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nunc leo, tristique non facilisis vel, semper ac dui. Aliquam quis odio lorem. Suspendisse tempor fermentum elit, id laoreet diam. Quisque finibus nec ipsum vel malesuada.

FIRST MEETING Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nunc leo, tristique non facilisis vel, semper ac dui. Aliquam quis odio lorem. Suspendisse tempor fermentum elit, id laoreet diam. Quisque finibus nec ipsum vel malesuada.

DEVELOPMENT Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nunc leo, tristique non facilisis vel, semper ac dui. Aliquam quis odio lorem. Suspendisse tempor fermentum elit, id laoreet diam. Quisque finibus nec ipsum vel malesuada.

INTERACTIONS Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nunc leo, tristique non facilisis vel, semper ac dui. Aliquam quis odio lorem. Suspendisse tempor fermentum elit, id laoreet diam. Quisque finibus nec ipsum vel malesuada.

ENDING How do you want this story to end?



PLOTLINE + POSITION Baby Cherry + Main Rapper, Maknae, Vocalist, Lead Dancer


Vocal: I.M (Monsta X)
Dance: Dino (Seventeen)
Rap: I.M (Monsta X)

TRAINEE YEARS 3 years within KQ (open audition)

trainee life

Taehwi joined KQ in 2016 while he was still in high school and it took him about 3 months to adjust to trainee life of school all day, train all night. Thankfully, due to his nature and personality, it wasn't extremely hard for him to adjust to the lack of socialization. If anything, it was the sudden lack of personal space and sleep that kept him from adjusting. Once adjusted, he did well in training. He applied and was accepted to Produce x 101 in 2019. Though he did not make the final lineup, he believes the experience was well worth the effort he made. He graduated from high school only a few months before Produce x 101. He did not take his ESATs. After Produce x 101, he spent his time focused on preparing for Cherry://Lactic's debut.


Unknown prior to going on Produce x 101. Ended in position 17, narrowly missing the final lineup.


Solo mixtape (s)


After debut, Taehwi took an interest in writing and producing music. He puts this to use not only on his mixtapes and Cherry://Lactic's albums, but also for ATEEZ and Block B Bastardz, as well as others outside KQ. He's seen on variety shows as needed with the group, but doesn't look for it outside of those times. He is considering acting, but hasn't decided yet. He becomes brand ambassador for Gentle Monster (fashion brand) in 2020.


Dispatch: BRIGHT caught outside dorm with Masked Woman - January 2021


last words Thank you for applying ily

scene requests/suggestions Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nunc leo, tristique non facilisis vel, semper ac dui. Aliquam quis odio lorem. Suspendisse tempor fermentum elit, id laoreet diam. Quisque finibus nec ipsum vel malesuada.

PASSWORD Make A Wish (Birthday Song)



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