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𝓂𝓎 𝓈𝒶𝓃𝒸𝓉𝓊𝒶𝓇𝓎。
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NAME 葉月 めい hazuki mei.
PUNK mei doesn't have the best of personalities, everyone can see that. most people use this with a negative connotation though.
MEIYA she doesn't have many nicknames, one because of her lack of friends and two because of  her short name, however seomgyu has took a liking to calling her both mei-ya and little punk.
BIRTHDATE february 26.
BIRTHPLACE tokyo, japan.
HOMETOWN tokyo, japan, then seoul, south korea.
JAPANESE fluent, mother tongue.
KOREAN advanced, didn't struggle much when learning it and has managed to be able to read, write and speak the language pretty quickly.
ENGLISH advanced, mei has always had an easy time when it came to learning languages. learned it throughout her school years, she's fluent enough to help others when studying it.
MAJOR spatial design.
OCCUPATION english or japanese private tutor for students, cashier.
FACECLAIM billlie fukutomi tsuki.
BACKUP bugaboo ogura yuuna.
PRONOUNS she her.
choleric dominant
enneagram 3w4
#blunt #observant #charismatic #moody #critical #stubborn #impatient #decisive #insensitive #hardworking #outspoken #abrasive #ambitious #competitive #caring
often compared to an angry cat, she is as temperamental as she is passionate and motivated, mei is far from your all rainbows-and-flowers type of girl. if she was to be a character in a teen novel then she would be the foul-mouthed and over confident rival of the beloved main character — though to be honest, she's far more complex to just fit on that description alone. it might seem as if for her, everyone is a rival, which in a way it's true — competitive by nature, she must always come on top. it's about winning and winning and  surprassing the standards set by everyone, herself and others.
she's rude and confrontational, yes, having no shame in yelling at strangers when pissed. the nightmare child with a fairy-like appearance, it seems she never grew up from the cold and distant phase some people go through. truth is she has gotten used to being that way, shaping herself in the form of an intimidating facade, unbreakable air of confidence which usually comes off as arrogance. she had been stripped from her home and placed somewhere else when she was just about to start high school, it simply was how mei dealed with all these changes and in the end, ended up shaping her personality for her adult years.
it's true than mei's personality leaves a many asking for something better, not all is bad with her. it's only that a few selected get to view it, a softer side that while not being explicit it's there. silently handing you a your favorite treat to cheer you up, in silence she stares and looks from the sidelines to make sure those she holds dear are doing well — she knows her personality is far from pleasant, which is why when around family or friends her eyes become softer, little reactions such as giving out quick hugs are the baby steps she takes to become more open with her emotions. because these people care about her enough to stick around, it's only fair if she holds them as dear as they do.
hazu__kiss                            ⋯
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hazu__kiss 🌸
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5 days ago
born in tokyo as the only child of newlyweds ejiri hanami and hazuki oosuke, the couple's life together didn't last long, as they divorved when mei was around the age of 3. with her mother keeping custody, the two adults didn't end things in bad terms and had healthy communication so both could be part of little mei's life, as her parents were in good terms and her mother allowed her to see her dad whenever she liked. so growing up she had a good relationship with him, having a surprisingly average childhood for someone with a personality like hers. the reason? because when she was young she was like any other kid, annoying and loud, it wasn't until she was a freshman at highschool, meaning 14 years old, that she became the punk she is today.
after their divorce her parents each built their own life,  oosuke ending up re-marrying and giving mei a step-sister, while hanami met a korean man named kwon myungji who had been working on a real state company in japan. after dating for a couple of years the pair married, at 12 years old mei had now a step dad whom she didn't hate as myungji was actually pretty great, however that didn't mean she was okay when her mom said they would be moving with him to south korea. and yes, you've guessed it, it happened just as the girl was about to start her freshman year.
now when she arrived in south korea mei was nothing but a child, of course she had cliché thoughts of how maybe she will get bullied in her new school for x reason or someone will pick on her for y reason and was not having any of that. instead she built an intimidating front, leading her to shape her personality around it and becoming the girl she is today. of course this led to mei not making any friends during her school years, how would she? she was nothing but a rude girl who came to the country and was everything but nice. thus her high school years ended in loneliness.
being a foodstagrammer was like a wall she started to build, portraying her life as great, with enough friends and a lovely smile, far different from reality. it first started with pictures of herself, uploading random pictures to then evolve into showing off pastries her mom would make and she would caption it "a great host aren't i? <3" or something of the sorts. her classmates would see her, if they found her socials, and see mei living her best life, she was unbeatable to them. such wall carried on now to her university years, for what it seems like, as it has nothing to do with her major, spatial design (she has always had an interest for interior design, she likes making places pretty), but more with showing her now classmates how she's doing great, it doesn't matter if they find her a pain to deal with, the worst, because mei always ends up winning: she's living her best life.
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hazu__kiss brought this new cardigan today
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October 25
EJIRI HANAMI is mei's mother, a professional baker and owner of a rather successful bakery: me i. understanding and patient, well aware of her daughter's personality, part of hanami blames herself for how mei turned out, thinking that she lacked something while raising her or perhaps she had done something wrong. nonetheless she looks at the bright side and takes pride in how her little girl turned into a hard working warrior, ready to take the world. while mei was growing up it was only them living together so of course they are close, hanami likes doing different activities with mei and it's usually every tuesday that the have mother and daughter days. her favorite is baking with her daughter, even if mei is not good.
KWON MYUNGJI is mei's step dad, a real state agent and the reason she found out about her interest for interior design. if mei had to describe her relationship with myungji she would label him as that one young uncle whom you're close with, simply because she is indeed close to the man. not in a fatherly way, she jokes around with him a lot and hardly takes him seriously (as he hardly had to play an authoritative figure in her life). between him and her mom she would say myungji is the one she's closest with, because for mei he's the punching bag for everything she does. he was indeed there when mei's personality started to shape itself so he understands how she works, much like her mother but to a lesser degree of course.
HAZUKI OOSUKE is mei's biological dad, an office worker back in japan. prior to moving to south korea they shared a normal father and daughter relationship,  with them usually meeting on fridays and saturdays as bonding time. truth to be told oosuke was never a bad father to mei, however she can't help but feel somewhat unconcerned about him: he rebuilt his life and good for him, she doesn't hate him nor his new family but she doesn't like them either. besides they are back in japan now, during summer vacations her father would pay for planet tickets for her to visit him a couple of days. because of her personality he thinks mei hates him, who's going to tell him she's like that with everyone.
KIM SIYEON is a 12 year old girl mei tutors, a ray of sunshine who seems unfazed by her tutor's attitude. struggling with her english grades, siyeon was actually excited at the idea of having a tutor ("if i'm good at english then i can have more friends!" she said), which is how mei comes into the picture. she's so genuine and there's the child-like innocence she radiates that makes mei's heart melt – she might not say it and instead act like siyeon not understanding her lessons is annoying but she likes the kid. after all she explains everything multiple times if she has to. sometimes siyeon's sister, sumin, joins their tutoring sessions.
BAE SEULHUI is ... how to put it nicely? she's a stranger to mei, they don't know each other personally. their first ever meeting had been in mei's workplace, read: her mom's bakery, having witnessed seulhui's friends poking fun at the latter for wanting to take pictures of the sweets she had gotten. truthfully mei had not made it out of the goodness of her heart to help out a stranger, no, she simply wanted the free publicity for her mom (she's proud of her mother) and that let to her walking over with a scowl on her face: "shut up your squeals of agony are making me go deaf, at least your friend over there can appreciate a well done cupcake es." it had been their only interaction, seulhui's friends ended up complaining about mei to the boss, her mom, which earned the girl a hours long lecture. seulhui hadn't said anything during the whole exchange, she's too nice for that, and was left just as dumbfounded as her friends.
YUJI gengarjpg
CHAE YUJI 흔적이 없대 Is she dead, dead? 알려진 게 없대 Can we talk, talk? Not anymore (la, la, la, la) Not anymore (la, la, la, la, la, la, la) 흔적이 있대 Is it blood, blood? 말라붙지 못한 이건 뭘 뭘 말하니 뭘 (la, la, la, la, la, la) 어딨니 넌 (la, la, la, la) It's alright 아니 괜찮지 않아 Will be fine 아닌 걸 잘 알잖아 Ring, ring a bell, ring, ring a bell Ring, ring a bell, ring, ring a bell Come find the missing 구해줘 'cause I'm risky 외로운 희미한 수많은 이름들이 온 힘을 다해서 울리는 마음 소리 넌 거기 그대로 기다려 널 내가 구하러 나가겠어 Oh, oh, oh, oh 너의 벨이 울리면 It's true 알 길이 없어 Where did she go, go 고양이도 없어 아주 멋진 여행인가 (la, la, la, la) 잠적인가 (la, la, la, la, la, la, la) 취미는 뭔데 매일 밤 밤 누구랑 놀았대 알지 못해 그 누구도 (la, la, la, la, la, la) 아무것도 (la, la, la, la) 사라져야만 앞다투어 질문 늦은 거니 Come find the missing 구해줘 'cause I'm risky 외로운 희미한 수많은 이름들이 온 힘을 다해서 울리는 마음 소리 넌 거기 그대로 기다려 널 내가 구하러 나가겠어 Oh, oh, oh, oh 너의 벨이 울리면 It's either yes or no Either stop or go But we got no rules like April Fools 'Cause we're in wonder years 불투명한 시선 속 사이 가려진 발자국 그냥 지나쳐 그 순간 또 벨이 울려 ring a bell Ring, ring a bell, ring, ring a bell Come find the missing 구해줘 'cause I'm risky 외로운 희미한 수많은 이름들이 온 힘을 다해서 울리는 마음 소리 넌 거기 그대로 기다려 널 내가 구하러 나가겠어 Oh, oh, oh, oh 너의 벨이 울리면 It's true 흔적이 없대 Is she dead, dead? 알려진 게 없대 Can we talk, talk? Not anymore
relationship 7. 흔적이 없대 Is she dead, dead? 알려진 게 없대 Can we talk, talk? Not anymore (la, la, la, la) Not anymore (la, la, la, la, la, la, la) 흔적이 있대 Is it blood, blood? 말라붙지 못한 이건 뭘 뭘 말하니 뭘 (la, la, la, la, la, la) 어딨니 넌 (la, la, la, la) It's alright 아니 괜찮지 않아 Will be fine 아닌 걸 잘 알잖아 Ring, ring a bell, ring, ring a bell Ring, ring a bell, ring, ring a bell Come find the missing 구해줘 'cause I'm risky 외로운 희미한 수많은 이름들이 온 힘을 다해서 울리는 마음 소리 넌 거기 그대로 기다려 널 내가 구하러 나가겠어 Oh, oh, oh, oh 너의 벨이 울리면 It's true 알 길이 없어 Where did she go, go 고양이도 없어 아주 멋진 여행인가 (la, la, la, la) 잠적인가 (la, la, la, la, la, la, la) 취미는 뭔데 매일 밤 밤 누구랑 놀았대 알지 못해 그 누구도 (la, la, la, la, la, la) 아무것도 (la, la, la, la) 사라져야만 앞다투어 질문 늦은 거니 Come find the missing 구해줘 'cause I'm risky 외로운 희미한 수많은 이름들이 온 힘을 다해서 울리는 마음 소리 넌 거기 그대로 기다려 널 내가 구하러 나가겠어 Oh, oh, oh, oh 너의 벨이 울리면 It's either yes or no Either stop or go But we got no rules like April Fools 'Cause we're in wonder years 불투명한 시선 속 사이 가려진 발자국 그냥 지나쳐 그 순간 또 벨이 울려 ring a bell Ring, ring a bell, ring, ring a bell Come find the missing 구해줘 'cause I'm risky 외로운 희미한 수많은 이름들이 온 힘을 다해서 울리는 마음 소리 넌 거기 그대로 기다려 널 내가 구하러 나가겠어 Oh, oh, oh, oh 너의 벨이 울리면 It's true 흔적이 없대 Is she dead, dead? 알려진 게 없대 Can we talk, talk? Not anymore
relationship 8. 흔적이 없대 Is she dead, dead? 알려진 게 없대 Can we talk, talk? Not anymore (la, la, la, la) Not anymore (la, la, la, la, la, la, la) 흔적이 있대 Is it blood, blood? 말라붙지 못한 이건 뭘 뭘 말하니 뭘 (la, la, la, la, la, la) 어딨니 넌 (la, la, la, la) It's alright 아니 괜찮지 않아 Will be fine 아닌 걸 잘 알잖아 Ring, ring a bell, ring, ring a bell Ring, ring a bell, ring, ring a bell Come find the missing 구해줘 'cause I'm risky 외로운 희미한 수많은 이름들이 온 힘을 다해서 울리는 마음 소리 넌 거기 그대로 기다려 널 내가 구하러 나가겠어 Oh, oh, oh, oh 너의 벨이 울리면 It's true 알 길이 없어 Where did she go, go 고양이도 없어 아주 멋진 여행인가 (la, la, la, la) 잠적인가 (la, la, la, la, la, la, la) 취미는 뭔데 매일 밤 밤 누구랑 놀았대 알지 못해 그 누구도 (la, la, la, la, la, la) 아무것도 (la, la, la, la) 사라져야만 앞다투어 질문 늦은 거니 Come find the missing 구해줘 'cause I'm risky 외로운 희미한 수많은 이름들이 온 힘을 다해서 울리는 마음 소리 넌 거기 그대로 기다려 널 내가 구하러 나가겠어 Oh, oh, oh, oh 너의 벨이 울리면 It's either yes or no Either stop or go But we got no rules like April Fools 'Cause we're in wonder years 불투명한 시선 속 사이 가려진 발자국 그냥 지나쳐 그 순간 또 벨이 울려 ring a bell Ring, ring a bell, ring, ring a bell Come find the missing 구해줘 'cause I'm risky 외로운 희미한 수많은 이름들이 온 힘을 다해서 울리는 마음 소리 넌 거기 그대로 기다려 널 내가 구하러 나가겠어 Oh, oh, oh, oh 너의 벨이 울리면 It's true 흔적이 없대 Is she dead, dead? 알려진 게 없대 Can we talk, talk? Not anymore
relationship 9. 흔적이 없대 Is she dead, dead? 알려진 게 없대 Can we talk, talk? Not anymore (la, la, la, la) Not anymore (la, la, la, la, la, la, la) 흔적이 있대 Is it blood, blood? 말라붙지 못한 이건 뭘 뭘 말하니 뭘 (la, la, la, la, la, la) 어딨니 넌 (la, la, la, la) It's alright 아니 괜찮지 않아 Will be fine 아닌 걸 잘 알잖아 Ring, ring a bell, ring, ring a bell Ring, ring a bell, ring, ring a bell Come find the missing 구해줘 'cause I'm risky 외로운 희미한 수많은 이름들이 온 힘을 다해서 울리는 마음 소리 넌 거기 그대로 기다려 널 내가 구하러 나가겠어 Oh, oh, oh, oh 너의 벨이 울리면 It's true 알 길이 없어 Where did she go, go 고양이도 없어 아주 멋진 여행인가 (la, la, la, la) 잠적인가 (la, la, la, la, la, la, la) 취미는 뭔데 매일 밤 밤 누구랑 놀았대 알지 못해 그 누구도 (la, la, la, la, la, la) 아무것도 (la, la, la, la) 사라져야만 앞다투어 질문 늦은 거니 Come find the missing 구해줘 'cause I'm risky 외로운 희미한 수많은 이름들이 온 힘을 다해서 울리는 마음 소리 넌 거기 그대로 기다려 널 내가 구하러 나가겠어 Oh, oh, oh, oh 너의 벨이 울리면 It's either yes or no Either stop or go But we got no rules like April Fools 'Cause we're in wonder years 불투명한 시선 속 사이 가려진 발자국 그냥 지나쳐 그 순간 또 벨이 울려 ring a bell Ring, ring a bell, ring, ring a bell Come find the missing 구해줘 'cause I'm risky 외로운 희미한 수많은 이름들이 온 힘을 다해서 울리는 마음 소리 넌 거기 그대로 기다려 널 내가 구하러 나가겠어 Oh, oh, oh, oh 너의 벨이 울리면 It's true 흔적이 없대 Is she dead, dead? 알려진 게 없대 Can we talk, talk? Not anymore
01 on her instagram 30% are pictures of herself, 30% aesthetically food pictures and 40% aesthetic pictures of her room or sceneries (her mom's bakery included).
02 her major, spatial design, is pretty much just a fancy interior design.
03 works part time as a cashier on her mom's bakery since her second to last year of high school, her mom thought it would help her become nicer. she once made a kid cry because he found mei scary. 
04 is extremely gifted when it comes to learning languages and is always asked why she didn't major on something like that, her reply is "because everyone has taste when it comes to decor."
05 doesn't like alcohol at all, the type to go "give me water on the rocks" with the most serious face despite being basically asking for water with a lot of ice.
06 has a sweet tooth and anything with chocolate is her favorite. she can and will start yelling at the employee if they don't sell a chocolate variant of something (spoiler alert: she has already done that).
07 likes to play rhythm games, bandori and enstars are her obsession.
08 she started tutoring in her last years of high school after myungji recommended her to his friends that had children, she's surprisingly more restrained when she's with 'em youngsters. she keeps tutoring because she likes money.
09 yes, mei's mom named her bakery after her own daughter: me i bakery.
10 whenever she's pissed off she'll start speaking japanese and freely talk .
11 mei knows how to skate, nothing to fancy but she can get aroundd b riding a skateboard. when she's bored she'll go outside and aimlessly skate around the city.
12 currently tutors around 3 kids, two in middle school and one in high school. two are koreans she's tutoring on english and the other is a japanese girl she helps with korean.
13 guilty as charged, she loves anime and is an avid watcher and manga reader. her current loves: vanitas no carte and jujutsu kaisen. she also really loves giyuu tomioka from demon slayer.
CRISIS alright so, mei is aware of her lack of friends, she never made one throughout her high school years and any friend she had before had been left in japan, she's a hard person to deal with but a person nonetheless: mei feels lonely. she doesn't necessarily seek to change herself, no, instead wants to find people who will see past her little front and reach out, seeks the positivity that her world lacks but still doesn't realize it. only when by mere chance she has gotten a taste of the sunshine this people can provide mei will start to realize how... not everyone is such a moron, or at least these morons are ones she would like being around.
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hazu__kiss a little treat for today
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2 days ago
NAME 김성규 kim seongyu.
SEON seongyu doesn't have many nicknames, he prefers to be called simply by his name, but his friends do use this to refer to him.
SEONYA mei's way of countering seongyu's meiya, if asked she'll say it's a degrading nickname - she's making fun of him! however it sounds so cute, he likes it.
MAJOR fashion design.
OCCUPATION instagram model, wants to start his own indie fashion brand.
PRONOUNS he him.
PERSONALITY TAGS #infj #melancholic-choleric #6w5 #introspective #amiable #empathetic #independent #sensitive #idealistic #withdrawn #understanding #abstract #pacifist #complex #aloof #perfectionist #intuitive #passionate #creative
seongyu's personality is not neccesarily outstanding, which is exactly why it shines so much. naturally a calm, level headed person, he's just a guy doing his best to tackle every day with a smile. before he commits to a decision, or if he is contemplating an uncertainty, seongyu likes reason and thus might usually get random hunches because of him jumping to conclusions - although unconsciously. seongyu unconsciously comes to a conclusion by himself and then tries to find a reason for it.
a person that will get a big picture view and then zoom into the details, he is the type of person to understand the main idea but take time to notice the details. which may call for unpreparation for future outcomes. seongyu is not outspoken with how he feels, he keeps his thoughts and emotions to himself unless asked, but even if he tries to keep it underwraps it's obvious: he always finds a way to understand people, even those different from him. he butts into his friends's life because he cares too much.
whenever in groups, his role might not be the flashiest but is very important: he's there to boost everyone's spirit with a relaxed smile. seongyu is respected by everyone, but is so humble that most tend to see him as a big brother. and as such, everyone tends to listen to him. a painfully average personality his friends may say, but is exactly what makes him a born-to-be mediator.
sn.guuy                                  ⋯
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sn.guuy omw to make crocs illegal
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4 days ago
ARE YOU FOLLOWING HIS INSTA? "no! why should i be?!— i just check it from time to time... every week. okay shut up." 
IS HE FOLLOWING YOUR INSTA? "no, he's not okay?" she sends a glare, "... it's not like i need him to. (it woud be nice though)."
IS HE A FELLOW FOODSTAGRAMMER? DO YOU LIKE HIS CONTENT? "do you see a single food post? are you blind? no he's not a foodstagrammer, idiot. he posts a lot of pics of himself, that's cute- wait nO—"
STEPPING AWAY FROM THE TOPIC OF YOUR CRUSH, WHAT'S YOUR IDEAL TYPE? "ugh, do i have to? this lovey dovey stuff makes me want to puke." silence, "fine. i guess someone who's got a more low profile? i don't want to deal with a screaming man-child. tsk i just want someone that can balance me out okay?! next."
SO WHEN AND WHY DID YOU START LIKING HIM? "i don't like him, he's just more tolerable to be around!" cue a pause, "he doesn't get offended when i insult him, it's so annoying! he just stays there and let's out a cute laugh and then dares to ruffle my hair and ask if i'll be okay going home by myself! that motherer."
SPRINKLE SOMETHING POSITIVE FOR YOUR CRUSH "do you like chocolate? well i do so i'm bringing nama chocolate next time i tutor siyeon, you better eat them."
01 on his instagram 65% are pictures of himself and his outfits, 30% are of his self made items, 5% are his sisters.
02 his with his sisters is rather big, 6 years with siyeon and 8 years with sumin.
03 seongyu started sewing and making things when he was 13, siyeon was 7 and sumin was 5, and he would usually make plushies or doll clothes his sisters wanted but they couldn't get.
04 his red flag is that he likes to smoke, though usually outside the house. he knows is bad for one's health so he doesn't want to expose his sisters.
05 his follower count grew a surprisng amount when he dyed his hair blonde, so he's thinking about doing it again once he starts his shop.
06 high alcohol tolerance, though he rarely drinks.
07 he loves meat and hates seafood with a passion, his favorite food is grilled pork belly because he regularly eats it. his diet is horrible.
08 his favorite colors are tones and light blues.
09 seongyu is actually underway to open his own online shop with clothes made by himself, he constantly shows his creations on his personal instagram and people seem interested. he plans on calling it ça me va, it means it's okay with me in french according to his research.
10 is average in most school subjects except english, he struggled his way through school and is very vocal about why needing to know english if they can use translators.
11 around the time siyeon and sumin were born his family was having financial problems, so his parents had to work a lot and often had to rely on their oldest child to take care of the younger ones. which is why he's like a parent for his sisters. thankfully they have recovered.
 ❮                    sn.guuy                    
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🇰🇷 Fashion Student
KIM SIYEON is one of seongyu's two younger sisters, a 12 year old middle schooler. a girl who embraces her older's brother positive disposition and maxes it by ten; she's a ray of sunshine, taught, alongside her sister, by seongyu how important is to be grateful for their parents' efforts and it translating to siyeon bragging about her perfect older brother - it's almost as if she's advertising him. the one sibling who struggles the most academically, which is why seongyu would often have to help her with schoolwork until he no longer could. enter english, the ultimate challenger.
KIM SUMIN is seongyu's youngest sister, a 10 year old girl who's in elementary school. among the siblings it's sumin the one who's got the most 'aggresive' personality, the most straight forward one and in seongyu's own words: "not many things scare me but *a pissed off sumin in the morning*? that scares me." he's seen more as a parent by his youngest sister, and she often calls him dad or mom affectionately. it has gotten to the point where she relies on him more than their own parents.
STRAY KIDS that's how his group of friends call themselves, they have all been friends for quite a while and thus he considers this group to be his second family. more than once they have had a hangout planned and seongyu arrives with his two sisters, leading the others to help babysitting while their friend enjoys a smoke. the boys are often aware of how seongyu's family is doing, just as how he's often aware of how their won families are doing. out of the 8 of them, 5 live together and the other 3 still live with their parents (seongyu is part of these three).
KIM JAEWOOK & HONG EUNBI are seongyu's hardworking parents, who are working as an office worker and a elementary school teacher respectively after a dark era of severe financial struggle. they have always felt guilt towards their son as the couple felt like they robbed him of a careless childhood by making him take care of his sisters, though when he was younger he resented this responsability he grew to understand and nowadays finds it something to be proud of. the pair still work many hours, probably afraid of struggling with money again, though whenever they are home they like to take the girls off seongyu's hands and kick him out telling him to live his young life.
relationship 5. 흔적이 없대 Is she dead, dead? 알려진 게 없대 Can we talk, talk? Not anymore (la, la, la, la) Not anymore (la, la, la, la, la, la, la) 흔적이 있대 Is it blood, blood? 말라붙지 못한 이건 뭘 뭘 말하니 뭘 (la, la, la, la, la, la) 어딨니 넌 (la, la, la, la) It's alright 아니 괜찮지 않아 Will be fine 아닌 걸 잘 알잖아 Ring, ring a bell, ring, ring a bell Ring, ring a bell, ring, ring a bell Come find the missing 구해줘 'cause I'm risky 외로운 희미한 수많은 이름들이 온 힘을 다해서 울리는 마음 소리 넌 거기 그대로 기다려 널 내가 구하러 나가겠어 Oh, oh, oh, oh 너의 벨이 울리면 It's true 알 길이 없어 Where did she go, go 고양이도 없어 아주 멋진 여행인가 (la, la, la, la) 잠적인가 (la, la, la, la, la, la, la) 취미는 뭔데 매일 밤 밤 누구랑 놀았대 알지 못해 그 누구도 (la, la, la, la, la, la) 아무것도 (la, la, la, la) 사라져야만 앞다투어 질문 늦은 거니 Come find the missing 구해줘 'cause I'm risky 외로운 희미한 수많은 이름들이 온 힘을 다해서 울리는 마음 소리 넌 거기 그대로 기다려 널 내가 구하러 나가겠어 Oh, oh, oh, oh 너의 벨이 울리면 It's either yes or no Either stop or go But we got no rules like April Fools 'Cause we're in wonder years 불투명한 시선 속 사이 가려진 발자국 그냥 지나쳐 그 순간 또 벨이 울려 ring a bell Ring, ring a bell, ring, ring a bell Come find the missing 구해줘 'cause I'm risky 외로운 희미한 수많은 이름들이 온 힘을 다해서 울리는 마음 소리 넌 거기 그대로 기다려 널 내가 구하러 나가겠어 Oh, oh, oh, oh 너의 벨이 울리면 It's true 흔적이 없대 Is she dead, dead? 알려진 게 없대 Can we talk, talk? Not anymore
relationship 6. 흔적이 없대 Is she dead, dead? 알려진 게 없대 Can we talk, talk? Not anymore (la, la, la, la) Not anymore (la, la, la, la, la, la, la) 흔적이 있대 Is it blood, blood? 말라붙지 못한 이건 뭘 뭘 말하니 뭘 (la, la, la, la, la, la) 어딨니 넌 (la, la, la, la) It's alright 아니 괜찮지 않아 Will be fine 아닌 걸 잘 알잖아 Ring, ring a bell, ring, ring a bell Ring, ring a bell, ring, ring a bell Come find the missing 구해줘 'cause I'm risky 외로운 희미한 수많은 이름들이 온 힘을 다해서 울리는 마음 소리 넌 거기 그대로 기다려 널 내가 구하러 나가겠어 Oh, oh, oh, oh 너의 벨이 울리면 It's true 알 길이 없어 Where did she go, go 고양이도 없어 아주 멋진 여행인가 (la, la, la, la) 잠적인가 (la, la, la, la, la, la, la) 취미는 뭔데 매일 밤 밤 누구랑 놀았대 알지 못해 그 누구도 (la, la, la, la, la, la) 아무것도 (la, la, la, la) 사라져야만 앞다투어 질문 늦은 거니 Come find the missing 구해줘 'cause I'm risky 외로운 희미한 수많은 이름들이 온 힘을 다해서 울리는 마음 소리 넌 거기 그대로 기다려 널 내가 구하러 나가겠어 Oh, oh, oh, oh 너의 벨이 울리면 It's either yes or no Either stop or go But we got no rules like April Fools 'Cause we're in wonder years 불투명한 시선 속 사이 가려진 발자국 그냥 지나쳐 그 순간 또 벨이 울려 ring a bell Ring, ring a bell, ring, ring a bell Come find the missing 구해줘 'cause I'm risky 외로운 희미한 수많은 이름들이 온 힘을 다해서 울리는 마음 소리 넌 거기 그대로 기다려 널 내가 구하러 나가겠어 Oh, oh, oh, oh 너의 벨이 울리면 It's true 흔적이 없대 Is she dead, dead? 알려진 게 없대 Can we talk, talk? Not anymore
relationship 7. 흔적이 없대 Is she dead, dead? 알려진 게 없대 Can we talk, talk? Not anymore (la, la, la, la) Not anymore (la, la, la, la, la, la, la) 흔적이 있대 Is it blood, blood? 말라붙지 못한 이건 뭘 뭘 말하니 뭘 (la, la, la, la, la, la) 어딨니 넌 (la, la, la, la) It's alright 아니 괜찮지 않아 Will be fine 아닌 걸 잘 알잖아 Ring, ring a bell, ring, ring a bell Ring, ring a bell, ring, ring a bell Come find the missing 구해줘 'cause I'm risky 외로운 희미한 수많은 이름들이 온 힘을 다해서 울리는 마음 소리 넌 거기 그대로 기다려 널 내가 구하러 나가겠어 Oh, oh, oh, oh 너의 벨이 울리면 It's true 알 길이 없어 Where did she go, go 고양이도 없어 아주 멋진 여행인가 (la, la, la, la) 잠적인가 (la, la, la, la, la, la, la) 취미는 뭔데 매일 밤 밤 누구랑 놀았대 알지 못해 그 누구도 (la, la, la, la, la, la) 아무것도 (la, la, la, la) 사라져야만 앞다투어 질문 늦은 거니 Come find the missing 구해줘 'cause I'm risky 외로운 희미한 수많은 이름들이 온 힘을 다해서 울리는 마음 소리 넌 거기 그대로 기다려 널 내가 구하러 나가겠어 Oh, oh, oh, oh 너의 벨이 울리면 It's either yes or no Either stop or go But we got no rules like April Fools 'Cause we're in wonder years 불투명한 시선 속 사이 가려진 발자국 그냥 지나쳐 그 순간 또 벨이 울려 ring a bell Ring, ring a bell, ring, ring a bell Come find the missing 구해줘 'cause I'm risky 외로운 희미한 수많은 이름들이 온 힘을 다해서 울리는 마음 소리 넌 거기 그대로 기다려 널 내가 구하러 나가겠어 Oh, oh, oh, oh 너의 벨이 울리면 It's true 흔적이 없대 Is she dead, dead? 알려진 게 없대 Can we talk, talk? Not anymore
MEETING before we talk about how they met we should first lay out what propmted them to meet. it's the beginning of their first year of university, seongyu's sister siyeon had been struggling with her english grades for the past year and had asked for a tutor to her parents, and by extension to her brother. turns out the boy hadn't had to search for too long, as mei had put a little ad on their faculty and around campus expressing how she can tutor students on english and japanese language, korean too if you were a foreigner. actually, it had been one of seongyu's friends who handed him the pretty flyer (he had asked them if they knew someone who could tutor siyeon) and thus he sent a text message. not too long after mei had a little meeting arranged with her future tutee and her older brother on a random cafe, afterwards their weekly tutoring sessions were moved to the siblings' home.
FIRST STAGE nothing more than the brother of the girl i tutor and the tutor of my sister, that's what they were and could have been had it not been for how unique mei'spersonality was, in seongyu's eyes. upon their first meeting the image of a fairly 'normal' girl is shattered the moment siyeon explains how seongyu had been trying to help her, a simple "your brother has been teaching you literally nothing, seriously how can you be so bad at this? are you dumb is that it?" he found it amusing, a bit offensive yes, but amusing how confidently she called him an idiot while not blaming his sister for struggling.
SECOND STAGE it's easy for seongyu to deal with people with unique personalities, his friend group is full of them after all. when the tutoring sessions started and mei became a weekly visit not much time had to pass for him to realize that "oh, she doesn't have friends" - perhaps it had been an assumption of his at first, a guess taken from her less than ideal personality, so of course he felt a bit of pity. why not make her little visits a bit brighter? sure she's hard to deal with but then again, he's sure she could use a somewhat friend.
THIRD STAGE her little tutoring sessions on siyeon's house because something to look forward to, even if she had yet to take notice of such. seongyu slowly was becoming someone who she could tolerate more than others, though not a friend in her point of view they were friends if asked him. whenever they crossed paths on the faculty, as both attend the same one, seongyu would stick around mei for a while before going on his day. their spontaneous meetings always left mei with a smile tugging at her lips, her hands shook a little when she encountered seongyu and his homies once and the boys . she has started to bring little treats to her sessions with siyeon and remembers when the little girl once said that her big brother doesn't like coconut. 
FOURTH STAGE who would fall for someone with a loud mouth and an unpleasant attitude like mei? seongyu would like to know the answer too, because he seems to have caught feelings for his sister's tutor. was it because of how unique she is to his eyes? or perhaps how she seems to calm down her explaining things to siyeon, how she brings little treats and doesn't seem to mind sumin demanding to join when she does. or maybe it was when he walked her out their house, told her to be careful on her way back home and the girl gave a smile - a simple, genuine, smile. maybe a bit too cliché but was it fate that made mei's heart melt when he seemed genuinely concerned for her safety that day, he kept calling himself her friend despite her complains, if he saw her alone he would invite himself into the seat next to hers, or perhaps it was how he simply let her be herself and just get along with it.
FIFTH STAGE a relationship that starts with a simple action, him buying her a coffee and asking a simple question "if i asked you on a date would you say yes?" that's met with a mere "why don't you man up and find out?". a boy whose love eyes are visible and a girl whose love eyes are hidden only for him to find them, two people whose love language is through actions, that's what they are.  an unlikely pair maybe, a near perfect boy and a girl with attitude problems, perhaps all of this was a drama and they were the main characters, everyone else just a secondary character. did their relationship start before they knew, just when seongyu set his goal to act as his friend because he thought he saw a lonely girl misunderstood? perhaps his conclusion hadn't been too far off.
ENDING together because they balance each other and opposites attract am i right or am i right.
01 i just want to see seongyu being a mediator and keeping mei on a leash and stopping her from verbally harassing others
02 mei tutoring siyeon and seongyu on the other side of the room playing with sumin
03 omg imagine one of them ask for the other's instagram 
04 'em going on skate dates because i'm quikry like that
05 someone saying seongyu is handsome and complimenting him and mei straight up preapres to fight
06 idk tba.
seulery                                   ⋯
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seulery date night with the hottest girl in eumshik university 💕
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hazu__kiss delete it wasnt a date
October 5
HEY! THESE ARE Qs BETWEEN YOU AND ME! ARE YOU READY? "it's not like i have any other choice."
ARE YOU FOLLOWING MY INSTAGRAM? WHEN DID YOU START FOLLOWING ME? "ha?" pause, "we only met once, why would i be following your instagram? i don't even know your user. give it to me now so i can see if you gave us free promo, you better not have taken a picture."
BESIDES YOUR SELFIES AND FOOD WHAT ELSE DO YOU POST ON YOUR INSTAGRAM? "i guess i'm one of those aesthetic room accounts, i often rearrange my room and it looks amazing so duh."
I FORGOT THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION! WHAT TYPE OF FOOD DO YOU USUALLY POST? "sweets, pastries from my mom's shop. she's really talented isn't she? mom often makes sweets only for me!"
WHAT DO YOU DO ON YOUR FREE TIME FOR FUN? "nothing in particular, i guess. just whatever i feeel like doing– oh, i do like playing phone games, rhythm games with cute anime characters! also i go skating a lot. on tuesdays i always bake with my mom though, that's the only fixed thing i guess." 
WHY DID YOU BECOME A FOODSTAGRAMMER? "free promotion and i can flex on the face of the poor." ... "it was a joke, for s sake. not the free promo though."
WHY IS HAZU__KISS YOUR USERNAME? WHAT DOES IT MEAN? "it sounds like my surname, hazuki, and it's cute. you're supposed to read it all like one word, hazukiss not hazu kiss."
hi i'm san *undertale laugh* i love characters with personalities >:))) predebut tsuki my lord and savior <3 oh and if you have problem with mei's personality (understanding it) she's literally yuri plisetsky from yuri on ice. also super sorry for making a whole different layout i couldn't help myself :(( i speedrunned this app while having a fever so if something doesn't make sense it's because we live in a society okay <3 also her crisis is so bad but i also feel like it embodies her perfectly and for her relationship with seulhui i actually got inspiration from the teaser owo
note: the cute foods are supposed to be ones mei's mom made !!
note 2: since i'm very bad at writing and lazy: seongyu is supposed to be like an opposite of mei
note 3: i died like 6 times while making this app
note 4: i'm fake and idrk stray kids i just have a fat crush on hyunjin
note 5: if u cant notice i want their lov story to develop as the story does bc we love to follow a love story
PASSWORD winning is not important, just don't let yourself be defeated.
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hazu__kiss helped with decor @me-i-bakery
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September 29


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was looking thru the apps of this and omg yours... is so iconic wtf you're so talented!!
ogm there r so many typos ok tomorrow i’ll fix them crykng
this app is so pretty & i literally love her? sm? !!! <3 ___ <3
oooooo this is nice! GORL! this is all u right here!?!? OKAY! 🤩