Why I've been absent (long overdue update)

Hi guys, Sien here!

I'm sorry, this message has been long overdue but I am here to provide an update about the state of my stories and applications for other people's stories! Lately I've been very quiet, only posting a few layouts of future apps but not going further than putting in pics and basics, mainly just to show off that I am working on someone for that story and would like to go for a certain plotline.

I'm not dead, my stories are kinda dead rn but also not?? Like I'm still thinking about them constantly, putting in new music into discographies and thinking about what story arcs I can make, but I actually havent done reviews and updated them in a while, and I apologize for that. I promised quick reviews but wasn't able to do it.

The reason why I've been less active here is because October is an extremely busy month for art, and combining that with my full time job is quite exhausting. I've been quite stressed while trying to finish a lot of art pieces in a short time. Another part of it is that I'm currently preparing to go on a holiday. Usually I try to keep some space open for my stories and apps even during busy art times, but because this holiday is in the way, I have to get these pieces done quicker than usual.

After the holiday, I will be able to leave space for my stories and apps, I return on the 24th! I still won't be as active as normal because of my art projects but I will be back to work on stuff! In the meantime, please keep applying, I know its stupid to ask since I am taking ages to review, but I'd love to get some more apps soon, it's been a long time since I got one. I barely get apps lately, I fear that I will never be able to start a story because no one is applying... So I hope to see some more apps soon, it would make me return to the stories quicker as well!

I'm very sorry for the absence, thank you for reading this update! I hope to see you drop by my stories sooner or later! :D



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Hey hey! I hope you've been doing well despite your busy schedules ^^ <3

I also agree with what CreateTheSound said in terms of updating the fics to try to garner more attention (+ hence getting more apps in)
I also was lowkey worried that you've disappeared for good, so that's why I also stopped working on the other apps I had prepared previously.
But it's nice to hear you're still around! Looking forward to see you more active after recovering from your burn out haha <3
I totally understand getting burned out when working on lots of stuff but it’s ok to do it at a pace that’s comfortable for you! Also I’m still definitely bringing Erika to Adore, and another girl for Necalli.
I think part of the reason people don't apply more is because they think your stories are dead. They think you've disappeared and abandoned them. Some of us know better, but. When I think a fic has been abandoned, I stop working on the app, because why waste that effort for a story that won't be continued? And you've been MIA since like late August/early September, so that didn't help

Your stories have also fallen pretty low on the list of fics, so they're not as easily visible or accessible. So a couple false updates now and again, bring then back to the forefront of attention, will help.

If it helps, we're all still hyping among ourselves, saying "oh hey you're looking for a new fic? try this!" But again, there's the whole them being untouched for so long that people think you've abandoned them.