Trigger Warning: Toxic Relationship

#c3c388   #666633   #e5e5cc   #aaaa55

keep width 220. don't worry about height as long as it's bigger than 280!
@ study hall not studying
keep width 250. don't worry about height as long as it's bigger than 150!
camera thief
funny when you want it, suddenly you have it. you find out that your gold's just plastic
FULL NAME harlow nara o'brien
moon nara (문나라) – her birthname that she goes by while in korea.
hallie – most people call her hallie including other international students, the only person to call her harlow is her mom. whenever someone calls her that she can't help but say "gosh you sound just like my mom" with a hint of disgust.
hal – an even shorter nickname usually used by the men in her life i.e. austin, her dad and mike. but it usually alternates from hal to hallie. 
olive – vivian has been calling her this since she was little, no one knows why or where it came from but harlow has just accepted the nickname by now.
rapunzel – mike started calling her that playfully from time to time after she dyed her hair blonde. he uses it in more of a joking manner.
DATE OF BIRTH 10 may, 2000.
AGE 21 (22)
BIRTHPLACE seoul, south korea.
HOMETOWN melbourne, australia.
NATIONALITY australian.
PRONOUNS she/her.
ORIENTATION heteroual but open. bicurious i guess?
korean – 65% conversational – she was born in south korea and lived there since she was five so its her first language. she went to korean school on saturdays after moving to australia but didn't speak it other than those days so she isn't as good as she could be.
english – 100% fluent – she's lived in australia since she was 5 years old, though its not her first language its what she's most fluent in because she speaks it all the time. she has a heavy australian accent that might be a little difficult for basic english speakers to understand, so she pulls out her best american accent when dealing with them.
japanese – 30% basic – she learned japanese in school since middle school, after highschool she's found no use for it. but if she ever goes to japan she'll flex her japanese so fast. 
OCCUPATION 2nd year, social work major at melbourne university (currently studying sustainable development and cooperation at robinson intl uni as an exchange student). she doesn't have her job because her dad always makes sure she has money.
FACECLAIM blackpink's rose
BACKUP weki meki's doyeon
MEASUREMENTS 169cm and 44kg
APPEARANCE rose kill this love era. 
harlow considers herself average, she doesn't stand out in a crowd in her opinion but she doesn't mind it. she's satisfied with how she looks, she thinks everyone is beautiful in their own way. she likes experimenting with different makeup styles from tiktok or youtube. she prefers light makeup since she's still not that great at it. but no matter how light it is she's convicned that she looks better with makeup when she literally looks the same.  her skin is basically flawless and she thanks her organic skincare routine that she recommends to everyone that brings it up.
she has long blonde hair going down her mid back, nails are usually painted with simple yet cute nail art. she has a tattoo on the back of her thigh which is a barbed heart that she got in california with austin. he has the same thing on his arm, she's proud of her tattoo because she thinks it expresses their undenying love for each other. she has piercings on her ears and belly button, she has the same piercings on her left and right ears.
  belly button.           ears.         current nails.     
there's two sides to harlow's fashion, its either she tries really hard or doesn't try at all. frankly it comes down to how early she has to wake up. she isn't a morning person at all so she puts absolutely no effort into her fits during morning classes, especially early morning. she can usually be seen running late to morning classes with an iced vanilla late in hand, either sweatpants and a tubetop/halter with some sneakers or some leggings and a hoodie. her air force 1's are one of her favorite sneakers and one of the most comfy shoes. she might not support big businesses but she refuses to part with her air forces. if its a little chilly she'll top it off with her robinson or melbourne uni merch like a varsity jacket or a hoodie. instead of a hoodie or jacket she might throw an oversized buttondown on instead, most likely belonging to austin or michael. an oversized tee shirt and a leggings that are once again austin or michael's or thrifted would work too. even pajama pants if she's really lazy or sad. as long as she's comfortable. if she's too lazy to wash her hair she'll throw on a hat and tie her hair up in a bun. most of the time she'll wear a hat for morning classes anyways because she's too lazy to do her makeup.
when she isn't being sleepy or going out for a midnight snack, harlow's fashion sense is really girly. she doesn't mind showing off midriff or her legs, its not a big deal in australia as it is in korea. she gets stares from time to time and has experienced some looks from male professors but she just ignores it, actually she doesn't notice most of the time because she doesn't care. she went to an all girls school with uniform since middle school, she never had a chance to explore her style until college. she somehow finds the drive to wear short dresses in the winter. if her ask her how she does it she'll say its all about layer since she wears those leggings that are fuzzy on the inside. she doesn't think her fashion is crazy or anything but she  does like some y2k fits with questionable patterns like the loudness of some omighty clothes. but its never paired with another overly colorful item, she balances colors well. skirts and dresses are preferred for her over pants, she'll wear a short skirt and long boots before she even considers wearing pants.
hallie nara
for memories ♡
keep width 125. don't worry about height as long as it's bigger than 185!
keep width 125. don't worry about height as long as it's bigger than 185!
( + ) carefree, nonjudgemental, extroverted, open, friendly, energetic
( / ) mischevious, curious, emotional,
talkative, dramatic, idealist, conflict
( - ) messy, impulsive, clumsy, disorganized, compliant, passive
harlow is a whole mess, from the moment you meet her you can tell that she gives off chaotic energy. the minute she walks into the classroom girl is either bumping into someone or stumbling just automatically drawing attention to herself, to make matters worse she's late 95% of the time. she's a carefree person that just wants to have fun. any situation she'll try to make it fun and enjoyable for everyone, seeing others happy makes her happy. loud and all over the place is another way to put it. she is probably the least judgemental person you could ever meet. you can literally pick your nose in front of her and she wouldn't even mind, because who doesn't do a little digging for gold once in a while. 
she likes making new friends, even with a lanuage barrier she'll talk to the person next to her with her lacking korean skills. she'll ask questions if she doesn't know what something means. she isn't afraid to do what she wants and try new things, when she wants to do something she'll do it no matter the obstacles. she has a hard time seeing the bad outcomes of things because she's so idealistic, if she has an idea that she thinks is good she'll do it even though someone else tells her the bad sides. its the same with people, she gives them many chances and doesn't see when she's being used. in grade school her friends didn't treat her well but she didn't want to be alone so she acted like it was normal and happy even though she knew they were mean. she just rather not deal with the conflict. she always wanted to be one of the popular girls that are the life of the party and in college she got that. she has a bunch of friends now and is nice considered a fun person to be around. but she knows she's putting on a front half of the time acting like she doesn't see her boyfriend flirting with other girls right in front of her.
she isn't completely selfless per say since at the end of the day she'll do what she wants but she still always wants to help others and commits to way too many things at once making her overwhelmed at times. she has a hard time saying no to people so she carries others burdens on her back trying to solve everyones problems so they're all happy. yet even though she's probably stressed 99% of the time she remains optimistic. she often bites off more than she can chew and is left running everywhere frantically trying to do multiple things at once. 
the thing is that she has the attention span of a squirrel and is curious af so can never commit to one thing without having another idea which sort of relates to what she's doing but ends up making her lose focus completely to pursue something else. this is probably why she has a terrible habit of talking to herself outloud and why she needs people like michael and her mom to keep her on track and organized, even though she doesn't exactly see it yet.
harlow is actually really emotional, when someone is mean to her, especially someone she considered a friend, she cries. whenever she feels overhelmed she cries. when the sunset looks extra pretty, she cries. but this crying session usually doesn't last long because she'll probably get distracted by something else. when she's upset she has the tendency to be dramatic and exaggerate what actually happens just because thats how it felt. but seriously she just wants to have friends, enjoy life, and be happy. is that so hard to ask?
On The Ground
harlow was born as moon nara in seoul south korea. she came from a poor family, a hard life as it was described by her now mother who heard it from the caretakers at the orphanage. looking back on her childhood she only has good memories with her mother, she faintly remembers her face, the same image of her smiling tiredly with messy hair is what comes to mind when she thinks of her. she no longer remembers the circumstances around that distant memory but its something she's always clung onto. she also has a semi blurry picture of them together in front of a house.
compared to other orphaned kids who end up staying in the orphanage until they're old enough to leave or take forever to get adopted, harlow got lucky. within the first two months she met judy and kurt o'brien, judy struggled to have kids and was always interested in adoption anyways. originally she wanted a newborn, 6 months at most, but as soon as she saw little nara running around in the yard she knew that that was the daughter she wanted. in less than a year nara was officially adopted and hopped on a plane to melbourne, australia. before she could even know what was happening, five year old nara had her name changed to harlow, she was in a whole different country and had to learn a completely different language. it was hard to make friends at first but as her english got better  she became less shy and gradually started losing her korean as a result.
at 8 years old vivian joined their family and harlow was more than happy to have a sister to play with. her parents came from money so from a young age her schedule was full of different hobbies and interests such as piano, guitar, gymnastics, ballet, art, acting, you name it her mom put her in it. she went to an all girls secondary school and was always in the top 10 of her grade due to her mom's strict ways. she had her moments of going a little off course but judy always made sure that she stayed on track. as one of the few asians in a mostly white town harlow struggled to make friends and the friends that she did have at school weren't the best but she stuck it through anyways. at least her homelife was great, during breaks from school her family traveled all over the world, they had game night on fridays, their relationship was good. 
in highschool her friends got into kpop and kdramas so she did too, for once she felt proud that she was korean. they weren't the best of friends though, they basically used her for homework since her grades were always good and for tweeting to idols to try and get their attention since she could write in korean too. when they graduated highschool they all went to different colleges but harlow still tried to keep in touch with them, even though it seemed like she was trying a lot more than they were. 
for college harlow went to the university of melbourne to study social work. since the school was only an hour away, harlow decided to stay at home and commute everyday. her mom helped her pick her classes wisely enough so she wouldn't have to wake up too early or leave school too late. but all their plans went into shambles once she met austin takahashi during her first semester. he was the complete opposite of good girl harlow, retaking an intro class since he failed last semester for not showing up and a renowned frat boy. he was known for dating many many girls but harlow didn't let that bother her, she felt like what they had was true love since she never felt that way about anyone before (mostly because she went to an all girls school and was barely around boys her age in the first place other than michael). two months after meeting he became harlow's first boyfriend. his carefree attitude had an effect on harlow causing her to question her structured lifestyle brought upon her by her mother. as he said it, "you're in college for christs sake, have some ing fun. its not like they write our gpa on our diploma."
in her first year of college, harlow made up for all the time that she didn't rebel in highschool. she followed austin everywhere and did everything he said to make him happy just so he wouldn't leave her. she skipped class, would go weeks without going home leaving her mother sick to her stomach, started drinking and partying, and even got a tattoo to match with austin. her relationship with her mom got worse and worse, they fought more frequently only giving harlow even more reasons to not go home and do the opposite of what her mom said. why did she have to listen to her mom anyways? technically she was an adult now, her mom couldn't tell her what to do anymore. 
for years harlow never knew the circumstances around why she was put up for adoption in the first place. let alone know anything about her birth mother. whenever she asked her new mom why she was given up for adoption the only answer she got was that not everyone is fit to be a parent. they never even went back to korea for vacation, but they went to haiti where vivan was born all the time to do charity work. harlow knew she was korean but how could she identify with a country that she knows nothing about? she wanted to know more about where she came from and her real family. 
austin is the one that gave her the genius idea to go find her mom if she wants answers so badly. he heard about the year long exchange program to robinson international university in south korea and recommended she go. harlow thought it was crazy but it didn't take long to convince her otherwise, she believed and agreed with basically everything austin said. he wasn't interested in going though, instead she convinced her best friend michael who would basically jump off a bridge for her to go with her.
for the first time in her life harlow filled out her own paperwork and made a major decision without consulting her mom first. she paid for the fees all by herself and used her savings and college fund for everything else. thankfully the plane ticket and dorming were already paid for with the program. harlow's relationship with her mom didn't get any better before she left, she spent the summer before the start of the semester traveling with austin and his friends getting drunk every chance they got, she was glued to his hip basically. 
when she left to seoul with michael her family had no idea that she even got on a plane that day except vivian who promised not to tell. the only reason her parents found out was because michael's mom told her mom about it after bumping into each other at the supermarket. since then harlow has had a million missed calls from her parents that she refuses to answer. she doesn't want anyone to deter her from her goal, to find the truth about where she comes from and rekindle her relationship with her mother.
animals – animals make her heart melt. take her too the zoo and she'll squeal every two seconds. she's a er for stray cats.
nature and flowers – being around nature makes her feel calm, even when she's sad she likes to take a walk in the park at night or while its raining even better, and listening to audio self help books even though she never takes their advice. she often makes michael steal flowers for her for her journal when they go on walks together.
the smell of coffee in the morning – okay but who doesn't like this? its just so refreshing? 
traveling – she has a long bucket list of places she wants to visit. she's traveled to many countries already. in general she just loves going outside and whats to explore every part of korea while she's here to take in the culture
spring – her favorite season because blooming flowers are pretty 
bathbombs and scented candles – theres nothing better than taking a nice bath while watching netflix after a stressful day. 
perfumes – smelling good is a big yes for her, her favorite perfume is mon paris eau de parfum by ysl. it gives off a sweet floral scent that she loves.
holidays – she is huge on celebrating holidays. her family went all out for christmas and halloween so she does the same. she'll definitely decorate her room wearing a themed outfit and buy gifts for her friends and professors or give random people candy for halloween.
puppies that look like teddy bears – i mean ... come on. she literally screams everytime she sees one and takes a picture. 
cruelty free makeup brands – uh save the animals.. duh
shoes – she has way too many shoes that she doesn't need, half of them look the same just different variations but a girl needs options right? 
ice cream and strawberry short cake – literally the key to her heart. specifically cookies and cream icecream.
sunsets – they make aesthetic instagram photos and something about watching the sunset makes her feel nostalgic and sentimental
piercings – she became obsessed after seeing those aesthetic piercings photos on pinterest which insipired her to get her ears pierced. she's thinking of getting tragus and daith piercings next. she's too scared for a tongue piercing.
cheesy foods – she follows like 50 cheesy foodstagram accounts. her lactose intolerance can't stop her from eating all the cheese she desires!
alcohol – she likes sweet drinks like pina coladas. she can take shots of vodka and other brutal alcohols but she needs a sweet chaser
parties – harlow would never say no to a party, she sees it as a way to unwind and make new friends. forget about all the responsibilities she has even though she didn't even start her homework
iced americanos – seriously how do people drink that its so bitter? she prefers sweet drinks
beer – its gross? michael loves it and she'll never understand. she tries it everytime he gets it just to make a disgusted face and give it back, judging his beveraging choices
judgemental people – harlow is the complete opposite of judgmental, just because something isn't her taste doesn't mean its not someone elses so she doesn't see the point in judging others for what they wear or their looks. people that do that just piss her off, like let people live. life is already hard. no one needs your unnecessary criticism.  
brussel sprouts and onions – gross. she can't eat these and refuses. she feeds them to michael instead :D
scary movies – she gets startled easily so anything with a jump scare will have her screaming and filled with anxiety. she'll basically cover her eyes through the whole thing
traffic – harlow isn't the most patient person since she always has somewhere she wants to go so traffic is her worst enemy. she rather get out and walk or ride a bike than sit in traffic. she can no longer count on her hands how many times she got out of a taxi and walked because of traffic
cramps – not sure who likes these but harlow often gets really bad cramps, sometimes so bad that she can't even get out of bed. so yeah that time of month is torture for her.
chores – her attention span isn't long enough to ever finish her chores. she starts and leaves it half way then groans when she sees that its not cleaned up even though she knows she didn't finish
liars – no matter how hard the truth is to say she'll say it, so people that can't give her that respect back make her the most upset. she feels betrayed when she's lied to. its like the first rule she has with all her relationships, from boyfriends to friends.
– talking to herself when she's overthinking or nervous or in general. she talks to herself all the time, like full on conversations
– forgetting to take her lactose intolerant pill before eating dairy so mike always has to remind her. he actually carries a backup pack incase she forgets hers.
– biting her nails when she's feeling anxious, even if she has her nails done
– everytime she feels like crying she pouts first
– crying when she's mad
– studying last minute and going to class looking so exhausted that even concealer can't cover it
– sleeping late and waking up late
– drinking her feelings away (but not in an alcoholic kind of way) while singing karaoke
– if she doesn't eat something every three hours she gets hangry so mike always has snacks in his bag since she'll eat it all at once if she carries it
singing – she never wanted to be a professional singer or even thought about it, its just something she enjoys to do on her spare time. she's always down to go to karaoke and sing her off. she's really humble about her voice because she doesn't think its anything special but she sings pretty well and likes harmonizing with others when singing together
playing the guitar and the piano – she brought her guitar to korea actually, when she can't sleep she'll stay up playing it by herself in the student lounge or something. she prefers to play the guitar than piano since the guitar is easily portable. she's been playing both since she was little so she's pretty good, can read notes and all.
watching reality shows on netflix – this is the hobby that has caused her to turn in homework late and fail tests. reality shows are her guilty pleasure. spicy shows like too hot to handle. 
modeling – she only does this for fun, never professionally. since michael likes photography he's been her muse ever since so it just naturally happened and he basically became her main photographer for instagram too. she likes taking pictures everywhere she goes so she doesn't forget the memory. 
shopping – either online or thrift shopping she doesn't care, this girl is a shopaholic. retail therapy is the best form of therapy. after binge eating ice cream and cake of course.
yoga – its her way to destress from school and recenter her energies
drowning – surprisingly swimming was the only classes her mom didn't put her in as a child. she can't swim but that doesn't stop her from going in the water. she will gladly bring her own floaties to the beach.
losing those she's closest to – she really values close friends and family so this is a huge fear of hers
she knows all the lyrics to one too many nicki minaj songs for her own good
– she used to be a hardcore one direction fan and was obsessed with harry styles. he is the best looking man on the planet
– her other guy crushes include luke hemmings, liam hemsworth, and jay park.
– the first kpop song she ever listed to was i got a boy by snsd, they were also the first group she stanned. she wanted to be the 10th member no cap
– her side of the room looks something like this, she loves decorating and having a cozy place to sleep
– she eats about five to six times a day. she basically gets hungry every three hours 
– she's a hardcore night eater. she would literally order five course meals at 5am pls
– she has a fast metabolism so she doesn't gain weight easily but she knows itll catch up to her when she's older
– she grabs an iced vanilla latte every morning from get well soon coffee before going on with her day. even if she'll be late to class she needs  her coffee
– she used to do ballet but lost her flexibility after a while because she never stretches but she can still do those fancy turns fairly well
– she's a shopaholic
– her favorite fruits are mangos and strawberries
– she heard its common to go to lotte world and rent a school uniform so she wants to do that and take pictures. step one is to convince michael to wear a school unifrom with her.
– since she took acting classes when she was little she can fake cry really fast
– her instagram and twitter is @yourpalhal, she has it just for fun and posting memories. she doesn't plan on becoming an influencer or anything. she has no idea why so many people follow her tbh 
– she keeps the picture of her and her birth mom in her wallet now
– her ringtone is montero by lil nas x
– the ringtone for her mom is don't call me by shinee so she automatically knows to ignore it when it rings
– she tried to become a vegetarian many times but her love for meat was too strong
– she likes to thrift shop and likes to support small business. she's the type to go on a rant about how fast fashion is bad for the environment right before walking into forever21 and buying something
– girls with tattoos just do something to her even though she's straight she'll risk it all for them
– she's a social smoker but 10x more likely to do it when she's sad or upset
– she's smoked weed a few times before
– she's never hooked up with someone before but she might be open to it if she becomes single
– she's actually kind of good at playing basketball
4:00pm-5:50pm – korean language
9:00am-10:50am – energy and environmental policy
11:00pm-11:50pm – moral reasoning and critical judgment
12:00pm-1:00pm – lunch with gunmin
4:00pm-5:50pm – eastern civiliation
10:00am-11:00am – yoga class
12:00pm-1:50pm – poverty and social welfare
2:00pm-3:50pm – energy and environmental policy
4:00pm-5:50pm – korean language
7:00pm-9:50pm – research design and quantitative methods
:00am-10:50am – poverty and social welfare
2:00pm-3:00pm – swimming with gunmin
4:00pm-5:50pm – moral reasoning and critical judgment
8:00pm-8:50pm – eastern civilization
– korean language 
– sleep in
– explore korea
– party hearty
– maybe study?
– find mama?
– her schedule is all over the place because she forgot about it and applied to classes late
– she's in korean 4, an intermediate level  
– she often misses or is late to her korean class on friday and on monday her professor always says "moon nara, i'm glad you decided to join us today" in the most sarcastic tone ever. she makes anyone who didn't show up to her class explain their reasoning in front of the class in korean the next class they show up to so harlow does a lot of explaining :)
– sadly she got the strict korean professor that constantly reminds her that she's korean unlike most of the other international students who can speak better than her 
– she takes yoga on wednesdays on campus so she can stretch and mentally prepare for her long day that barely has any breaks
– she usually spends her monday's cram studying and doing homework for her other classes during the week, she's terrible at prioritizing and procrastinates like crazy because theres always a netflix reality show more interesting than homework
– she's almost always late to her morning classes so every tuesday and thursday. usually she manages on wednesdays but it depends how much sleep she got the night before
– when she does last minute homework during her breaks she prefers to lay on the glass and do it unless its too cold then she goes to the library
– she eats during every break she has or else she'll be hangry
– sometimes she goes shopping in between classes and ends up late to her next class
– she prefers to spend her break going to the music room and messing with the instruments or getting food with friends
– she's apart of the mentorship program which is where she got assigned to gunmin. it basically integrates yonsei students and international students, giving them support while in korea. harlow only applied for that program because she doesn't know korea well and wants to get as much help as she can with finding her mom.
– she has lunch with gunmin every tuesday, he also offered to teach her how to swim for free on thursdays and sometimes would take her to nice parts of korea and invite her to parties.
– she's also apart of the busking club, she isn't a main singer or anything mostly just plays guitar or piano while harmonizing in the back. she doesn't attend all club meetings because she's bad at scheduling but she shows up for every performance and knows her part well since she practices guitar like everyday
place one
NAME judy o'brien (53)
R/S mother
OCCUPATION therapist 
FACECLAIM julie bowen
estj –  bossy, organized, stubborn, pragmatic, insensitive, inflexible, hard working, traditional, confident, caring
judy is a strict yet caring mother. she works hard so her kids can live an easy life and be happy. she has high expectations for all her children because she wants them to do great things in life. but in all honesty she mostly wants them to be happy and just help them make good decisions. she's far from perfect herself, actually kurt has had to comfort her on any occassions when the kids were asleep because of her break downs. she stresses out easily because she tries so hard but doesn’t get the recognition she deserves or her kids feel like she’s being the enemy. judy was once a wild child who made a great deal of mistakes over the years and she is fearful that her children could make the same mistakes which harlow seems to be doing already. she’s far from perfect but instead puts pressure on her kids to be everything that she isn’t, seeing the even tiny flaws when others see perfection.  
harlow's relationship with her mom used to be great but as soon as judy met austin she saw right through him. immediately able to tell that all he wanted to do was use harlow. but instead of seeing it too harlow saw it as her mom not wanting her to be happy, i mean it was her first boyfriend and she wasn't even happy for her. harlow’s resentment for her mother only grew as time went on and she hasn’t talked to her since she went to korea. judy is strictest on harlow out of all her kids because she’s the oldest and wants her to be a role model for vivan. before leaving for seoul they bickered like crazy having screaming matches. judy still calls harlow everyday and will continue to call until she picks up the phone. before this whole feud thing happened they were very close. harlow valued everything her mom said and went to her for advice all the time. now she sees her mom as just treating her like another one of her patients even when she’s genuinely giving advice all because of austin talking in her ear.  
place two
NAME kurt o'brien (55)
R/S father
OCCUPATION data scientist
FACECLAIM ty burrell

infp – easygoing, idealistic, sensitive, visionary, light hearted, down to earth, curious, flexible, complex, empathetic

kurt is a cool dad, in a house full of women it can be tense and he’s the one to ease the tension no matter how cheesy or awkward. he prefers to stay neutral in situation so he can see both sides and give the person in the wrong the benefit of the doubt. its definitely helped him get out of sticky situations between harlow and judy. he’s a funny dude that can be childlike and clumsy, always almost unshakably optimistic, easy-going, happy-go-lucky and maintains a positive attitude in an insane degree of situations. despite this, he is fully capable of being deadly serious when his family's welfare is being compromised. behind all the playfulness he’s actually an insanely smart man, he loves sci-fi, fantasy and role-playing, as well as the concept of robots taking over or being used to further people's lives. he takes his jobs really seriously and spends hours on the computer in his office but will always come out with a smile ready to make someones day no matter how tired he is.

harlow’s relationship with her dad is great. she loves spending time with him since its always a good time. when she was scared to tell her mom something she always went to him and he knew exactly how to deal with it. he’s worried about her now but knows that she’s just going through her moody stage and thinks she needs to discover herself. he doesn’t like austin either but acts like he does just to make harlow happy. he’s been not so subtly hinting that michael is a good match for her since highschool but she never saw him like that.

place one
NAME vivian o'brien (16)
R/S younger sister
OCCUPATION highschool student
FACECLAIM amandla stenberg

infj – sensitive, conflict adverse, moody, loyal, caring, humble, soft, decisive

vivian is quiet around others but when she’s close with you she’s quirky and fun. she’s really awkward but as soon as you have something in common she’ll light up and would love to do that thing together. she doesn’t like conflict and rather just agree with the other person then argue even if deep down she doesn’t agree. she has a high sense of loyalty, she has no memory of her original family so her current one is all she knows and wouldn’t ask for another.

vivian looks up to harlow, she wants to be as high achieving as her and as pretty. right now she’s just kind of nerdy yet artsy looking. they used to thrift shop together a lot and be attached in general. even though they had separate rooms vivian would sleep next to harlow often. she was always there when she needed her so harlow being away has been hard but she hasn’t told her besides an i miss you text once in a while. vivian thinks austin is good looking but she thinks harlow is way out of her league. team michael all day.

place one
NAME austin takahashi (21)
R/S boyfriend
OCCUPATION 2nd year, pharmacology major at the university of melbourne  
FACECLAIM nico hiraga

estp – energetic, persuasive, flirty, action oriented, outgoing, observant, adaptable, impulsive, dramatic, easily bored, insensitive, selfish.

if you go to the university of melbourne and haven't heard of austin takashi then you must be living under a rock because this kid is everywhere. austin is the typical douchebag that dates a bunch of girls and cheats on all of them with no remorse but somehow keeps getting girls for his flirty ways. he’s the picture perfect frat boy with a borderline drinking problem thats annoying and rowdy to people like michael. his parents come from money so he’s entitled and spoiled. he’s studying pharmaceuticals but as michael says he’ll most likely take all the drug himself. austin is true to himself though, he doesnt care if you like him or not. either way he’ll do what benefits him and makes him happy.

his relationship with harlow is a lot better in her head than in reality. its only going well because she goes along with whatever he wants. if she doesn’t agree he finds a way to change her mind. she doesn’t know it yet but austin recommended for harlow to do the exchange program so he could get some space. harlow was really clingy and austin was getting tired of it, quoting he “basically feels like they’re already married” since she won’t leave him alone. now that she’s gone he’s been sleeping with more girls than he can count on his fingers and toes. its clear to say that she loves him a lot more than he does, if he even loves her at all.

place two
NAME nichaphat "nica"  leeratanakachorn (20)
R/S roommate
OCCUPATION 2nd year, international studies major at robinson international college
FACECLAIM lalisa manoban

esfp – optimistic, friendly, spontaneous, practical, impulsive, unfocused.

nica and harlow are really similar its no surpise that they became such good friends as soon as they met. nica is originally from thailand but studying at robinson because she fell in love with korean culture. her parents want her to be a business woman so she can take over the family business but she actually loves dancing instead. whenever she can she takes dance classes at 1million and is even apart of the dance team at robinson. she doesn't have the guts to tell her parents that though. you can either find nica at the dance studio or participating in a dance battle while drunk out of her mind at a party.

nica and harlow in a room together is like two loud best friends that have known each other for years. they just isntantly click. nica is a little clueless herself so she's not the best person to go for advice but that doesn't stop harlow from consulting her. nica always knows the latest parties and events and is down to go to all of them inviting harlow to go along too and michael. she thinks he's pretty cute actually, even though talking to him is like talking to a brick wall sometimes. harlow is on a mission to get michael and nica together, calling them ✨mica✨. 

place two
NAME kwon gunmin (22)
R/S mentor
OCCUPATION 3rd year, composition major at yonsei university
FACECLAIM jung jaehyun


entp – charming, smart, creative, subtly flirty, observant, logical, cunning.

when it comes to popularity gunwoo is top tier at yonsei. he's basically perfect. smart, rich family, good looking, top of the class, outgoing, friendly. he checks all the boxes. but gunmin is actually really manipulative and good at getting his way. he acts calm and collected but is really observant knowing just what to say to others to slowly get them to do what he wants. the only reason he joined the mentorship program was so he can make foreign "friends" more like sleep with them. he's good friends with organizer of the program so he's always gotten assigned a girl which is pretty rare. 

he's happy to have been assigned someone as pretty as harlow. he's just treating her like everyone else, being kind and helpful whenever she needs him and inviting her to parties that him or his friends host. but its only a matter of time before he tries to make a move on her, he doesn't expect to be rejected either since he's never been rejected before. 

place two
NAME meow meow
R/S pet
OCCUPATION being the cutest kitten in the world
meow meow is a kitten that harlow found all by herself in the street when it was raining one day. he looked so cold and hungry so she hid him in her jacket and took him to her dorm. now he's her and nica's secret pet that they try their best to hide from their RA. harlow loves little meow meow, she often cuddles him when she sleeps and they watch netflix together. she wants to find a safe place for him to live but for now she's too attached to let him go.
place two
NAME kim minjeong (38)
R/S biological mother
FACECLAIM ha jiwon
harlow doesn't know much about her mom, well anything at all. but the picture she has in her head is that when they meet, her mom will recognize her instantly and come running towards her and give her a big hug and they'll talk about each others lives since they've been apart and how much they miss each other. 
life direction
harlow's only focus right now is finding her mom and learning what happened, as well as enjoying korea and learning more about the culture. the only thing she has to go off of though is her very limited memory and the picture in her wallet. so she has her work cut out for her. she really doesn't know what she's getting herself into or how she'll even find her mom but she's determined to do so anyways, with mikey by her side of course and help from gumin and nica. she has no idea of her mom's situation either, but wants to help in any way she can.
on top of that she has to still do well in school and deal with her boyfriend that couldn't care less about her though she has no idea about that yet. she's never been one to think about the details of things, she's more focused on the overall picture of what she has to do and deals with issues as they come up. the last thing on her mind is mending her relationship with her mom, but its something that'll have to be resolved eventually. also!! she must make sure no one else finds out about meow meow or else he'll get taken away. right now she doesn't think its a lot of responsibility (despite michael's warnings) but when she's actually living it she might end up biting more than she can chew once again. she only has a year in korea so she has a lot to do and fast, but who knows, maybe if she likes it she'll transfer to robinson for good.
hi i'm harlow o'brien, but you can call me hallie- well actually since were in korea you should call me nara but either one works. i'm a kaussie, born in korea but raised in australia and currently i'm an exchange student here at robinson studying sustainable development and cooperation. originally i go to melbourne university and major in social work. 
not sure if this is tmi but i was adopted so i actually want to be a social worker and give all the struggling kids around the world love and a big hug. i don't really have a motto i never thought that far, but i guess if i had to choose my motto would be you only live once so live life with no regrets.  
friendly, loud at times, and some may call me dramatic but i don't think so. i mean i could make myself cry in about 5 seconds. hey maybe i should go into acting instead of social work, right? HAHA
i want to be remembered as someone who put a smile on everyone's face. hopefully my positive energy can spread to all that i meet. at least i'll try to make that happen.
thank you so much for having me. by the way i wanted to say this the whole interview, but i love your skirt, where did you get it?
dear love interest,
CURRENT STATUS best friends
THE STORY harlow and michael met in elementary school. harlow joined in the middle of the year and the teacher assigned michael as her partner to get her settled in and since then they've been friends. harlow didn't speak english well then but michael learned a few korean words so she felt comfortable. it took a while for harlow to adjust to australia and she couldn't do it without michael. it was hard to even communicate but harlow was still able to make friends and dragged michael along with her who was a loner before she came along.
michael knew he liked harlow from the moment he laid eyes on her at 5 years old. something about her made his heart skip a beat. because of her he took an interest in korean and started picking out korean children books instead just to learn new words and impress her. as they got older they only got closer and harlow became his best friend and it was the same for her. 
once primary school was over they went to separate schools but still found time to hang out after school and on the weekends. michael often did homework at harlow's house while his parents were busy at work. he had other friends at his school but none of them compared to her. even when she forced them to have a slumber party and he had to get his nails painted, he still prefered to be with her over his other friends. going to harlow's house was always a good time, he liked it better there than his own house. they went on family vacations together, he was at almost all their family game nights, went to all of each others birthday parties. they were always there for each other.
he tried to confess his feelings multiple times throughout middle school and highschool but the timing just never seemed right. he practiced what he'd say in front of the mirror but everytime he tried to say it to her face he'd just freeze up. for some reason harlow never felt that way about him, instead of seeing michael as a potential boyfriend he was more like a brother. he's seen her on her worst days, helped get gum out of her hair and popped her pimple before. there was no way that he could be her boyfriend, that would be weird. 
michael invited harlow to his school dance during his final year of highschool. it was a usual thing for them to be each others date to things. other girls have asked michael out but he always turned them down because harlow was the only girl that he wanted. michael tried to confess his feelings to her at the dance but instead harlow got excited by her favorite song coming on and dragged him to the dance floor. later that night he tried to say it again when he was dropping her off back home but before he could say anything harlow gave him a hug and thanked him for the wonderful night.
they were planning on going to the same college and michael wanted to make it official before they went since harlow was going away that summer but it didn't work out and his worse nightmare came true, harlow got her first boyfriend. when harlow started dating austin, michael was anything but happy. he thought austin was a jerk and even worse he became a third wheel. everytime he tried to convince harlow that austin was a terrible person she got mad and refused to believe him. their friendship didn't get bad, more like they just spent less time together and michael was with his other friends in the gaming club more often with harlow in the back of his mind at all times.
he saw how she changed and he wasn't a fan but refused to leave her side. he never refrained from telling her when what she was doing was stupid though. anytime harlow invited him to hang out with her and austin he hated it but went anyways because its what she wanted. seeing harlow and austin be all kissy and gross made him sick to his stomach. she was so in love with austin but every time he made her cry or she was just upset in general it was michael that comforted her.
when harlow told michael about the exchange program he was reluctant at first because the last thing he wanted to do was be stuck in another country for a year with the two of them. but after learning that austin wasn't going he changed his mind. he wasn't sure if it was a good idea but he rather be there to protect harlow than have her go to korea and look for her mom by herself. she seemed really determined to go too so he already knew that any logical reasonings he had wouldn't convince her otherwise.
michael still loves harlow, he's still willing to do anything for her and that probably won't change. he's actually excited to go to korea because it'll give them a chance to go back to the old times. just them two. 
INTERACTIONS michael is completely different with harlow compared to other people. in public they basically act like a couple minus the kissing and all that stuff. they walk around with harlow clinging to his arm and him holding her bag like any other couple would. if even one hair of hers is out of place he'll fix it for her so she can look nice and neat. when sitting together she'll lean on him, put her legs on him or rest her head on his shoulder. when people ask if they're a couple and harlow replies with "ew no" people are genuinely surprised. it doesn't help that she wears his clothes half of the time either. 
in private they're basically the same, harlow tells michael everything. its common for her to rant about her day to him while he gives her a shoulder massage. harlow cuddles him all the time no matter how ually frustrating it could be more michael sometimes. hugs, piggyback rides, holding hands, its all normal in their relationship. 
they can somehow talk to each other from across the room with just facial expressions, michael is able to tell any little change in her mood based on her mannerism. he notices every little thing about her. when they go shopping he could say if she has something similar or if it doesn't go with her closet. he's really attentive when it comes to harlow. for others he notices things but wouldn't say anything or act on it. he's a lot more caring and patient when it comes to her and she knows this. she doesn't take advantage of it but instead gets sad and whiny when he's upset and being cold to her. but it never lasts long because he just can't resist her. if harlow needs anything he'd drop everything just to be there for her but the same can't always he said for her.
 – when harlow is sad he buys her ice cream or strawberry short cake because he knows that makes her instantly happy
– he memorized harlow's schedule and tries to meet with her as often as he can so she's not alone between classes because she always ends up texting him like crazy when she's not occupied anyways
– harlow is the only person he'll share food and drinks with
– he thinks she looks most beautiful when her hair is in a braid with two strands in the front and no makeup
– she loves buying him clothes and basically stealing it because oversized shirts and flannels are cute. and his sweatpants are comfy af to lounge around in
– they know all of each others secrets
– he calls gunmin the korean version of austin, he's just better at hiding it
–  he has no feelings for nica but harlow keeps subtly pushing it and telling them to hang out together and asking about her to him.
– when harlow is too lazy to clean she just happens to invite him over knowing that he'll do it impulsively
ENDING she realizes that austin is a jerk and gunmin is trash so she finally considers michael after realizing he's been there for her the whole time?
keep width 220. don't worry about height as long as it's bigger than 280!
scroll right
FULL NAME michael jieming huang.
mike – the generic nickname that all his friends call him.
mikey – harlow is the only person that calls him this and he lowkey finds it cute.
hong jimin (홍지민) – a korean name that he goes by in korea based on his chinese name. people at robinson int college call him mike but the korean students call him jiho. he's still getting used to it so sometimes he doesn't answer.
huang jieming (黄介鸣) – his chinese name that only his parents call him and maybe other chinese students at the international school
flynn rider – just as michael calls harlow rapunzel, her usual response involves calling him flynn rider in return in a playful manner
DATE OF BIRTH 21 february, 2000.
AGE 21 (22).
HOMETOWN melbourne, australia.
ETHNICITY chinese.
PRONOUNS he/him.
ORIENTATION heteroual.
OCCUPATION 2nd year, data science major at melbourne university (currently studying creative technology management major at robinson intl uni as an exchange student)
FACECLAIM liu haoran.
BACKUP wang yibo.
PERSONALITY intj – quiet, cold, practical, self assured, intelligent, insightful, stoic, quick witted, insensitive, skeptical, analytical, decisive, caring, observant
on the surface michael is a serious dude that doesn't smile much. he looks really cold and intimidating because of his "resting face" as harlow calls it. most people find him scary but harlow is quick to say that he's really a softie and give him a hard pinch on the cheek when he looks too serious. the michael that most people see is quiet, he prefers to listen instead of talk and might not answer even if you talk your head off. he's hard to get to know and doesn't give his energy to just anyone. he has a bad habit of getting lost in thought that'll make him look even more scary because when everyone else is laughing he's just standing there with a slight frown but he's not mad! he's just thinking!
michael is like insanely smart, he has a bad habit of finding most people stupid. when they say something incorrect he can't help but mumble the right answer under his breath with harlow elbowing his side in response. he doesn't even try to act friendly at times.
he's also not good with emotions, he's an emotional person but prefers not to show it. if someone goes to him for advice he'll be really awkward and just give them practical advice that probably won't make them feel any better but is a really good solution to the problem.
he prefers to be alone or with people that are mentally stimulating. with someone that he actually likes he's more active, he likes throwing in sarcastic comments dissing his friends. he always has a comeback that'll roast your whole life. there are two things that really bring out his emotions, gaming and harlow.  
BACKGROUND michael is the only child to two high achieving parents that were usually too busy to spend time with him. there's nothing significant about his past, he lived the normal life of a well off kid. went to a good school, had good friends, good grades. his parents weren't emotional people, just focused on his grades and wanting him to get into a good college which he did. 
TRIVIA he's apart of the gaming club and attends every meeting like a good member. his korean is really good so he has quite a few friends there that invite him to game with them even outside the club. he takes his league very seriously.
– he's taking level 4 korean courses with harlow but his korean is actually better than that. she just wanted him to take a class with her so he did worse on the placement test. he started learning korean officially in highschool when harlow got into korean culture because she wanted someone to practice the language with and he also just wanted to impress her. he studied so hard that he eventually got better than her at it. his korean is actually better than his chinese which is parents are lowkey disappointed about.
– surprisingly he isn't apart of the photography club because he doesn't like showing his photography to anyone other than harlow. he doesn't even have an instagram, he just likes taking them for memories.
– he turned the basement of his house into a darkroom for his photography
– he's never dormed before becoming an exchange student. for college in melbourne he just stayed at home
– he's a bit of a clean freak. unorganized places annoy him. he just has to clean it if he can. or he keeps staring at it.
summer 2018, maldives


ending credits
COMMENTS weewoo i said she was almost done hella long ago haha but here she iss. i'm excited to see what'll happen with her momma and austin and gunmin and michael. ok basically her whole app.
SCENE SUGGESTIONS partying!! and dragging michael along
– mikey being salty whenever austin is around
– mikey and harlow acting like a couple 
– harlow being sad and drinking her off 
– pls let them go to lotte world in school uniforms 🥺
– making friends with other robinson kiddies
PASSWORD yong hada! shes so pretty ahhhn


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