Promoting Stories Sitewide Made Easier

Hi everyone! I randomly realized last week (while drinking Sapporo at a Yakitori place 😂) that using the ad calendar to promote stories is kind of... hard to use. With the calendar, you have to get the URL (not something you can easily do on mobile or at all in apps), then you have to think of a title and description for the ad, then guess at a bid and cross your fingers. I just made it a little easier today by letting it be a one-click action instead whenever you view a story foreword or chapter (you can find it somewhere under the story title). If you want to change the title and description, you can still go to the calendar bid page for that date (click on the "Bid Page" link) and make your changes.

I figure it's a bit more fun to do it like this when you come across a story or author you really like but don't have the 5-10 minutes to make an ad in the calendar. Also, if you happen to buy karma to bid on a promotion, all proceeds go to paying for the mobile app developer who will eventually work on the app -- who by the way, I'm still looking for so if you or someone you know is a Flutter developer and are interested on working on Asianfanfics / RoleplayRepublic, let me know! Happy end of Monday!


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I have a question; is there a “confirm” button for these feature? It seems like it would be easy to accidentally press the new button, and I think it would be helpful if there was a second message prompting us if we *really* want to place a bid or not.
hi nichiren, just wanted to say thank you SO MUCH for all your work with asianfanfics!! i swear aff is taking over my life and i kind of resent you for it HAHAH just kidding of course, but it's really addicting being on here so i really really am so grateful you're keeping this site up and running! aff is genuinely one of my favourite platforms and writing is super cathartic during stressful times so THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING 😭😭 as for the new bid feature, i actually really like it! i notice it has driven up bid prices, and given what it provides to authors and such, i really hope it'll encourage more people to purchase kps and everything too! i hope you find a developer for the app, i swear the moment an app comes out it'll be freaking amazing for real!! i'm super excited for when we reach that stage :D

have an amazing week!!! thank you again for everything!!!
I really like the new “bid” section in the story! Nice one
ververthesecret #4
do we have an option to remove the button? it's quite... disturbing to see it every time while i never think of buying ads for someone else's stories (i'm just a normal reader)
Thank you so much!
That button looks so tempting but it does make biddings a whole lot easier! thank you always for your efforts!! I wonder tho if it has a prompt just in case we accidentally pressed it? Especially if we dont intend to advertise a specific story for example. 😅😅
Thank you for your hard work. You always make things easier for us. I truly hope you find a dev. Soon because this only deserves an upgrade
I'm sorry you didn't find a developer yet. I don't have anyone in my friends or contact working on code and computers unfortunately. I wish someone will be interested soon to help you!

Thank you for this easier way 🙏 of promoting our fictions!

By the way I was wondering if the fact that M Rated stories Ads are not viewable in the front page was normal? I have to go in the M stories pages or the featured M stories page to view it while Regular stories Ad have a front page view directly :( .it is kind of unfair since we bid the same amount of karma points and even more sometimes for not the same "service".

Thank you by advance for your answer and thank you as always for all the time you invested in AFF!!
As always, thank you so much for never leaving us and always working so hard, especially during this current time. We appreciate you, and please stay safe and healthy. =)
I've never tried that in all my years on this site, now that it's easier, maybe I will! Thank you as always for all your work, it is appreciated!!
Wow this is a real good news. Thank you so much Nichiren! 😍👍🏻
Ahh I just saw the new feature literally a few seconds ago! Hahaha thank you so much for making it easier for us to bid! I'm one of these people who face a hard time each time I want to bid one of my fics Lmao.
Thanks once again and happy Monday :D