A LOOK INTO 강유선'S MOMENTS. open for collabs!

#e4baa4 #494329  tw // implied ism and misogyny that sprung forth resentment and ignorance of one sibling

keep width 220. don't worry about height as long as it's bigger than 280!
i miss you
keep width 250. don't worry about height as long as it's bigger than 150!
night life
you showed me that life should be about fun but how am i supposed to do that when you're gone?
FULL NAME 강유선; kang yuseon
seon is the most common nickname that yuseon carries. it helps people distinguish her from her twin brother, as they have alarmingly similar names. the people who can call her this are mostly her parents, younger twin brother and best friend.
megan kang is the name that her parents helped her choose when she and her brother went on to their first business trip overseas. yuseon views this as her english name and only uses it when necessary.
DATE OF BIRTH 29th august, 2001.
AGE 20 (21).
BIRTHPLACE busan, south korea.
HOMETOWN seoul, south korea.
ETHNICITY full south korean.
NATIONALITY republic of korea.
PRONOUNS she/her.
ORIENTATION heteroual and demiromantic.
fluent korean is something that was to be expected of her as she meant all of her life in that one country. she is able to speak it in two different dialects, gyeonggi and gyeongsang dialects.
semi-fluent english was an ability she was able to gain and enhance as she was given english language classes when she was younger. proper education and english media content help her in practicing this.
OCCUPATION student; yonsei university, college of social sciences, department of political science and international studies, international relations major 2nd year.
MEASUREMENTS 167 centimetres and 48 kilograms.
APPEARANCE main itzy's hwang yeji; back-up aespa's yoo jimin. her current hair color is mahogany brown and she has a mole below the corner of her left eye. she has no tattoos but has her ears pierced for casual earrings.
neutral colors are yuseon's go to palette whenever she buys and matches her clothes. she likes to keep up with the fashion trends so as to look more presentable when she is in class but you'll often see her in white, brown, gray and black. coats are a big must to her but she also doesn't shy away from wearing skirts and dresses.
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강유선; kang yuseon
⚖️ yonsei international relations 2024;
only justice can bring peace
keep width 125. don't worry about height as long as it's bigger than 185!
keep width 125. don't worry about height as long as it's bigger than 185!
ISTJ; 5w6
positive dependable, intelligent, hardworking, rational, responsible; neutral perfectionist, highly principled, protective, controlled; negative frugal, rigid, inexpressive, judgmental, self-distant
virgo, lawful good, ravenpuff, candor, melancholic
kang yuseon is the type of person to have your back when it comes to responsibilities. she is consistent with the quality of her works. though not a natural genius, yuseon is able to cope up with new situations. she is able to successfully solve problems logically. yuseon believes in being industrious. she is habitually engaged in earnest work, which is her element. yuseon leans more on the basis of logic and reason. she is able to reason out or think about things clearly. yuseon makes herself liable to be called to answer. she is not the type of person to drop what she knows she is hold accountable for, no matter how big or small her contributions may be.
kang yuseon only wholeheartedly accepts the greatest of the great. she will stop at nothing until she gets the details right. not only does she respect, yuseon upholds and lives out rules and laws more than an average citizen. she abides by it and makes it her life and makes sure others try to live it as well. yuseon will do anything to make sure her loved ones are safe. not only does she try to shield them from destruction, she also tries to maintain their status and integrity. unlike people her age, yuseon is able to restrain herself from doing illegal activities and think reasonably before acting. she makes sure that everything is thought thoroughly before she jumps at something.
raised by a resourceful mother, kang yuseon tends to hold money with a tight grip. she doesn't like to spend her money in expensive clothes and items. yuseon tends to be set on her opinions to the point that she will not entertain other people's outputs. she tends to push for what she believes in, the easy way or the hard way. as she likes to see the world with the logical lens, yuseon is quite unfamiliar with emotions and expressions. she tends to shut her emotions out and this results to her being more intimidating. as she isn't able to connect to people via their emotions in an eloquent way, yuseon tends to judge others harshly. she holds them to a higher standard and is blunt about it. whenever she feels a negative emotion, yuseon tends to shut herself out of the picture without notice. she distances herself in order to review the world with the lens and values she grew up with.
나의 사춘기에게
“하루도 맘 편히 잠들 수가 없던 내가
이렇게라도 일어서 보려고 하면
내가 날 찾아줄까 봐”
mr. and mrs. kang, business tycoons and entrepeneurs were expecting twins and the children that they were looking forward to were born on the midday of the twenty-ninth day of august 2001. though they were expecting the male twin to come out first, it was the girl who was delivered first, thus making her the firstborn child of the couple.
kang yuseon is the older twin sister of kang yugyeom, born seven minutes before the latter, and is the only daughter of kang chanshik and yeon subin on the 29th of august 2001. she was born in busan as her parents stayed there to oversee the growth of the busan branch of their business.
for the first years of her growth, yuseon was given everything she needed. born to a wealthy family, her needs were easily met and her wants were fulfilled within a snap of her fingers. she was given nice clothes, a roof over her food, food to satisfy her tastebuds, a good quality education in some of the finest schools in the city.
however, yuseon knew that the favourite child of her parents was her younger twin brother. when she was still younger, she often fought against her brother to possibly win her parents' affection. though not naturally gifted in academics, yuseon dedicated her time and efforts to gaining knowledge and getting the highest grades in her class.
all of her efforts were in vain, though, as yugyeom manages to top her scores every time. over the years, yuseon stopped trying and focused on her own values when she was approached by schoolmates who wanted to be close to her, or to just up to her. yuseon didn't mind because at least she had people to spend time with.
yuseon continued to score really high amongst her year even when her family moved back to seoul when she was in middle school. she found satisfaction in logic and loved learning for her own gain. getting high grades made her feel proud of herself.
middle school came and yuseon finally found a true friend and since then, she became more loyal to that one friend in the sense that she seldomly hangs out with her 'friend' group. her relationship with her twin brother, however, went down the drain as their personalties became different. the strain became more obvious when they were in high school as they were often pitted against each other academically.
yuseon continued to study hard and got into yonsei university's department of political science and international studies with the highest grade among her peers. her parents were satisfied and agreed to give her weekly financial help because she had the highest grade out of all appicants. she moved out of the house and applied for the dorm in her university, a decision that she was proud to have done because it made her more independent and work on herself more. 


✹ studying, peace of mind, justice, thrill and action movies, cleanliness, cloudy weathers, routines, seafood dishes, neutral and earthy colours, sunflowers, sunsets, vintage shops, jazz music, vinyls.
✹ her parents and younger twin brother, her old group of friends, rock music, parties and galas, injustice, romance movies and books, messy rooms, having her routine ruined right on the spot, neon colours.
✹ reading new cases and daily news on the internet, watching yeseul's performances, cooking, going to the bookstore or vinyl shops, photography, driving around town, cleaning her room and unit, grocery shopping.
✹ distancing herself from other people, shutting her emotions down, snapping when she failed to shut her emotions, spacing out when nervous, staring at someone before blinking when confused, crying when stress finally hits her.
✹ sns accounts: k.yuseon829 (public instagram and twitter), seonbeams (finsta), seonshine (private twitter)
✹ she bought herself a car with the money her parents provide in her bank account, something she never really spent much. she bought a black hyundai grandeur and drives it herself. she got her license a few days after she became of age.
✹ she is actually a good cook but prefers to cook for herself, and maybe her best friend. she isn't much of a baker herself but she does eat sweet treats, like macarons.
✹ she may come off as even colder in messages. she knows how to use emojis when it comes to messages. she just doesn't like to use them. she also uses proper punctuation so it doesn't help her case at all.
✹ she never read a romance novel for long when she was younger. she started doing so when she dated jaewoo and reads them once in a while after they broke up.
✹ she isn't that picky when it comes to other people's cooking, so long as they are clean and safe to eat. she can eat almost everything.
✹ she has low alcohol tolerance and is quite the silent drunk. there isn't much difference, though drunk yuseon will zone out more than the sober one.
✹ she has tried dying her hair for summer to a bit of a blond do but goes back to brown when she has classes to look presentable. she has plans on dying it orange next.
✹ she only visits her family during christmas and chuseok ever since she became a college student.
✹ she is the type of person to use the default ringtone for calls and messages because they're getting the job done and she didn't need to be all fancy.
✹ she likes having a routine ahead of time and will make time for people days before the time they were supposed to hang out. this allows her to manage her time properly and do more requirements.
✹ she was able to get a room for herself in the dorms because she had the means to pay for it whole and she didn't want to be bothered by anyone.
✹ will add here more soon!
a normal monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday in kang yuseon's life starts when she wakes up at 7 in the morning. though she can cook, she tends to do so when her classes start at 10 but if it does start at 8, she will take a bath first.

she prepares her clothes for the day before she sleeps so she likes to do her skincare routine (cleansing, or double cleansing, serum and moisturizer) then her make-up, which is light, and then sunscreen.

yuseon goes to get well soon cafe for her daily dose of caffeine and pastry before going to class. if she has more time, she will either prepare a traditional korean breakfast, an american breakfast or a mix of leftovers from the past few days.

her first few classes end by 12 noon and she mostly spends her lunchtime near the campus with her friend. her next class resume by 1 in the afternoon and they commonly end at 5-6 in the evening. after her class, she will hang out with her friend again to eat dinner somewhere.

yuseon will do her homework and read the necessary cases after she gets home and prepares herself for bed. she will read up until 11 in the evening then prepare her clothes for the next day. she will spend the remaining time occupied on her phone before sleeping by 12 midnight.
yuseon's routine starts a little different when it's friday and the weekends. she starts it by reading cases on friday night up until 12 midnight then sleep at 1 in the morning to relieve herself via watching videos on naver or youtube.

unlike weekdays, yuseon gives herself more time to sleep during the weekends and opts to wake up at 9 in the morning. she will make herself breakfast and eat it while watching a drama or movie on netflix.

after finishing the content, she will take a bath before making lunch. after making sure she had eaten, she will go to the gym and exercise for 4 hours before taking another shower and go to the mall or a good restaurant with her friends. if she doesn't have a prior notification about it, she would do it all by herself.

yuseon will go back to her dorm by 10 in the evening as she also likes to walk around the area by herself, prepare for bed and use her phone until she sleeps by 12 midnight. the same thing happens on sunday with her going home by 9 instead and reading cases until 11 pm. she then sleeps by 12 as well after preparing her clothes and using her phone.
place one
NAME 강유겸 (20)
R/S younger twin brother
OCCUPATION yonsei school of business, business administration 2nd year student
kang yugyeom is yuseon's younger twin brother who she was pitted against since she was younger, started by her parents and then by their schools. he was highly favoured by everyone but all he ever wanted was for the two of them to get along better.
yuseon used to love her brother to bits but she learned the hard way that she is nothing compared to him. she learned to be indifferent and ignored him to the point that she never deliberately went on her way to communicate with him when they're attending the same university.
yugyeom is doing everything to get into her good side, for their relationship to be better than what it had been for years. he even went on his way to call and text her number every day. he drops by her building whenever he is available, ask her to hang out but yuseon always turn him down, ignoring her for as long as she can. 
place two
NAME 강예슬 (20)
R/S best friend
OCCUPATION yonsei college of music, vocal music 2nd year student 
kang yeseul is yuseon's best friend who she met and was forced to befriend with by her parents because yeseul's family is influential. they eventually got along and found things in common and friendship bloomed between them.

yeseul is definitely a lot more open than yuseon and something about her best friend made yuseon drop her old group of friends, albeit not completely because they stuck themselves onto her. yuseon thinks that as the years go by, being forced to be in yeseul's good side was the only good thing her parents did for her.

yeseul is one of the people who can make yuseon alter her schedule ahead of time. they respect each other's space and are genuinely supportive and caring for one another to the point yeseul is angry at jaewoo for being inconsiderate towards her friend which was one of the reasons why they broke up.

collab with okey-dokeyo

place one
NAME 강찬식 and 연수빈 (49)
R/S parents
OCCUPATION business tycoons, owners, ceo and coo of kang enterprises
kang chanshik and yeon subin are yuseon's parents who she never received love from. she, instead, got money and status from them, things she is grateful to have because she wants to use her privilege to do more good for everyone as much as possible.

yuseon barely talks to her parents and does her best to avoid small talks of sorts with them whenever she visits them. though thankful they decided to fund her college tuition, it still hurt when her, the top applicant in juris doctor was compared to her brother, who had a high score in his entrance exam, which was different from hers but she learned to go along with it.

right now, she doesn't pay them much attention and does her own business.

place two
NAME 용하다 (21)
R/S close acquaintance
OCCUPATION yonsei university nursing student, get well soon cafe part-timer
yong hada is an interesting person for yuseon. the older female is a joy to be with, a natural when it comes to conversations and one of the few employees in get well soon cafe that yuseon genuinely wants to be friends with.

to be able to talk to hada makes yuseon instill more resilience in herself and be more like hada. yuseon wonders how it is to have a family member like hada and would it be better to be born into the yong family but those are little thoughts that she doesn't entertain much.

place one
NAME 노하랑 (22)
R/S acquaintance
OCCUPATION hwang-ok e-commerce group heiriess; creative technology student

no harang was someone yuseon never thought of befriending, no matter what status she might be in. her parents wanted her to befriend the heiress, especially when she was younger but she found harang's personality quite an intimidating one.

yuseon knows that her best friend is quite the dominating presence as well but there was something about harang that didn't sit well with yuseon; her submission to the elite group, something that yuseon never found herself to indulge in.

yuseon knows to herself that the one who will match harang's personality is her twin brother and yeseul is more than enough for her to put harang as an acquaintance.

place two
NAME here (age)
R/S here
elaboration here.
place one
NAME here (age)
R/S here
elaboration here.
place two
NAME here (age)
R/S here
elaboration here.
place one
NAME here (age)
R/S here
elaboration here.
place two
NAME here (age)
R/S here
elaboration here.
life direction
yuseon has been doing a lot of studying since she entered college, boyfriend or none. her ultimate goal is to have her own law firm that she build-up for herself but right now, she has set herself into graduating her pre-law on time. she is looking into law firms that she can apply to when she is in law proper. her average is excellent, one of the best in her grade and she plans to keep it that way. as much as yuseon likes to think that things will be running smoothly for her this time, she has been ignoring calls from her twin brother who was been trying to patch things up between the two of them. she doesn't why they need to make up now when it has been too late in her opinion. sure, she makes time to go home once or twice a year since she became a college student but she keeps herself, her goals and aspirations as her top priorities. she might consider working on her family relationships when she's financially independent but with her brother pestering her endlessly, she might have just do something about it to get him out of her way.
yuseon let out a little hum before clearing . “hello and thank you for having me here. i'm kang yuseon, second year student in yonsei college of social sciences, specifically under the department of political science and international studies. i major in international relations.”
“to finish reading the cases that my professor gave us tonight is my short-term goal,” yuseon's face didn't break into a smile, nor a chuckle, “but i am sure that i will graduate on time. i have been looking into working in law firms as i study.” she listened to the next question, humming before responding, “i firmly believe that no matter what, only justice can bring peace.”
the girl could only blink as she thought of a proper answer. she didn't dare say what her family thought of her and only focused on what her best friend told her about her. “yeseul told me i'm too stuck up. she also told me that i'm too much of a perfectionist,” though tempted, yuseon didn't say anything about yeseul being the same as her in that realm, “and that i need to have fun, let loose as she puts it.”
yuseon pursed her lips at the question. she was never the one to always jump on the possibilities ahead and would rather make plans to secure a great future for herself. she didn't want to answer but she knew she had to so she replied, “i want everyone to remember me as the person who gave justice to the people who need it the most, no matter how big or small their problems may be.”
yuseon was glad to be out of there as soon as she can but decided to be polite and bowed. “thank you for having me. please have a nice day.” she straightened herself out and gathered her stuffs before heading out.
dear han jaewoo,
yuseon remembers the first time she met han jaewoo. it was a week before her first year in yonsei started and she was moving her things to her unit so as to arrange them properly and have enough time to adjust to the new environment as not to overwhelm herself.
jaewoo was staying a few doors away from her and was going back after working out with his friends when yuseon stepped outside to get fresh air. jaewoo greeted her, calling her new neighbour and struck the first conversation with her, to which she shortly responded.
jaewoo, as he was the senior, invited her to eat with him and his friends for dinner that night to which yuseon rejected, since she wanted to see the university for herself but jaewoo managed to make her agree to eat a meal with him when the first day of school comes.
yuseon finds jaewoo's presence a good one to have with her as time grew by. the two eat and hang out together sometimes, with jaewoo initiating it at first but when yuseon became comfortable with him, she asks if he can accompany her at that time.
jaewoo took yuseon asking for his company more as a sign that she likes him. it turns out that jaewoo started to like her for her since they hanged out and they went to a vinyl shop.
he confessed one day out of the blue when they were going back to the dorm after eating a meal with his friends. yuseon agreed to go out with him as she thought it will be the most logical thing to do, to accept his confession.
jaewoo and yuseon were a perfect team, as how the people in their dorm building will describe. what jaewoo lacks in, yuseon excels and vice versa. they complemented each other to the point that they will get what the other was feeling with just a look.
however, no matter how good things looked like, jaewoo cannot handle the fact that yuseon distances herself and is quite inexpressive about her emotions. yuseon doesn't like how jaewoo tends to neglect himself and acts in important decisions out of impulse.
the two managed to make it work with proper communication and comprehension but yuseon had enough when jaewoo tried to pry too much about her family, something she doesn't like to share with others.
for once, yuseon acted out of emotions and told him that they should break up if he can't respect her space and he agreed because he can't be in a relationship where his partner doesn't trust him fully to tell him what goes on.
ever since then, yuseon rarely hangs out with anyone, except for her best friend and sometimes her middle school friends who managed to get into yonsei and jaewoo surrounded himself with more people. they don't talk and try not to run into each other.
when they were still dating, yuseon and jaewoo were quite mature. the first few months were somewhat more playful and childish than the rest as they were still basking in the freshness of the new beginning. they managed to retain that side as the months passed by.
they would be both mature and outgoing with each other when they were still together. their peers have concluded their dynamic to be that of an outgoing mother and a strict mother, which they think encapsulates how they are together.
weekly dates were a thing for them and they dedicate one day at the weekends to each other. jaewoo would be the one to open up about a possible date destination and yuseon will make a plan ahead of time so they can spend the day wisely.
when they are arguing or in a bad mood, they try to resolve it on their own. sometimes one may blow up to the other but after that, they will calm down and talk to their partner about their problem. they respect each other's schedules and make way for each other's endeavours, cheering each other on.
after the break-up, yuseon spends more time with either herself studying or out of the dorm or with her best friend, at the mall or any place they talked about before. jaewoo spends his free time with his friends, often in restaurants or malls in seoul.
they tend to avoid each other as much as possible and whenever they do run into each other, they will ignore each other but yuseon usually does that first and jaewoo reciprocates it by doing the same action.
months passed by and it's almost a year since their break-up. i'm hoping for them to have reflected on their wrongdoings, learn something from the past and find themselves back on the path of being together. a slow paced new beginning with one another is what they need and hopefully, they will last long.
keep width 220. don't worry about height as long as it's bigger than 280!
scroll right
FULL NAME 한재우; han jaewoo.
jae is the nickname that jaewoo is mostly associated with by his dormmate and by the students staying in his dorm. he also stands to get called by his younger siblings as they share the syllable woo.

zeus is a nickname that he got from his closest friends, specifically from one of them who happened to be a foreign languages major. this is a pun on his name and is used whenever he excels or succeeds in something.
DATE OF BIRTH 04th october, 2000
AGE 20 turning 21 (22).
HOMETOWN seoul, south korea.
ETHNICITY south korean.
PRONOUNS he/him.
ORIENTATION cishet, heteroromantic.
OCCUPATION student; yonsei university, college of engineering, mechanical engineering 3rd year.
FACECLAIM nct's kim jungwoo.
BACKUP stray kids' lee minho.
positive companionable, empathetic, practical, enthusiastic, optimistic; neutral spontaneous, observant, adventurous, eccentric, changing; negative impulsive, materialistic, self-neglecting, indulgent, dramatic
libra, chaotic neutral, slytherpuff, sanguine, dauntless
if people can describe han jaewoo, they will describe him to be an outgoing individual who is always on the move, seeking opportunities. he may seem out of the blue but he has good intentions. he tends to seek exciting people and situations, caring for people and his personal values that he tends to neglect his physical and mental health. jaewoo tends to get caught up in drama and earthly things. he is, though, realistic.
han jaewoo was born on the 04th day of october 1998 to han woohyun and noh jaehee. he was their only child for the first few years of his life until he was given a baby brother ten years later and a baby sister three years after his younger brother was born.
growing up, jaewoo was surrounded by parents and relatives who love him a lot and gave him opportunities to pursue his own goals and create his own internal system of values. he had average grades, studied whenever necessary and had fun whenever he wanted to let loose.
he had a fairly normal childhood, kept up with the trends and did almost everything that a boy like him would've done growing up. he didn't do anything drastic as he had evaluated everything with his values system, thus preserving his ideals and standards.
my home
ending credits
COMMENTS it's been so long since i tried making a character like yuseon. she was financially above others and was supposed to be a blessing but was pushed to the side because of her gender. she worked hard to be up to par with the standards but never felt like she was enough that she kept to herself, never sparing herself of criticisms. i tried making her seem like a real person but i know that she is still lacking so that's on me. i hope that she is good enough and that she is interesting enough! 
✹ yuseon getting to have more fun with her best friend, yeseul, after her exams and yeseul's performance. maybe bumping into jaewoo and his friends while they're at it.
✹ yuseon having enough of her brother and snapped at him in a call. i can imagine this happening when yugyeom didn't stop botheringher during exam week.
✹ yuseon and yugyeom finally making peace with each other far earlier than yuseon planned to do so. i want this to happen because i feel like it didn't, she will bring that pain with her until she has a family of her own, assuming she will have one.
✹ will add here when i thought something up!
PASSWORD yong hada!


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