望的戰士 : HUOJIN

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 jin - a nickname that everyone calls him. evem his parents barely call him huojin.
 captain jin - the name that people are supposed to call him but they just call him jin because they don't have much respect for him. they feel he didn't deserve his position and just got there from kissing zhao's so much. which isn't really a lie but still. huojin isn't even used to hearing it so he probably won't answer if he gets called this.


 huojin looks like any other fire nation dude. at 180cm and 61kg he's just average in terms of height and weight. the only thing that makes him stand out as cute is his snaggle tooth. his hair is long but he always keeps it in a bun because it keeps getting in his mouth when its down.


 huojin has a regular fire nation style, nothing special really. he doesn't go overboard with fashion or anything, just blends in. he doesn't have much money to be flashy with clothes anyways. a variety of red  tangzhuang tops and fisherman pants.

huojin is a friendly and slightly idiotic navy captain who is the biggest zhao fanboy around. everything zhao says is bond and he stands by him no matter what. but zhao is just using him for his own good and everyone can see it but him. its only a matter of time until he realizes that but for now he's focused on invading the north and killing the moon spirit.

AGE: 26
NATION: fire
HOMETOWN: capital

FACE CLAIM: liu haoran
HEIGHT: 180cm

Who are you?


enfp-a, hufflepuff, neutral good, 
naive, optimistic, passive, determined, impressionable, sharp-witted, people-pleasing, hardworking, patient, passionate, energetic, clumsy, witty, restless, loyal


huojin is a good natured person. since he's a fire nation soldiers that killed thousands of innocent people he might seem bad but he's not! he has good intentions, in his head he believes that everything he's doing is for the better. zhao's impressive manipulation skills and all the fire nation propoganda that was fed to him from a young age, he's just another brainwashed fire nation soldier. though not as ruthless as the rest he isn't like other firebenders, he isn't short tempered and trying to burn things all the time.

huojin can be kind of childlike, he has an innocence that makes him naive and wanting to please others like a puppy. the only reason he's skeptical of others is because he learned not to trust anyone of other nations but once he realizes that they're nice people then he'll be friendly to them too. its zhao that has to snap him out of it and remind him that they're the enemy. if other people are bullying him or humiliating him he probably won't even realize it. it causes him to get bossed around and take advantage of a lot. its clear to other people but he thinks some of the meaniest people genuinely care about him. like he's a captain but no one calls him captain jin, to him they're being playful and he wants people to feel comfortable so its fine if tehy don't call him that, especially since he's younger than a lot of the lieutenants and soldiers. but its actually them not respecting him. 

huojin looks at life in a positive point of view, when he is determined to do something he makes to sure to complete it even when its hard. no matter what others say about him if he's determined it wouldn't matter to him. he has a hard time saying no to people so he might take too many responsibilites at once but he somehow has constant energy to do it. probably because he's so determined and puts full effort in everything. his clumsiness makes it even harder for him as times because he trips and stumbles at the worst times.

emotions wise he's healthy, he's well aware of how he feels and doesn't suppress his feelings since his parents are open with their emotions too. he's the type to voice how he feels and if he's sad then he'll cry, theres not much complication to him. he's an open book full of optimism. he finds joy in everything like his father and makes lame dad jokes to lighten the mood.

many people think he's dumb because he's naive but he's not that stupid. he has a creative mind and notices intricate details. whenever he says his opinion most people don't pay him much attention, especially zhao so even if he sees something he keeps his knowledge to himself. in school he got bad grades but excelled in things like art and music because he learns better while doing something and trial and error than listening over and over. it's later on that people would realize huojin was right after their plan already failed. he has a lot of insight on many things but since no one listens it doesn't go to use. instead he just gets labeled as stupid. 



huojin was born as the only son to loving nonbender parents fang and bohai. he came from a lower middle class family. his parents own a flower and pottery shop. his dad makes the pots for the flowers that his mom picks. even though they didnt have much money their family was happy because both parents did what they love. his parents didnt expect him to be a firebender because the chances are low since they aren't. but when he was 5 he accidentally fire bending almost burning his mom. they were scared and happy to see their son as a bender. huojin was put into a fire bending school from when he was little, they put him in the best school they could afford. even when they could barely pay for the rent they made sure they paid the tuition for the school so huojin can learn to control his fire bending.

huojin really loved fire bending, he was a hyperactive kid and thought it was really fun. to go back and show his parents all he learned made him happy too. it was his dream to join the military once he was old enough to show his parents that they didn't pay his tuition for no reason. whats a better way to show that than serving his nation. in school his grades weren't very good anyways so it wasn't likely that he'd be accepted in a college.

when he joined the army he became a private under general shu and junior lieutenant zhao. he fell in love (not literally) with zhao's strong firebending and even strogner determination. he started to look up to him becoming a loyal follower of zhao. at the spirit library he helped zhao burn the fire nation section down. whenever he was promoted through the ranks zhao tried his best to take huojin with him because he knew he could manipulate him easily. now that zhao is an admiral he helped huojin rise through lieutenant to captain quickly when he didn't really deserve it. during his time fighting in the war he's seen a lot of tragedy, but he's convinced himself that its for the greater good of humanity which is the only thing keeping him going. he believes in zhao and the fire nation and its his duty to serve his nation to make the world a better place. 


 he has an obsession with dragons. he really wants to see a dragon even though he knows its impossible. in art class back in his school days he always drew his self portrait with a dragon next to him. his obsession probably comes from wanting to be a powerful firebender and dragons are the most powerful.
 he gets mesmerized by lightning bending because its so damn cool and the color blue is pretty
 he likes to go to gift shops and get something from every place he visits so he can send to his parents like they traveled with him, he sends his parents letters really often to tell them about the war and things he saw
 he's a really lightweight when it comes to drinking
 he thinks things like books are boring
 he really wants to see an otter penguin
 he loves udon noodles and spiced tea
 they might know him as an idiot but he's a genius gambler. after losing a few times he learns his opponents and wins but people say its just lucky
 huojin means fire and metal
 he loves animals and since he has a pure heart they're really kind and gentle towards him
 he moves a lot in his sleep. if you sleep next to him he'll put his arm or leg on you and cuddle you
 watch out, he's a hugger
 he likes seeing other people happy so he doesn't mind getting bossed around
 all the girls he's dated in the past treated him like a pack mule and he was a simp for every single one of them
 his parents just want him to meet a nice girl to settle down with. preferable someone family oriented that'll love huojin no matter what


 mom - fang (46) / owner of a florist / friendly, loving, emotional / 10/10
huojin is a mama's boy, his mom dotes on him so much and shows him a lot of love. she babies him a lot and worries deeply about him everytime he goes to fight in the war. sometimes she wishes he would be a nonbender and do pottery like his father but she knows being a bender is a gift and its good he's serving the country. whenever he comes back he comes home to a big meal and a long hug and many kisses from his mom who missed him so dearly. 

 dad - bohai (47) / potter / understanding, clumsy, funny / 10/10
just like fang bohai is really loving too. he's a funny guy and likes to make puns out of everything, he has a load of dad jokes under his sleeve and slips in a joke even when its unexpected. his dad likes to bring humor into situations where his mom would feel a lot of stress. he's warm hearted and worries too but doesn't show it as much. 

 mentor - zhao / fire nation general / narcissistic, ambitious, arrogant, short tempered / 8/10
huojin thinks he's really close to zhao. he sees him like an older brother, zhao met his parents before too and they got a good impression of him because of his ability to manipulate people. but zhao is just using huojin, he views him as an idiot. he saw an opportunity with having a puppet like huojin to do whatever he says without question thats why he got him promoted to captain. he doesn't care of huojin at all, if he does its only for self interest. but huojin cares for zhao a lot. 




 firebending is how he prefers to fight. a lot of fire benders are powerful because of their anger but huojin is a powerful fighter because of his passion. he can make big flames and has a lot of power but his technique isn't good. he's light on his feet and doesn't have a strong stance like fire benders usually do, his master pointed out that his fire bending looks like he's dancing or something because he's more flowy than rigid. he's a clumsy fighter that mostly relies on big blasts to win and good defense. its a good thing though because he can avoid attacks and kicks since he's like a wet noodle. during the fight huojin learns a lot about his opponent, if someone has a specific move that they always do then he would notice and learn to avoid it after a while and figure out how to attack back. 


☯ huojin learned nunchaku while in the army and fell in love with them, he got way too many bruises from it but after a lot of practice he's really good at tricks and swinging it around making it look intimidating but he's never used it in a fight outside of training. he honestly just has it to do more tricks. it's good party trick.


 his mom is a florist and she taught him all about herbalism from when he was little. the military taught him more about foraging but he already knew about waht plants were safe to eat etc. he has a bunch of knowledge on it and he has shown it on a few occassions while camping. he also knows how to poison others but no one knows about that ability since his mom told him never to use it. if he ever got stranded in the woods by himself he would be able to survive pretty easily. 


 during military training he had to learn hand to hand combat but it was probably what he's worst in because he's not a muscular person. during training he resorted to clinging to a soldiers leg and biting their thigh because he knew he wouldn't win and it was the only thing he could think of. someone bigger can manhandle him with ease but he's really good at running away so good luck catching him to beat him up.


 huojin might not be the best firebender but he doesn't give up easily. he has a lot of endurance and can fight for a long time without getting too tired, when he falls he gets back up. even if he's on the floor in severe pain he'll get back up and keep fighting because thats how determined he is. he won't stop trying until he's dead. 


 huojin might not have been the smartest kid in his class but he's really good at coming up with strategies. he learns by doing and uses his past experiences to come up with plans, his creativity is on another level too so he sees things differently than others. he tries to give zhao his opinion on some of his plans but he never listens to him which doesn't really bother huojin either because zhao is always right in his eyes anyways. 


 its something he actually enjoys, especially for a big group of people he likes to see others enjoy his food. he puts a lot of love whenever he cooks and takes accommodations too.

Are You Ready?


How do you feel about the war?

 the war is good, we're making great progress i think. it would've been great if we occupied ba sing se but general iroh and jeong jeong abandoned us. its okay though, we're far from done.  

Do you think it will end soon? Do you want it to?

 no, there's still so much zhao wants to do with the water tribe- i-i'm not sure if i was supposed to say that...

If there is a new Avatar, it would be someone from the Fire Nation. How do you feel about that?

 great! they can join the fight, general zhao is an amazing strategist. with his help and the avatar the war would end in no time! 


bmykpopluva ✩ minna

LAST COMMENT: done done done! i always struggle with the personality sections most so hope its enough to get the gist. i'm assuming that when the story starts zhao is still a general because he becomes admiral later on i think. so like huojin would be the captain of zhao's ship. also here is a good icon x


 during a time when others are questioning zhao's motives as admiral he knows huojin won't so he promotes him to commander


PASSWORD: i can see him with someone kind of bossy and badass. willing to take the leadership role in the relationship and he just looks at her like wow thats my baby.  




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