I want to pour my heart out for this one

I started writing back in 2018. I was an Ujung and obviously, I wrote for WJSN back then. Then I got into BLACKPINK and the Blink fandom which made me write about JenLisa and the other ships. Repeat, my first story I wrote on Twitter, gained a lot of readers that I'm very thankful for. They made me want to continue writing for BP though I stopped writing since college started (it but I'm on my third year btw). Studying is more prioritized than my passion, which is arts. I honestly miss writing so much but I always don't have the energy to do so.

But this time, I'm determined to finish at least one story before I go back to studying. I'm not sure if anyone will read it but I hope some of you who has read Repeat will give it a try. I'm not even sure if anyone will read this but... if you did then do know that I'm thankful you checked my second blog post. Anyway, enough of this. I'll be posting the story soon. It's another JenLisa one but with different names. I don't want to use their real names on something so sinister anymore. I do hope someone reads this *cross fingers*.

- nabi


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