Need your opinion

Hey guys,

Just wanted to ask the writers between you, with what you have more problems with. Imagining a story, involving the content, storyline and plot or writing and describing the details in between, like the scenery, characters and so on. 


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I'm not that great at writing in general but for me the biggest problem is adding enough details and imagery
Hope you don’t mind me answering, I stumbled on your blog :) I wouldn’t say it’s a problem, but the most time consuming aspect for me is definitely the detail. I tend to write an outline of my work beforehand, so I always vaguely know what should happen in each chapter but fleshing them out can be tricky. I know what I want to happen, but sometimes finding the correct wording to describe a scene is difficult. Especially describing feelings; finding the balance between showing and telling is tough, especially when writing in third person. It’s so tempting just to tell lol