se-random as it can be

assalamualaikum, hi hello! selamat pagi! (it is still 8am at my place) hope you are having a nice day today. 

so this one entry is gonna be se-random as it can be. hari ahad yang sangat random gittuw. saja nak berkongsi thoughts yang singgah di taman minda saya harini. 

1) i've come to a point that i realize i am no good in writing stories. lebih lebih lagi yang >1 chapter (hence the fact that most of my stories selalu tergantung sepi)

2) (just want to say thankies)

i am an introvert. like super duper introvert. aff has been my safe place since like....2014? (but then i forgot my password so yay !!!new acc!!!) BUT THE THING IS i know i didnt reply to some of your comments/blog replies. i am soooo sorry for that. i just didn't know what to reply. you know how an introvert robot (read : me) works right T_T i didn't know how to interact with you guys also bcus here ain't twitter & we all barely knows each other (or is it just me aha) BUT please know that i suka baca comment korang multiple times T_T even if there's only 2 of it. i really appreciate my readers, my silent readers, thank you sweeties sebab sudi click cerita murah saya hahahaha. 

3) kenapa hari isnin jauh sangat dengan weekend tapi weekend dekat dengan isnin? tak puas hati betul bila fikir.

4) maybe i should write only one shots.

5) there's not much malay ff yang menarik jiwa hm (tak sedar diri cerita sendiri pun tak bertulis habis)

6) maybe i should delete hiraeth (my first work on this new acc) sebab time tulis tu tak berfikir ya macam mana plot & storyline. now i am doomed. 

7) kenapa setiap kali beli album day6 pc sungjin tak pernah melekat? geram pulak kita. 

8) rindu zaman aff 2014 - 2016 dulu hahahaha

9) maybe i shoud really delete hiraeth??? and start with a new one-shot???? maybe even better, a thriller crime one-shot???? istg the tension is killing me.


fuh, sekian. terima kasih kepada yang sudi membaca sampai habis. assalamualaikum. 


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Waalaikumsalam. Sama lah kita! I pun intervort jugak. Kekadang okay sikit. Mcm dah tak betoi dah.
Zaman aff yg dulu lagi best daripada sekarang. Dulu tak sesenyap yg sekarang.
Anyway, good luck for you and SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!
Waalaikumussalam. Takpe saya pun introvert teruk jugak hahahaa.
Rindu aff dulu. Now it's all quiet.
And good luck with your story!