♡ https://projectdream4u.kr/members/sunisa #ffbb66 #66ccff


  Sunisa Kitjakarn 
faceclaim; any height or width works! the box will always be 125 x 125.
FULL NAME – Sunisa Lamai Kitjakarn. [สุณีสา ลามาี  กีตยัการณ]

 Daow [ดาว] - meaning "star"; this is Sunisa's chue len, a nickname that her parents gave her before she was even born, one they'd hoped would lead her to greatness as she would be propelled to reach for and shine like the stars. This name is one that the fans of the quitnet would know, and any Thai friends that might be mentioned.
 Kim Sunisa [김 수니사] - her Korean name ; additionally, though she did accept a Korean surname to make things easier, she refused to take a different "birth name" because Sunisa translates over just fine, thank you very much
 Sun, Nini, Nisa - common nicknames, used by pretty much everyone
 Sunni/Sunny, Sunshine - less common, derived from her given name “Sunisa” and her mostly sunny demeanor; popularity shifts over the years, but “sunshine” in particular always seems to make a comeback, especially after she reappers in the Dream4U program (it tends to most often appear in the phrase “my sunshine” when used by fans or “our sunshine” when used by Taeri and the girls; used by....pretty much everyone, and she's resigned herself to it; this is made even more amusing because of her chue len and how it continues with the astral aspect.
 Tiny Terror - she’s tiny and an absolute terror at times, what’s not to understand? fondly given to her by her brother, Surin, then adopted by Jinri and Sunmi, and then further by whoever else might overhear them if they visit/call.
 Kit, Kitten - derived from her surname (KITjakarn) and someone’s (Jinri, please no) attempt to be cute/funny (except it's not!); used only a infrequently, usually when Sunisa’s doing soming cute or cat-like, and usually when a cute/soft/funny moment is needed [like for captions, it could be used]
 Mom - ...okay but hear me out-- she's one of the oldest members (probably) and she's got the soft mom vibes for the most part, but also the mama duck with ducklings vibes because she's one of the only ones with any ideas as to what she's doing at any point in time, but also the vaguely strict mom vibes because she's good with the knuckling down and working hard. but mostly cause she's one of the older members and #momvibes
— here

BIRTHTOWN – Bangkok,  Thailand.
HOMETOWN – Bangkok,  Thailand.

 Thai ; 100%, native language
 Korean ; 90%, has been studying Korean since she was young in order to pursue her dream
 English ; 80%, has been studying English singe she was young, mostly to pursue her dream and partially because she likes Western music
— Mandarin ; 25%, Chinese is a language that many Thai individuals speak, or at least grow up hearing, because they have Chinese heritage or because of where they live and their local demographic. Sunisa grew up hearing Chinese because it was spoken by her peers in school, and she learned key phrases because of how widely spoken it is. She's not very good, hates tones fiercely, and really only knows a handful of phrases and miscellaneous vocabulary.
 Japanese ; 15%, Sunisa loved anime and manga while growing up, and while it wasn't the best reason, she began teaching herself Japanese while she was still very young in order to sing along to the theme songs (and because subbed is leagues better than dubbed); by the time she started training at Plan A, all she remembered were the usual Weeb phrases; it was there that she start picking up the language again in order to prepare for a debut with the inevitable outcome of a Japanese debut; like before, she's teaching herself in her spare time, so sometimes the going is slow.

BIRTHDAY & AGE – 1997.04.03
HEIGHT & WEIGHT – 162 cm & 48kg.

FACE CLAIM – Minnie (G-Idle).
BACKUP – Nene (BonBon Girls 303), Nychaa Nuttanicha (model), Mookda Narinrak (model).

And in this corner, standing at 162 cm and weighing in at 48 kg, we have Sunisa! Despite the almost diminuitive nature, Sunisa has the sort of presence and personality that can fill a room with ease, making it easy to forget that she’s one of the shortest shorties in the group. As an active individual and a long-time dancer, Sunisa is slender and toned, supple, and her high metabolism helps her to maintain her figure and otherwise shed the weight she sometimes manages to put on. (That, and it allows her to snack more because of how easily she keeps her figure.) Sunisa has 2 lobe piercings and 3 forward helix piercings on her left ear; and 3 lobe, 1 flat, and 1 helix piercing on her right ear. Generally, she wears jewelry such as this unless she's actively performing or on a show. She hasn’t had any plastic surgery and, at present time, has no tattoos.
[In short, she's Minnie, but a little shorter and with more ear piercings.]
When it comes down to it, Sunisa prefers a more chic and classy style. she likes clothing that fits and is comfortable, but also looks good and flatters. Sunisa knows she’s a tiny scrap of a thing, and she knows she’s one of the smaller members of the group and in her own company. So she tries to wear things that flatter what she does have while hiding the fact that she’s....you know, tiny. On her own, it helps. But there’s no hiding her diminutive nature when she’s next to the taller members of D4U, or any of the staff memebers. 

In her say to day style, this tends to lead to a lot of form fitting clothing in the form of jeans and slacks, shirts, and boots or sneakers. Skirts aren’t super common, though they do happen when Sunisa needs to dress up, same with dresses. In cooler months, you see her rotate sweaters and jackets into her closet, as well as scarves and cute beanies. In her more private life and non-public schedules, she’s more lax about her attire, preferring looser fit tops and jackets and a pair of comfy jeans. You’ll be hard pressed to find this girl in “lazy” clothing like sweats or anything too baggy.

daily - x x x
dorm - x x x
practice - x x x
dress up - x x

TL;DR – Sunisa has always wanted to be an idol. From the very first moment the possibility presented itself to her, she has wanted to stand on stage and perform and share the job of music and dance. And from the very beginning of that dream, she has been an underdog. Thai idols aren’t unheard of now, but when she was growing up, when kpop was really beginning to take form within the music industry, her desire was like a pipedream. But still she worked to make it not just a possibility, but a reality. Now, a young adult, with a squad of girls she calls her family, and with not just years of training but actual experience in the form of busking and time on one of the most popular survival shows of the generation, Sunisa is ready to take that final step toward stardom. She just needs the chance. 

PERSONALITY – ESFP - Valor - Slytherin - Scorpio - Dauntless

becoming a sunflower

dig deep
face the sun
open your heart
catch the rain
stay wild
be messy
fall (it won’t hurt, i promise)
keep breathing

note to self:
even flowers are beautiful when it’s dark 

confident, social, considerate, energetic
witty, practical, observant, adaptable
snarky, blunt, independent, impatient

“Just remember: you can do anything if you set your mind to it and work hard. Practice, practice, practice. Never let yourself become complacent. You can do this. You just have to tell yourself and convince yourself that it can be done.”

Sunisa is confident in herself, the sort of confidence that is absolutely unshakable. She was born to be a star, was born to stand on stage and show the world her skill, and she holds herself like it’s not just an idea, but a matter of fact. Practice also makes perfect, and it’s clear that she has the practice-built skill to back her confidence.

social & energetic
“Sunisa, hey! What are you doing there?”
“Well...yes, I gathered that much. Who are you texting?”
“Seungwoo oppa. He's making a comeback soon.”
“That’s great! Wait, he's in Victon. Weren't you at Plan M for a while?”
“Yeah. Taeri, Haneul, all of us came from Plan M. We knew most of Victon pretty well. The Weeekly girls, too.”

She’s very much a social butterfly and has a wide network of idols she calls both friends and acquaintences, due to her training period in Plan M, her brother’s time in Big Hit, and the fact that birds of a feather flock together, and Sunisa was quickly befriended by the industry’s other Thai idols after her appearance on Produce 99. Although Sunisa isn’t the best in social situations -- sometimes gets her in trouble -- her honest practicality and her energy make her easy to befriend and be around.

blunt & considerate
“I'm so glad Weekly Idol is under new management.”
“What do you mean, Suni?”
“I mean, if we ever go on there, at least we won’t have to deal with Doni or Coni. Doni likes to make mean jokes, and Coni’s a pig.”
“And they’re both mean. I’ll never forget the episode Twice was on. Besides, they make fun of accents and foreign-born idols like it’s our choice we’re different.
“They don’t mean it that way, Sunisa.”
“No. They do. They’re lucky they never got to host us. I would have destroyed them if they made [Name] cry.”

Honesty is supposed to be the best policy, but sometimes Sunisa’s brand of honesty is a little more blunt and a little less softened. She says it like it is, whether she’s supposed to or not, much to the leader’s chagrin and the other girls’ general amusement. If you go to Sunisa for advice or to talk something through, you’d best be prepared for an honest response and reaction. She’s not going to sugarcoat it. But she’s also not going to lie and let your feelings be hurt later. Sunisa is a considerate person. Mostly. She cares about people, particularly her people, she just has a funny way of showing it at times. So for heavens sake, don’t come after the people. You’ll find yourself on the wrong end of the fan as hits it.

“I was thinking of changing the choreography during the bridge.”
“Yeah. I think it’ll be easier during the transition into the final chorus.”
“Okay. And?”
“And.....I wanted your opinion?”
“....okay, show me what you mean. I can’t say anything for sure if I can’t see what you mean.”

Sunisa is very much a hands-on person, and one that likes to see things play out and take them as they come, so she doesn’t deal in hypotheticals or what ifs. She can what if herself to death, but that’s not going to help her deal with the reality of a situation. Sure, contingency plans and conspiracy theories are all fun and games, but when it comes down to the fact of the matter, Sunisa behaves in a rational, practical manner, accepting things as they come, adjusting to meet them, and applying factual knowledge in order to make something actually happen or work.

observant & adaptable
“What are you watching?”
“Our practice recording from earlier today.
“Oh. ...why? [Name] said we did well.”
“We did. We looked cohesive and like a unit, and not just a bunch of girls dancing together. I’m just....looking for what we could have done better.”
“My footwork was a little sloppy during my rap. I could have executed it better. [Name] stumbled a little after her rap, but it wasn’t too noticable. ....and you did really well on the bridge we all struggled with.”
“Oh. Really?”
“Yeah. Will you run through that part with me again later, see if I can’t clean up a bit?”
“Y-yeah. Yeah, sure, of course.”

Part of what makes Sunisa such a capable individual is her ability to observe and respond. This shows in her ability to cover up choreo mistakes and the accidents that happen -- like wardrobe malfunctions, dropped mics, backing track issues -- but also in her presence off stage. On variety shows when the girls are anxious or uneasy about answering a question, Sunisa has no problem jumping in to answer and attempt the change the subject. Or in the practice room or dorms, helping to diffuse tense situations before they can blow up and result in an actual fight. It also often results in Sunisa seeing more than she wants to -- like the way some memebrs look at themselves more in the mirror an eat less at meals, and how others spend extra time in the practice room even after the rest of the group have gone back to the dorm. She keeps quiet about it though. Usually. Unless it’s something she thinks needs attention immediatley, she keeps what she’s seen to herself and makes quiet approaches to assist when she can.

“Come on, unnie, it’s time to go!”
“Hold on, Sunni! I’m just-- I can’t find my jacket.”
“So take one of mine. You’re smaller than me, it’ll fit fine.”
“But I want mine! It has my lip balm in the pocket. Why are you in such a hurry, anyway?”
“The sooner we leave, the sooner we get to practice, the sooner I can suffer through the trainer critiquing my vocal work, the sooner I can finish learning [Song]!”
“I.... I guess that’s true.”
“Of course it’s true. Now come on, we’re the last ones to leave.”

Sunisa has never really been good at the whole being patient thing. She has things to do, songs to rap, dances to learn, boys to harass, girls to bother and protect. Why would she waste her time slowing down when there’s already so little time in the day and there’s still so much yet to be done? Such is the life of a trainee and idol, of course, but with so little time and so much to do, how can Sunisa not be impatient? She’s entirely too aware of how busy they are, and what all needs to be done, and at times it can result in a bit of an attitude because she just wants things to move along so maybe, for once, they can all get a good night’s sleep. (Hah, sleep? What’s that? Is it edible?)

“Hey, Sunshine! What’s happening?”
“Oppa. ....nothing.”
“What do you have there?”
“The lyrics for our comeback song.”
“And why do you look like you want to set it on fire?”
“I don’t. I’m fine.”
“You sure?”
“Yes. Yes, oppa. I’m sure.”

Growing up with two older brothers was hard on Sunisa, and even though her family doted on her, it was still hard because Sunisa constantly felt like she was supposed to be playing catch up with one or both of her brothers. Add that to her early decision to pursue music, and you have a recipe for an independent young woman that struggles to accept help when it’s offered and struggles even more to seek out help and ask when she really needs it. It’s one thing to ask for help in an area she’s lacking in, like with her voice, but it’s so much harder for Sunisa to approach someone when it’s an area she’s supposed to be confident and excel in.

witty & snarky
“Well, Sunisa? What’s a normal morning like at Dream4U dorms?”
“Oh, no.”
“You just had to ask.”
“Well, for starters, [Name] isn’t allowed coffee any more. Gigi almost strangled her one morning.”
“I did not--”
“[Name] takes thirty minute showers, so if you’re not up before her, you don’t get hot water.”
“I do not!”
“And [Name] isn’t allowed to cook in the morning because she once burned water and set off the fire alarms. So I cook sometimes, and [leader/mom] cooks sometimes.”
“Oh. Well. Uh. ....it sounds like Dream4U always has exciting mornings in their dorm.”

For lack of better words, Sunisa has a bit of a mouth on her. She’s quick on the draw, unapologetically witty, weilding her intelligence like the weapon it is. While it’s not a problem to show that she’s intelligent and that she’s got a good head on her shoulders, there is a problem in the way that she sasses back. Fans would call her savage, and the other Dream4U girls would be quick to call her the same for Sunisa’s tendency to expose their bad habits and silly quirks. But there’s also the underlying fact that the leader struggles to keep Sunisa’s honest savagery in line at times, and the fact that Sunisa seldoms holds to taking anyone’s , whether it be from the other girls, labelmates, or netizens.


1997 - 2004 : the early years

From the beginning, Sunisa knew she was going to be a star. That’s all there was to it. Born two weeks premature to a single mother and two older brothers, the only time her mother had been able to carry a female child to term -- a fact that had resulted in the previous departure of her father -- Sunisa knew from the first moment that she could really understand, that she was special. And being told as much by her mother and elder brothers definitely didn’t help.
Sunisa started young, as many Asian children seemed to. With her mother’s permission, Sunisa delved into topics of interest, bouncing between different areas of focus until she found those that challenged her or otherwise appealed to her busy nature. By the time Sunisa was five, she’d attempted to learn gymnastics and tumbling, had tried to play several different instruments -- only two of which actually stuck -- and was learning English.
Her brothers, Somnuek and Suriyan, found her dedication cute. But while Suriyan shared similar interests, often picking up Sunisa’s piano lessons from her and studying her English with her, Somnuek had better things to do with his time. Unlike his siblings, who were focused on music, Somnuek intended to be a doctor, or a lawyer, or something equally important. It meant that from an early age, Sunisa spent a lot more time with Suriyan than with Somnuek. But that was okay. It was, because English was more fun with someone to practice with, and piano was more fun with someone to practice against.

2005 - 2007 : the choice

Late 2005 in South Korea saw the (official) debut of Super Junior, and while it wasn’t necessarily big news world wide, it was big enough. Still, it was the addition of Kyuhyun to the group in 2006 that really drew attention, bringing the group to the forefront of Sunisa’s and Suriyan’s attention. At the tender age of nine, Sunisa was loudly and proudly a Donghae fangirl, though she loved Kyuhyun, too. And as 2006 ended and 2007 began, she kept an eye on her favorite music group. 

It was 2007 when Sunisa really began to see the path of her future stretch out befor her. The debut of other groups that would later become big names in the industry was captivating. Wonder Girls, Kara, Super Junior-T (which was nowhere near as amazing as Super Junior KRY, mind you), and the glorious Girls Generation. 

As more groups came and others went, each fighting for their chance to stand on stage and shine in the spotlight, the roots of a dream began to take hold. In the wake of that dream, Sunisa’s plans began to change.

She, too, wanted to stand on stage, feel the lights on her face, the cheers of tousands of fans around her and echoing in her ears, and the hands of her teammates in her own.

At the tender age of ten years old, Sunisa Kijakarn had it all figured out: she was going to move to South Korea and be an idol.

2008 - 2012 : the formative years

A lot of people in Sunisa’s life found her dream hard to accept, not just because of how ambitious is was -- a Thai idol? in Korea? not impossible, because 2PM and Nickhun did exist, but still pretty damn ridiculous -- but also because of her age and the fact that no company would even consider debuting her until she was older and more trained. And by then, who was to say her dream wouldn’t have changed?

But Sunisa was relentless and she stuck to her hobbies and interests, picking up dance (she didn’t excel at it initially, but she wasn’t awful), the Korean language, and miscellanious other courses that eventually dropped away until she was left with the trinity of dance, Korean, and English. And although she dropped the religious piano and guitar lessons, she continued to practice them on her own, using them to help with other hobbies she wanted to try but had no classes for -- lyric writing and composing.

The years came. And the years went. And Sunisa marked their passage by the betterment of her skills and by asking her mother about one day moving to study in Korea in order to pursue her dream.

2012 : the transition

In 2012, with her mother’s reluctant approval and Suriyan at her side (one of their mother’s stipulations), Sunisa moved to Korea. At the tender age of not-quite thirteen, Sunisa couldn’t live on her own or be without a guardian of some sort. And at barely older than she, and a little less confident in his own dreams, neither could Suriyan. The siblings moved in with their Uncle Bhumibol “Bank” and Auntie Phonsuda “Nok,” and their two daughters, Ampawn “Fah” and Kalalya “Prae”. The family had moved to Korea some years before, following Bank’s job. 

It was nice, of course, to move in somewhere that was still familiar despite being so foreign, but neither Sunisa or Suriyan could allow themselves much of a delay, quickly throwing themselves first into their studies in Korea, and then into their quest to find an entertainment company.

2013 - 2015 : the acquisition & acceptance

The autumn of 2013, Sunisa auditioned for Pledis Entertainment and ultimatley made it in. A couple months prior, in the spring, Suriyan had auditioned for Big Hit Entertainment and had landed a spot among their trainees. The both of them being accepted was like the ifrst real step toward her dream coming true, and Sunisa spent much of her time practicing and crafting her art.

But Pledis life was difficult. Despite having danced for several years, Sunisa wasn’t “good enough” for a cutthroat industry, and she found herself constantly being overshadowed by the other trainees. As native Koreans, their pronounciation was “better,” and their dance skills were sharper, and their vocal work was better, and Sunisa was pushed to the precipice. She had only two options: give up and accept that she would never be good enough, or fight back and prove she deserved the be a trainee and that she deserved to debut.

Sunisa had never been good about laying down or giving up.

She fought back, going out of her way to spend hours in the practice rooms, whittling her dance technique until it was sharper, more refined, elegant and deadly. She would never be a Hyoyeon or a Seulgi, but she would be good enough to hold her own. 

But where Sunisa made the most progress was her rap. Because of the language barrier, Sunisa had accepted that she’d never be a main vocalist, and that was okay. That was a lot of pressure, and her voice wasn’t as stellar as Taeyeon’s or Wendy’s or Choa’s, she’d never be able to carry a whole group on her shoulders. But rapping, she could do that. Her desperation to prove herself had made her, well. Desperate. And in that desperation, she found her voice.

After a couple weeks of discussions with the Pledis CEO, Sunisa transfered from the voice program to the rap program. She was familiar enough with a couple of the female trainees -- Nayoung, Kyla, Yaebin, and Junghyeon -- but less so with the others. As such, Sunisa really didn’t meet the the boys that would become Seventeen’s rappers until late 2014, early 2015, mere months before their Seventeen Project debut show and the debut of their group.

2016 - 2017 : the decision

2016 marked a change for Sunisa, even if she wan’t aware of it at the time. 

On one hand, Pledis was gearing up to debut Pristin -- the  Pledis Girlz -- and was in the process of releasing training and practice videos, and otherwise teasing the girls to the public. And Sunisa... Well, she hadn’t been marked as part of the project, but while she had been asked to prepare some pieces, her days for filming never actually came. It looked like despite being more than ready to debut -- arguably a better rapper than most of her female labelmates -- and training longer than some of the others...she would be left behind.

Still, she struggled on until, in March 2017, Pledis Girlz debuted...without her.

While Sunisa had been considering leaving Pledis before that point, the debut of Pristin without her was the final straw. Although frowned upon to do so, after the start of the year, when it became clear that she wouldn’t be debuting with the other girls, Sunisa has begun looking at different entertainment companies, occasionally going so far as to inquire about their audition dates and times.

When Pristin debut, that was that, and Sunisa’s more covert hunting became more open. She began attending private auditions and sending in tapes until, surprisingly, Plan A accepted her.

In late April of 2017, Sunisa joined the other trainees at Plan A in their dorms, working hard to establish herself among them. She fit in easily among the female trainees, making fast friends with them until the four -- soon five -- were as thick as thieves.

2018 : the surival show

The Plan A girls -- as they ended up being called -- offered themselves up to their company as something of a sacrifice. While A Pink was well known for being cute and elegant, the quintet wanted to be more than that. They wanted the darker comebacks that Victon were working toward. They wanted to try something more edge-y, something with more rap and hiphop, something with a beat. They wanted to be known as more than just A Pink’s sister group. They wanted to be performers.

They wanted to be more.

Produce 99 was riding on the coattails of success of Produce 101 and Produce season 2, and while none of the girls really wanted to go on a survival show to be trapped in a long contract and potentially be dropped from their own company’s group, they were desperate to prove they had more in them than cookie-cutter cute concepts. And so, they bartered for their chance to participate.

When Plan A sent them away, surely the company had no idea just how well they’d do. The girls themselves didn’t even know how well they would do, especially when all they initially wanted was to prove their diversity to their company.

While Jinri and Sunmi simply didn’t make it, Sunisa, Taeri, and Haneul all made it to the very end. Or, at least, to the ranks of the final girls before the scandal hit.

With Sunisa consistently ranking high and ending up at #10, and Taeri always doing well enough and ending up at #19, one would think Plan A would have put more merit into their all-star performers.
Instead, the girls sat in the dungeon and waited.

And waited.

...and waited.

......until they decided they would wait no more.

2020 : the new beginning

In January 2020, after the last of their exclusive trainee contracts havecome to an end, the girls quietly leave Plan M and head in search of better things. Together.

With their success on Produce 99, even with the scandal, the girls enter talks with a couple different companies before, at long last, they sign with AOMG in March of 2020. Unfortunatley, the Corona virus pandemic begins sweeping not just the nation, but the world, putting all plans on hold. The girls don’t mind, but....well, it’s a little disheartening. 

And then, like a lifeline in the ocean, they’re offered a chance.

"We can’t debut you right now, not with the pandemic. But we can get one of you a private audition with MNet for their new program. We can give you a shot. If you make it in, the others can do busking events and bide their time. What do you say?"

The five girls thought it was perhaps too good to be true, but a shot is a shot. 

Ultimately, they decided that because Sunisa did the best in Produce, because she recieved the most attention and love from the national producers, she would be the best one to send.


 likesanime & manga, kdramas & movies,  Japanese horror movies, Pokemon Go, rhythm-focused games (like Beat Saber), spicy food,  origami, horror movies in general, Halloween, paranormal-y things, Dreamcatcher, Ateez, Everglow, Monsta X, AOMG, Lee Hi, Jay Park

 dislikes: Plan M, bland food, weather that's too hot or too cold, super sweet things, doctors, dentist, having thoughts and opinions forced on her, seeing the girls be bullied for things outside of their doing/control, being forced to watch and accept her girls being bullied, being told she's not "good enough", failure
 habits: humming, popping & crackling her knuckles, playing with her fingers/the hands of others, playing with her jewelry (rings/necklaces mostly), biting her lip, playing with her hair (aka making tiny tiny braids in it), tapping her fingers/palms against her thighs/arms/etc
 hobbiesfolding paper stars & cranes, watching anime & kdrama, collecting lip balms (different flavors) & lotions (dfferent  scents), watching movies, reading poetry, writing lyrics, dancing/learning new dances
 fears: failure, spiders, snakes
 special talents: playing piano, playing guitar, speaking in English and Thai, folding origami*
 * Sunisa can fold origami just by looking at the finished product, without looking at the steps to reach that end goal.
 favorite number: 5
 favorite color: black, gold
 favorite food: fresh apples & pears
 favorite drink: green tea, peach smoothies
 favorite season: spring
 favorite animals: penguins, birds (all), cats
 favorite authors: John A Lindqvist, Lang Leav
  favorite book: Little Star by John A. Lindqvist
 favorite artists: Girlboss, Alfa6, Chungha, Dreamcatcher, G-Idle, Monsta X, Ateez
 inspirations: Lucy & Taeyoung (& Girlboss), Juri, Huiyin (U-Girls), Lisa, Soyeon, Suga, RM, Yezi, LE, Jooheon
 motto: Just keep it up. (basically the entire song Sunrise by Ateez); previously was "Never give up."
 favorite song: Ateez's Sunrise
 Absolutely the kind of person to meow back at cats, and stop and pet random cats they encounter on the street outside of buildings, on the way to/from schedules. (Look, if she could sneak a cat into the D4U dorms, she would.)
 When she's really tired, she has a habit of slipping into English or Thai. Sometimes a combo of the two.
 Taeri got her a large penguin stuffie for a birthday present the year she joined the D4U girls so that Sunisa would always have something of the girls with her. Sunisa sleeps with it. Every night. [ref]
 Sunisa actually hates using stage names when she's close wth someone and there's no cameras/people. She'd much rather use their name. 
 She enjoys watching anime, and will not only sit down and watch with the other Dream4U girls that are interested, but will also pick animes to watch with her other friends so they can have someone to talk with (even if it's not an anime she's interested in initially)
 Her favorite animes are My Hero Academia, Sailor Moon, Promised Neverland, Seven Deadly Sins, and Your Lie In April
 She has a fondness for darker animes, or modern animes with a darker twist.
 Movies are good too! She loves Studio Ghibli, but her favorites are by Makoto Shinkai!
 Not afraid of bugs and will get up even when she's almost asleep to go catch/release or kill a moth or bug, but will nope tf out if it's a spider.

Malisa "Roong" Kitjakarn  – mother. honest, stubborn, caring. || Malisa and Sunisa have a close relationship. As the only daughter of three children, and the only baby girl carried to term, Malisa tends to dote upon her Sunisa. It doesn’t mean that Malisa loves her sons any less, just that... Well, parents aren’t supposed to have favorites, but it’s hard not to love Sunisa’s vivacious, sunny personality. Malisa isn’t thrilled with Sunisa’s decision to try to be an idol, but after supporting her dreams all her life, Malisa knows that Sunisa won’t back down. At present time, Sunisa calls Malisa once a week, but she sends emails every few days with more in depth updates and commentary. Malisa she has her concerns with the D4U project -- concerns the rest of the family share -- she promises to support Sunisa regardless. (She also views the other ex-Plan M girls as surrogate daughters and both loves and supports them fiercely as well.)
Somnuek "New" Kitjakarn  – elder brother. rigid, icy, serious. Somnuek and Sunisa don’t get along very well, divided by a crevace of misunderstanding rooted in their youth. Somnuek pulled away while young, preferring a “physical, supportable reality” over Sunisa’s “head in the clouds” mentality. Despite living together, they were practically strangers, and it was this division that helped Malisa decide to let Sunisa and Suri move to Seoul. At present time, their relationship is still quite rocky, and while Sunisa hopes her involvement and hopeful success with D4U will help, she won’t hold her breath.
Suriyan "Anan" Kitjakarn  – elder brother. honest, responsible, thoughtful. Close in age and in interests, Sunisa and Suriyan are thick as thieves. Though Suriyan is older, Sunisa is more of the leader in their adventures, with Suriyan a stable, grounded follower. Their shared love for music and their desire to be idols pushed all of their interests to coincide, and so the two spent a lot of their free time together, either studying language or working on skills or simply daydreaming together. Although Sunisa was the one that initially pushed for the move to Seoul, Suriyan was the one that helped actually plan the move, work out the details, and essentially wrote the convincing argument that they could do it, that they wanted to do it, and that they would be okay together. Suriyan is currently preparing for a debut of his own under Big Hit, so the siblings don’t get to talk or meet up often, but there’s a good chance that if Sunisa is texting or messaging someone, the recipient is Suri.
Jeon Taeri – best friend. friendly, tenacious, independent. Sunisa and Taeri’s relationship has matured a lot since their time of Produce, and the two girls now get along better than ever before, with Sunisa often going so far as to call Taeri her best friend. They have a lot in common, sharing both a sunny, social nature as well as a more stubborn and independent streak. But despite wanting to appear strong enough to stand alone, they know they can rely on each other, both for support and for honesty. Taeri reminds Sunisa to be more stable, more relaxed, while Sunisa reminds Taeri to take more risks and be wild, something the globe-trotter seems to have forgotten in her time as a trainee. Taeir has also helped Sunisa grow the most since P99, with Taeri helped to school her in dance and choreography creation as well as voice lessons.
Jung Haneul – friend, "mom". responsible, altruistic, sincere. Haneul is a natural leader among the girls, and as such, she’s someone that Sunisa looks to for both stability and guidance. She’s in it for the team, for their cohesive well being, and her generally altruistic nature gives off such intense mom vibes that Sunisa often calls Haneul their resident mom. Haneul’s more reserved nature tends to cramp Sunisa’s style, so she doesn’t spend as much time with the oldest of their group, but Sunisa still respects and fiercely loves her all the same for how Haneul keeps the five of them together. After all, when Haneul says something can be done, she means it, and it really can be done. So when Haneul says Sunisa can make it in D4U before returning to them so they can debut together... Well, of course, Sunisa believes her.
Kim Jinri – friend. fiery, competitive, insecure. Jinri has a massive chip on her shoulder, which sometimes leads to some tense situations. But their time on Produce taught both girls a thing or two about individuality and working together despite thier differences, and as such, their bond is stronger now than before. Sunisa and Jinri tend to feed off of the other’s energy when they’re together, competing to do better individually while still building their team up as a unit. Jinri is the one Sunisa is closest to in age, and her all-rounder nature means that the two girls spend a lot of time together while practicing. All the girls are Sunisa’s sisters, and Taeri is her best friend... But Jinri has so much to prove -- to herself, to her family, to her friends -- and it’s a desperation that Sunisa knows all too well. So even when the others don’t quite get it, Sunisa does.
Park Sunmi – friend. cheerful, stubborn, tactile. Sunmi is the precious baby maknae of the squad, and Sunisa is quick to treat her that way -- like the baby sister that Sunisa has always wanted. She dotes upon Sunmi, especially now that Sunmi’s completed her schooling and is a full time trainee like the rest of them. Like Sunisa, Sunmi is a social butterfly, and between the two of them and all of the friends and connections they’ve made since entering the entertainment field as trainees, they know probably half of the industry. Sunmi treats Sunisa like her big sister -- the big sis she’s always wanted -- and though the other girls are generally closer physically (particularly after the start of D4U), if Sunmi has something she needs to talk about, it’s generally Sunisa she messages and waits on. (It’s not that she doesn’t love and trust the others, but more that Sunisa is closer in age to her than Haneul and Taeri, and more approachable than Jinri, and Sunisa would never laugh at her for worrying about something as silly as feeling not good enough.) Additionally, whenever possible, Sunmi can and will cling to whomever is close enough. Generally Sunisa, because she gives the best hugs and smells amazing. 
Bhumibol "Bank" & Phonsuda "Nok" Wongsawat – uncle & aunt. kind, charitable, hectic, genuine. Phonsuda -- aka Auntie Nok -- is Malisa’s younger sister. She and her husband, Bhumibol -- Uncle Bank -- moved to Seoul in 2003 to follow their jobs and to accept positions in a new branch of the company that was starting up in Seoul. They were well-established in Seoul by the time Sunisa and Suriyan moved in with them in 2013. Both welcomed the kids with open arms, but while Aunt Nok was more resistant to the idol of the youngsters pursuing idoldom, Uncle Bank found the idea exciting and liked to ask about their days and the things they were learning as trainees, something that their daughters picked up on. And eventually, even Aunt Nok came around. While they’ll never be as steadfast of supporters as Malisa is, they do support Sunisa and were avid watchers of Produce 99 during its run. Now, as Dream4U begins, they make time, often as a family, to sit down to watch D4U’s reality show and anything else they -- or the AOMG girls -- are involved in. As such, Sunisa views her aunt and uncle like another set of parents, and when rest days come, she can generally be found at their home with them and the girls.
Ampawn "Fah" Wongsawat – cousin. upbeat, colorful, loud. Of the two cousins, Sunisa is closest to Ampawn (Fah, as her close family calls her). Fah, like Sunisa, was interested in the industry. Unlike Sunisa, however, Fah was more interested in the styling and fashion chocies. The two often watched debut and comeback stages together, discussing everything from the music and part distribution to outfits and makeup. Though they have different favorites and genres of choice, they did share a passion for the industry. Sunisa is the one that ultimately convinced Fah to pursue fashion and design, and to maybe eventually go into the industry as a stylist. And now, Fah is well on her way to achieving that dream. Ideally, she’d like to work with AOMG, since that’s where Sunisa is, but she’d be thrilled to get work anywhere. She and Sunisa talk fairly regularly, though their schedules are kind of hit-and-miss tag style, with Sunisa maintaining an idol’s schedule and Fah on a student’s schedule. But even so, the girls are close and are constantly promising to meet up for coffee/tea...not that they ever seem to have time for such a thing.
Kalalya "Prae" Wongsawat – Relation. reserved, studious, kind. Kalalya “Prae” is more like Suriyan than Sunisa, more reticent than outgoing, but she and Sunisa still got along well because Sunisa has always wanted to be an older sibling, and even better to have a younger sister to dote upon. Although the two differ on their hobbies and their goals for the future, Sunisa found a common ground in their shared love of languages and Prae’s interest in travel. Having been two during their move to Seoul, and thus being too young to remember Thailand, the girls bonded as Sunisa shared stories of back home. Although Prae isn’t a huge fan of kpop, she does enjoy hiphop and ballads, and mostly enjoys the sort of music AOMG’s artists release. Prae was, in fact, one of the individuals that pushed for the ex-Plan M trainees to audition together at AOMG when they were copmany hunting together. Though their schedules don’t match up well -- Sunisa physically speaks to Prae even less than she manages to speak to Fah -- they also play a lot of message tag, and the two are constantly practicing Thai and English together via text and sharing song recs.
Lucy King – friend. genuine, hard-working, cheerful. Lucy is...hard to describe. But in short, Sunisa has kept up on Lucy over the last couple years, watching her debut with Girlboss and cheering her on relentlessly, because Sunisa will never not remember the heart-to-heart the Superstar F girls had where they shared what had brought them to Produce 99 and what motivated them. Lucy’s achieved her dream, and Sunisa is honestly so proud of her. They talk when they can. Lucy’s a full time idol, and Sunisa’s still just been working toward it. Meeting up is hard, so they text and call a lot instead, with Sunisa occasionally sneaking to the rare Girlboss fanmeets to surprise Lucy (and Taeyoung) before disappearing again. (That, of course, stops when D4U happens.) Sunisa is one of her biggest fans, maybe the biggest fan, and is always so quick to hype Lucy up and cheer her on. She also loves Lucy’s vlogs and interviews in particular, and always messages her after each one with commentary and ideas as to what she might enjoy doing next.
Yang Taeyoung – friend. Like with Lucy, Sunisa kept in touch with Taeyoung after Produce 99, and she was so excited to hear about Lucy sniping Taeyoung and convincing her to join Helix. Even though Taeyoung isn’t the most popular member of Girlboss, she’s still achieved debut and she’s living her dream, and Sunisa is so happy for her. While they don’t talk as often as Sunisa and Lucy do, Sunisa still leaves messages to hype Taeyoung up and congratelate her on various things. After some stages, Sunisa will also leave messages telling Taeyoung about the things she did well. Though she can see Girlboss may not be around for too much longer, she continues to offer Taeyoung hope so that she knows there’s a future for her beyond the group. And if Girlboss does disband.... well, Sunisa thinks that Taeyoung could make it solo if she really reached for it.
Ren Huiyin, Shin Taerin, Jeon Seyoung –friends. These members of the Superstar F girls have essentially fallen off the map, and while Sunisa used to have Huiyin’s number, they lost touch after Huiyin returned to China. Sunisa wishes them well and holds them in good thoughts, hoping that they’re well and doing well for themselves. Sometimes the idol life isn’t for everyone. Whatever they’re doing, she hopes they’re happy. And you can bet that if she ever hears even a whisper of their name within the industry, she’ll be on it like white on rice to hear anything more.
Pyo Kyumin – manager #1. strong, no-nonsense, professional. Sunisa isn’t entirely sure how she feels about D4U’s primary manager. It’s not that he’s unkind or anything -- he’s not unkind, just...stern -- but he’s stoic and brusque with the girls in a way that makes it hard to like him. Sunisa is not oblivious enough to somehow not see that he wanted a different job with a different set of girls, and she wants to like him because she knows he’ll do his best for them out of obligation if nothing else, but... Honestly, he makes it so hard for her to like him. She’d never go out of her way to be intentionally obnoxious and troublesome, but he definitely doesn’t make her want to behave, and she could understand if the others chose not to.
Tali Wang – Relation. good-natured, amicable, kind. Tali is arguably one of Sunisa’s favorite people. Of course, Sunisa can see why Tali’s not their full-time manager, even if sometimes she truly wishes Tali were. But even so, Tali is excitable and good-natured, amicable and kind, everything Kyumin isn’t. Even though it’s not specificlaly her job, Sunisa aims to be well-behaved for Tali and tries to offer support without walking all over her, because Tali is technically something of a manager to them, or a security guard, whatever you call it. .
Woo Chanhee  mentor. friendly, charming,, kind.  Chanhee is such a good guy, a truly good guy, and Dream4U is made so much better by his return. He’s been a favorite of almost everyone while on Produce, and you can bet Sunisa’s thrilled to ahve him back. As a widely-known and successful idol, Sunisa is always eager for his feedback and takes what she can to heart in order to better herself. side from mentor-mentee things, they don’t interact much, though Sunisa can sometimes be caught wheedling Chanhee for stories from Aeon’s prime.
Min Hana  mentor. confident, fiesty, bold. Ironically, Hana feels to Sunisa like a mix between Jinri and Taeri, and while Sunisa obviously treats her as the mentor and industry senior that she is, Sunisa also approaches her like she does Jinri. Sunisa holds a deep and fierce respect for Hana, and while she’s not so much a rap focused trainee as she was before, Hana is a successful soloist and performer, and Sunisa takes all of her advice to heart and works to better herself. Even knowing that Hana is bold and opinionated, and sometimes holds a jaded view of their group and the program -- after all, Sunisa remembers her from Produce 99, too -- she still tries to maintain a healthy mentee-based respect for Hana.
Bang Mansae  labelmate. responsible, well-behaved, soft. While not Sunisa’s favorite member of Eterne, Mansae is pretty high up on the list, if only because he’s so easy to mess with. She doesn’t go out of her way to constantly mess wth him, mind you, Haneul and Taeri raised her right, and she’s no menace, but she does take the occasional enjoyment out of trying to fluster him, particularly when she’s hanging with the dancers of Eterne and Mansae just so happens to be there. She’s not in it to cause trouble for the boys. She udnerstands their dreams because she knows her own all too well. They’ve worked hard to achieve debut. But sometimes.... Sometimes Mansae makes it too easy. (And sometimes, when she sees how the others walk all over them, she feels bad because he could be such a good leader for them...if only he could grow a backbone and crack down. Sometimes she has good advice to help. Sometimes she offers it. ...and sometimes she approaches the others instead, individually, reminding them that Mansae works hard for them and that they need to remember why it is they’re at Helix.)
Noh Woobyul  labelmate. sweet, passionate, enthusiastic. Woobyul is kind of like a labradoodle in human form, but minus the floppy ears and tail, and Sunisa was instantly enamored with him when they met. He’s warm, and sweet, and thoughtful, and kind of dumb. But she adores him fiercely like she might adore a younger brother, and she’s always so excited to talk dance and rap with him because of how enthusiastic and passionate about it he is. He lacks a certain something when it comes to performing though, and while it won’t be the death of him, Sunisa worries about him standing out on stage. There’s even people in Eterne, and she’s not so blind as to not realize that the boys are Helix’s chance to bring themselves back on top after Aeon. But you can’t just teach someone how to stand out. That’s something that have to learn on their own. So she tries where she can, practices with him when she can sneak away, and supports him as wholly as possible.
Jack Jung  labelmate. dramatic, savage, snarky. Jack is the kind of American that Sunisa is honestly starting to think is classic when it comes to boys: chaotic, kind of dumb, kind of sweet, and entirely too dramatic. Or maybe that’s Canadians? Whatever. Sunisa honestly likes Jack. Like, a lot. He’s a bit dramatic -- a bit over-dramatic, too -- and pretty savage when he’s feeling himself or the kids are being bratty. But he has a good head on his shoulders and he’s responsible, and even though he doesn’t necessarily want the leader position, he’d be a good co-leader. Or backup. Mansae’s attack pitbull, if nothing else. Sunisa likes to hand around Jack in particular despite their focuses being different because he’s fluent in English, and it’s good practice for her, but also because he, too, reminds her of Jinri, and she has a fondness for the fiesty, savage ones. He’s funny, especially when he doesn’t intend to be, and just being around him will usually lift her mood.
Shin Minseok  labelmate. polite, enigmatic, independent. As Eterne’s main rapper, Minseok is of interest to Sunisa, and she tends to go out of her way to not just greet him, but to also ask what he’s been working on or what he’s been up to. Nothing too personal, nothing too private, just something to give her an opening for conversation. She absolutely minds knowing nothing about him. She knows it’s part of his thing, his persona from the company, and that he is incredibly private, but it’s hard to be so withdrawn and quiet in such a large group. Sunisa remembers Produce all too well, and the quieter trainees that didn’t make themselves known and visible tended to fall off the radar and be eliminated. Only those that found a way to stand out were allowed to remain. But telling him that? That’s crazy difficult. And maybe it’s different in a set group, maybe that’s what fans want, someone mysterious. But then again, what good is it to have a mystery that won’t open up eventually? So Sunisa goes about it slowly, treating each interaction with him carefully, always trying not to ask for too much in their conversations, but also aiming to show more than explain that she’s someone he can feel comfortbale speaking to, and that she has Seen things, Experienced things, and that sometimes it helps to open up a little.
Joo Yoochan  labelmate. sweetheart, squishy, charming. Yoochan is like another younger brother, and with his age so close to her youngest cousin’s, Sunisa is quick to treat him like exactly that. Despite his inherent charm, he’s a soft boy, and Sunisa has heard more than once about how he locks up when he’s the center of attention. The two of them get along well, the sibling relationship they have working well for them, especially off camera and around the guys, because it’s so obvious that Sunisa coddles him like one might an endearing younger sibling. Even so, despite treating him like a younger sibling (and partially because he’s about to be her sunbae in the industry), Sunisa initially struggles to approach him about his camera-issues. Eventually, as debut loose and it becomes more of a “fix this or we’ll fix it” sort of situation, she does approach Yoochan and sit him down to try to work through things. (“You’re not Chanhee,” Sunisa will tell him, quiet and calm. “It’s wrong to push that label on you. You’re not Chanhee, you’re Joochan. But you don’t have to be afraid. You’re adorable and sincere, and the fans will love you if you just be yourself. Don’t think of it as being on camera. Think of it as it being you and the guys. They’re not going to judge you. Just take a breath and remind yourself that this is your dream, your goal. You can do this.”)
Yang Sihyuk  labelmate. cocky, confident, flirty. Honestly... Sunisa isn’t entirely sure how she feels about Sihyuk, and it shows in how she behaves around him. She likes his confidence, but there’s more to beind an idol than being the visual and the “future star”. Being the savior -- or the “savior” -- of a group and company is a lot of responsibility, and that responsibility shows in how Girlboss is falling apart and how Lucy is largely the only one with any recognition. A team has to work together, and they’re only as strong as their weakest link. And if Sihyuk wants to be the “savior” then he’s fast-tracking the group to having a weak link right at debut. She doesn’t like it, and she doesn’t necessarily like him because of it. Something about Sihyuk screams that his ehad isn’t in the game, that he doens’t truly understand, and Sunisa isn’t sure she wants to be there when reality steps in to kick him down. And it will. If he keeps playing at being high and mighty, it will. So she avoids him as much as she can, preferring to stick to Woobyul, Jack, Mansae, and Yoochan.
Lee Heon  labelmate. loud, persuasive, bratty. A part of Sunisa really likes Heon. He’s a lot like another younger brother to her, even though his attitude could use a bit of a change to it. He’s a menace at times, especially to Mansae, but he’s not as outright or obvious about it as some are. Still, he’s stubborn and bratty, and while that’s a typical maknae trait, it’s one that Sunisa doesn’t really like to see. Mansae works hard for the group, and Heon’s determination to undermine and ignore him is a bit frustrating. Despite being a dancer and the sort of person Sunisa would normally hang with, it’s Heon’s determination to play mind games to get his way that cause Sunisa to keep a distance from him. He’s all fun and games and while that’s appealing to some in the industry, it’s not appealing to all, and knets often have a lot to say about bratty members that arne’t the maknae. (And no, she’s not entirely oblivious, either. He’s kind of obvious about being gay. She doesn’t care about that. She cares more about how his choices will backfire on him if he’s not careful.)
Park Howon  labelmate. charismatic, uncommitted, chaotic. It’s almost funny, but despite holding also the same positions Sunisa does within her long-time quintet, and despite having the same skillset focuses as she does within Dream4U, Sunisa wants approximately nothing to do with Howon. He’s immature and uncaring of those around him, with impulse issues and a complex for defying authority. Maknaes may get some leeway, but there’s a line, and Howon does more than just cross it. His lack of a commitment to being an idol, to practicing and perfecting his art makes it hard for Sunisa to stand him, which says a lot when one looks at her patience and tendency to buckle down to fix problems within the team. Howon makes her uneasy, because if there is any one member of Eterne that will break the group, it’s Howon. If she thought he might listen -- if she had any reaosn to believe he actually cared, she might try to talk him through his bad behaviors, try to explain why he needs to shape up -- but she doesn’t think Howon will change. No, she thinks he’ll be cut from the lineup before debut, or he’ll be threatened, and he’ll be forced to shape up.
TWIN(S) –  Sua (Dreamcatcher) [bu: dance - Yooa (Oh My Girl) & rap/vocal - Joy (Red Velvet)
[ Since it's been a couple years since P99, Sunisa has improved all of her skills, some perhaps more than others due to a combination of P99 and what they learned, the girls and their falling out with Plan A/M and subsequent yeeting themselves out in search of bigger and better things, and Sunisa's own personal dedication to becoming a better performer. Finding a single girl that fit the twin skills and the image/sound I have of Sunisa was hard, so if Sua isn't acceptable (see the questions below for how she made some of the progress!), the backups are there.. So ideally in the future group (since if Sunisa makes it, they'll likely debut without her and add Sunisa after her contract with Dream4U expires), Sunisa would be their main dancer, lead rapper, and something-ish vocalist. Haneul is their rapper/dancer, Taeri their dance/vocals, Jinri their jack of trades, and Sunmi their vocalist. Produce taught Sunisa that while she liked to rap, she also loved dancing and singing, too, and it showed her she had a skill in helping to lead the others. Post-P99, she began working more with Taeri to better her dancing, and eventually the quintet felt that of the five of them, Sunisa ranked just under Taeri in dance skill, just under Haneul in rap, and her vocals were pretty good, but just not her passion. She also took classes with 1Million and other studios and began learning new styles and how to create choreography. ]


Has she been a trainee before? How many years and under which companies? Does she have any other experience within the industry?
- Sunisa was a trainee under Pledis Entertainment for around 3.5 years, autumn 2013 to March 2017.
- Sunisa was a trainee under Plan A (now Plan M) for just under 3 years, April 2017 - Jan 2020
- Sunisa, like the other girls, joined AOMG in 2020 as a unit of five and are still there at the start of the D4U project. March 2020 to present.

just gonna kinda collect the pertinent info here for easy access...
- Childhood dance, vocal, an instrument (piano, guitar) lessons.
- She picks up lyric-writing and composing/producing, but the lyric-writing is mostly in tandem with her rapping. 
- Her biggest growth periods happened in Pledis (rap/dance), Produce 99/post Produce (dance). 
- Post Produce, she spends more time with Taeri, having discovered that maybe she does have it in her to be a dancer, discovering the passion she'd had that Pledis had tried to stomp out of her. She begins taking lessons with 1Million and other classes and workshops, and begins working on creating her own choreography.

Sunisa submitted a private audition because of a number of reasons, perhaps the most important being that while she and the girls have been given another chance at debut under AOMG, the Covid-19 pandemic has been hard on the compay and industry, and the girls have been gone from the public eye for so long that they need time to re-establish themselves.
On one hand, Sunisa participating in Mnet’s project gives the girls a constant spot in the public’s view. It helps them build their fanbase through her while they hold vlogs and post covers, and eventually host busking events. It also gives their company time to help the girls settle on a concept that they’re comfortable with. Lee Hi, Jay Park, and many of the other solo artists have been through a variety of concepts, and they've found a sound and concept they're comfortable with, which means that the girls all have a fighting chance at convincing AOMG to debut them with a more performance-based concept.
On the other hand CJ ENM had been pushing AOMG to submit a girl to audition for their project for months. And while AOMG had a couple female artists and trainees they could have sent, none of the trainees were quite up to the level they would need to be at in order to compete in the project, and the artists simply had no itnerest. And while Sunisa and the girls are as close as they can get to being ready to debut, the market just isn’t stable enough for it, not when it took AOMG's other artists so long to establish themselves. Groups have it easier than solo artists, of course, usually. But even so....
From this experience, Sunisa honestly just wants to debut. With her girls, specifically, though she’s willing to give Dream4U her all if it means that after Mnet’s program and group are done with, she can return to the girls and they can debut together.
NAME – Jack Jung 
DOG/AGE – 1998 (22)  (you didn't give a date so-- tbh he sounds like a Taurus or Scorpio)
OCCUPATION – Eterne's lead rapper & lead vocalist
BACKUP – Mansae? maybe Minseok? or none because she don't need a man. but like crushes are cute. but #Dreams&Debut exists
 Honestly I don't have a lot for this? I kind of detailed her relationship with the guys of Eterne in the relationships section. So going off of that....
 Because of how you've written Jack in the teaser thing and his blurb in the staff&co section, I honestly see Sunisa vibing with him because he's pretty chill and she can be chill, but they can also both be kind of savage when the opportunity presents itself. And I think their dynamic of "you want me to what? fck this i'm outie" vs how she managed to bring the Superstar F girls to a win would be a fun thing to toy with. Cause Mansae's probably gonna be the leader, and Jack should probably be the co-leader because he at least gets things done because scary Canadian is scary. And Sunisa was the leader of the girl squad even though in the Plan A/M/AOMG girls it's Haneul that lead them, but she stepped up and did right by them and that experience would have given her a healthy respect for what leaders have to do. 
 So his "fck this i'm out" vs her stepped up to the plate could be a fun bit of character growth for him if she tries touse her experience ot help him understand what Mansae is going through when literally no one listens to him. (Alternatively, that's why she and Mansae could be fun to play with, since she understands needing to buckle down but also him being a softer touch. ANYWAY--) their Merry Chri team didn't have a leader, but I remember Sunisa swapped lines with Lucy and it feels like such a leader thing to do, to realize your teammate has a chance to shine more and that something would fit them better and you do it and look it could be fun to play with
 honesrtly I didn't think much beyond that concept
 also they could be English buddies cause that would be fun! talking in English, her being so soft voiced and smiles and the guys of Eterne as scared of Jack speaking English but Sunisa? not so much she a cutie. until she not so cute, she buckles down okay maybe she's just as scary when she really wants to be
she's also technically noona to most of them, but to Jack specifically and he's just like "....i'm not calling you noona" and she's just "okay??" and their friendship is honestly pretty informal when it's just them because yeah she's older, but he's Canadian and she's Thai and the age dynamics are a little less weird, but when they get stuck on camera they're just like ".....n....oo....na? "Jack. ......sunbae." and there's awkward face scrunches and lip twitches because this is a serious matter but they're like "nah man sounds weird" "never again?" "never again"
 i thought i had more fun bullet points than this to convince you how much fun this would be but it's been a long three days and I'm blanking
so we're moving on to fun trivia cause! can!!
their conversations are frequently in English, but she starts teaching him Thai phrases, and he teaches her.....French? I think most Canadians speak a little French, if not more than a little. regardless he should teach her French because that would be cute even though French sounds like liquid murder 
Sunisa dances their songs better than Jack does and it's Actually Hilarious. (bonus points if she can learn the dances before he does and helps to teach him. triple points if she does it in heels.)

 I volunteer to return to this if I have more ideas
faceclaim; 125 x 125.
COMMENTS – My tagline is so creative, thank you 3 energy drinks and Google Thesaurus, I could never have done it without you. Also, when I started this, I was, of course, running on 3 Monsters and 2 hours of interrupted sleep and post workday, so I got to appearance and "how they go about not being " and I legitimately lost it. Took me a solid five minutes of wheezing into my hands before I could try to move on. Additionally, while figuring out their new entertainment company, I ended up first going for WM (since they were mentioned in the cheatsheet as a possibility) before realizing in P99 lore WM debuted a group sO that was out kjfhksaf, so that's part of why I ended up going with AOMG. Aside from rumors I've seen of them looking to dedut a group soon, they also have a solid hip hop and performance side to things, are a subsidiary of CJ ENM, and are still fairly small despite a number of recognizable acts. I also tried to keep the relations fairly brief where her family was involved because there's so many of them and they're not wholly necessary to the story though they are important to her history, but because her mother is so far away, any chance the girls will get to go home, Sunisa will either be with her aunt and uncle in Seoul, or she'll stay at the dorm. Annnnd I really wanted to add the rest of the Superstar F girls, cause Sunisa would ahve absolutely kept in touch, but I couldn't remember anyone's fc EXCEPT Lucy so ehheheh faceless ulzzang stock ftw? WARBLES LOUDLY THE TL'DR WAS SO HARD WHY WAS IT SO HARD

Sunisa with the now AOMG girls, dropping in on a vlive or vlog or something they're doing
 Lucy and Sunisa seeing each other and that spiderman meme. but then shouting/cheering. Chanhee screaming because that was a surprise. oh but it's also a reunion! (the other girls are kind of confused? "what dis?" "there's LUCY AND SUNISA, OKAY. THEY WERE MY FAVORITE DUO 
 D4U girls doing stuff and promoting at the same time as her past company-mates! idk if the schedules align but Sunisa seeing her old seniors (either SVT/Nuest from Pledis or Victon/A Pink) and "!!! guys these are my girls!" 
if the girls go home for break, Sunisa staying at the dorm with whoever else can't/won't go home even thought she COULD go either to her aunt and uncle's or even home to her mom because she won't leave the girls alone
honestly I would love to see Sunisa be the actual leader of D4U cause that would be ridiculously funny just because she's not Korean and it would be a major plot twist to Mnet's usual plays daghghkjl but if she's not the leader, her taking up the mantle of helping the group's leader without question beacuse she's been there and she gets it
 hmm.... maybe after a particularly stressful period and when Covid restrictions are lifted later in their promotions cycle, Sunisa enlists someone (Tali? and someone else?) to help her distract Kyumin and the necessary big cheeses in charge, and they sneak out to enjoy the day. they could vlog it for their Youtube? and maybe they go to the arcade, or an aquarium, or go to an amusement park. bonus points for meeting up with Lucy!
 Eterne popping in on their practice or something on camera and Sunisa just #moms them
 Sunisa makes someone distract Mansae and sits the rest of Eterne down (either altogether or individually) and explains to them why they need to start being kinder to Mansae because that boy is trying his best and it's not his fault he's too soft and they're all lil s, and a group that won't listen to their leader will never make it in the industry. (bonus points if it turns into a "you're supposed to be an idol, the ideal that the youth are capable of holding themselves to. you're an inspiration. you're inspiring me to think the entirety of D4U are angels and that I should tell Haneul how much I appreciate her for not throttling Jinri, Sunmi, Taeri, and I the last 4-5 years."
uhh if I have any more I'll share them but I'm blanking now o/

SONG SUGGESTIONS – sticking to the proposed bright and pure pop sort of feel with some other fun things, definitely enjoyed rooting through my Summer Dreamin' playlist for this 
 Oh My Girl - Step By Step, Perfect Day, Nonstop, Dolphin, Windy Day, Hot Summer Nights, Tropical Love, Echo, Bungee || honestly, 90% of OMG's b-sides are cheerful and cute af
CLC - To The Sky
Twice - Likey, Dance the Night Away
 Gugudan Semina - Semina
Fanatics - Sunday
G-reyish - Kkili Kkili
Limesoda - Wave, ZZZ
Sunny Girls - Taxi 
Gugudan - Wonderland
Elris - Summer Dream
Busters - Grapes
Nature - Some (You'll Be Mine)
Saturday - Bbyong
Dreamnote - Hakuna Matata, Wish
Weeekly - Tag Me (@Me), Hello
Layout by Viollium (ง ' ◡ ')ง


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omg I love the graphics