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Tell me about your character...
`Shim [ChanHee] Haerin [even though ChanHee is a boys name she prefers to be called it, Don’t call her Haerin you’ll annoy her]
` September 9th
`Busan South Korea
And the personality... ?

` Well what can you say about Haerin? She is not one of those bad- girls who kill you with one look or one of those overly pretentious aegyo girls. She's well what you would class as a normal quirky girl, sorry did I say normal- her personality is very complex and confusing and she likes to keep it like that. She claims her puzzle like nature intrigues people, and that it does people are always trying to figure her out and failing- and if their close she just gets more confusing. She is very head-strong and persistent, people cant normally stand to be around her for more than a couple of days. She is a very stubborn, naggy child that hates it when she doesn’t so things right. She often infuriates people with her constant questioning well that’s just her she get some sort of amusement of annoying others it like the annoying little sister they wish they never had. Her quirky 4-D personality may lead you to believe that she hiding something, its true a person once called her an 'onion' because of the many complex layers you have to peel back before you get to inner shell.


 She believes life is a game and that people should be like them to, so she takes pride in people attempting to figure out the real her. But she’s not all fun and games no she is a person of brute strength hidden beneath her petite frame meaning she does anything she sets her mind to if she says one day I’m going to be a singer you better believe she means it, she quite a softy actually she hates to show it but every once and a while it will pop out an she can hide it if you thought she was confusing now wait there more, on top of her puzzle like nature she is a total flirt, she likes to play so why not play with people feelings as well right? I know I know that’s heartless but life is worth living so she does as she pleases, even though she is a very head-strong individual she is one person that you will never show when she is angry she classes it as a ugly personality trait and refuses to show it even if she is actually angry, but if you do see her angry then that will be a sight to see, and you must of done something really bad to piss this child off. When she is angry or annoyed she comes across as stubborn and gets irritated easily and tends to snaps at people, she hates this quality about herself and attempts to shun people until she has calmed down so she can’t hurt them.


Haerin is like a little child at heart, she is a very optimistic person, the quote ‘never talk to strangers’ doesn’t really apply to her, but don’t think she one to trust people easy either, she knows her limits and the kind of people to stay away from. It may seem like she’s a hyper person but she’s not really she wants to be what she would class as a individual, so she tends to stray away from the cliché groups which would often leave her alone most of the time, but she doesn’t mind that actually, it gives her time to think about the true her, and if she would ever be ready to show her soft interior to her friends. At times she can be a bit of a dork she is the kind of person that ‘colours outside the lines’. She also gets easily bored and can't sit still for very long, so she is a very active person, she fiddles with her hair so it keeps her mind of the boredom.There are times when she loves to hang around and make jokes, even if they are strangely lame which in most cases they are, this quality about her makes her come across as socially-awkward, when she is not nagging, being stubborn, trying to confuse people or flirting she finds it hard to make conversation for more than an a hour without going “sooooo..” or “the weather is nice today”, so for this reason she sticks to small talk rather than making a whole conversation. Even though she may come across as a very awkward person to talk to she has an aura about her that people don’t mind when she make mindless small talk all the time. As weird and wonderful she is; she is very caring person so she dislikes seeing the people she cares about in distress or upset therefore she hates the sound of people crying, so if there is someone crying around her she would do everything in her best abilities to cheer them up, even if it means completely embarrassing herself. In other words she is a very complicated person to figure out; her little sister like complex takes over her making her become over complicated when with her friends.


`sour candy[don’t feed her them though she will go crazy]

`challenges[she will never back down from a bet/challenge]

`grey eyes


`mornings[yes on top of all that pent up energy she is a morning person]

`being near water[it somewhat calms her]

`hand-crafted art




`sports[especially swimming]



`people doubting her abilities

`failure/losing[she’s a sore loser]

`large animals[anything bigger than a large dog will scare the life out of her]

`people complaining about the way they look

`anger[as I’ve said before she feels it is a horrible emotion]

`being pitied


`pain[she is not pain tolerant even though she has many piercings]

 `humid/hot days[she gets really lazy and tired]

`people calling her Haerin 


And the background...

General Background/ Family History:
Her father was born in America and graduated from Yale , her mother was his high school love who inspired to be a great ballet dancer, her father didn't approve of her mother’s dream but they got married anyway, 2 years later they had a daughter even though her parents loved her very much they were rarely home and she was left with their maid YuMi who has been a faithful servant to their family since her father first surgery. Haerin was born and raised in Hong Kong, being the only child all her father’s high expectations where put unto him. Haerin is actually known as an army brat- you know those kids that are always moving, live in the big houses and are spoilt rotten, yeah she was one of those children, but Haerin wasn’t the child her parents expected her to be, she was rebellious for that she was sent away to Thailand for a year. She was basically her father's puppet it was those 'I say jump, you say how high' relationships. Her mother on the other hand was overprotective, that’s properly why she has a protective streak in her. Out of fear that she would so something to ruin her fathers image she was sent to a boarding school in London when she was 12; she felt betrayed by her parents, especially her mother as she felt that her mother no longer cared for her, she stopped talking to her parents for 4 years after that. When she turned 16 she returned to Korea and lived with her aunty.
`Shim Hyukjae[Father] 52 [General in Army]
`Jung Chaerin[Mother] 51 [Executive Bussiness producer]
`Shim Jaesun[Brother] 21 [College Student]-Twin 1
`Shim Taejun[Brother] 21 [College Student]-Twin 2
`Shim Nayoung[Sister] 10 [Elementry school Student]
`Choi Minho[SHINee]
`Son Dongwoon[BEAST]
... How are you on stage??
Stage Name:
Group Nickname:
` The Pandora's Box
[Sorry I couldn't choose]
Individual Fanclub Name:
Lastly, some additional stuff...
Favourite Colour:
Typical Style of Dress:
` T-Shirt style Dresses
Favourite Animal:


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