❀ https://projectdream4u.kr/members/cha_yoomi。

#e6b57a #170c08

The Throw-Away? The Last Resort rather!
faceclaim; any height or width works! the box will always be 125 x 125.

 Does giving her the name Charlotte in her English classes count? No? Then nope, legitimately just goes by Yoomi to any and all.

BIRTHTOWN Gumi, South Korea.
HOMETOWN – Gumi, South Korea

 Korean - Native
 English - Advanced but on the more basic side. She can ask you questions, knows her colors, get directions, and so on. Drilled into her by the company, and always with a horrible accent. Clasic case of "Hi how are you?" "I'm fine. How are you?"

BIRTHDAY & AGE – 2001.17.01
HEIGHT & WEIGHT – 171 cm & 53 kg.

FACE CLAIM – Weeekly Jiyoon
BACKUP – Loona Yeojin


If there was one thing her family was adamant about, it was NO PS. Absolutely none. If they changed anything, it would mean, "her parental given gifts were not enough and they will be damned if anyone tells their child that." That being said, she has had dental work to close some gaps. Also, importantly: short hair don't care. She's never liked having long hair as it gets in the way.

Tallish and slender, fitted clothing tailored on her look amaaaazing. But, alas, Yoomi has one criteria for her personal fashion: but can I do kung fu in it? In other words, if Yoomi can't run after someone who tried to take an picture of her and kick him into oblivion, she wants noooothing to do with that lothing. She's not against "feminine" clothing at all: she likes skirts and dresses fine. She even likes colors such a pastels (her favorite shorts are pale pink). Form fitting things, tight things, constricting things? Yoomi will pass on those if she can. 
Looks like a cinnamon roll, but is actually deadly spicy instant ramen
TL;DR – Take a trainee with girl next door feels: everything you could ever want from head to toe, that innocent and pure concept. Dances well, sings okay, perfect for the debut!...but then you step on her foot, she lets out the longest, most obscene string of swear words you've ever heard while adding at the end you better run because skirt be damned, she will kick you in the gonads and/or ovaries. And maybe you do run. And maybe Cha Yoomi realizes she's gone and scared another person away with a resigned sigh and brief moment of contrition. Damn... But her company doesn't want to quite give up on their investment yet, so off to some show where best case she gets publicity for her and the company, or worst case she's at least handled for the time being... and maybe Yoomi figures out if she actually wants this idol life afterall. 


"I don't really give a flying !@#$% about your opinion. I ain't doing that !@#$%." - Cha Yoomi

Yoomi enters, quietly reading her phone and smiling at whatever has her attention. Cute outfit with the delicate feminine charm preferred for the fairer in Korea, she looks like the absolute image of that girl next door you'd like your son to meet and bring over for dinner. What can be said about the girl with an angelic face and smile that people exclaim is so adorable? Plenty, and none of it fits the above at all.

Yoomi is smiling at a horror game Let's Play on her phone as the person is screaming in terror. Her outfit was not hers to pick, but instead the outcome of 15 minutes of fighting and compromising. Her handlers WANT you to think she is a sweet angel. That's how they lure you in...because let it be known Yoomi certainly cannot. She is a fighter. Ready to pick a fight and end it at the same time. Ain't nobody going to keep Yoomi down if she has an ounce of energy to push back. Yoomi is who she is: at the very least, you know what you look past the cutie exterior.

Given a moment away, Yoomi kicks off the shoes, sits on the ground, legs spread comfortably with no concern over modesty because modesty be damned if she has to pretend to be a sweet angel for much longer. Yoomi doesn't care about the image people want for her.  She feisty, spirited, and damnit the wants to be those things. Its not that Yoomi doesn't appreciate people or things that embody the "gentle, sweet, innocent" aesthetic, but that ain't her. And she really resents how people assume or push her to be that way. Yoomi wants to be Yoomi, and she wants people to like her as the Yoomi sitting on the floor, cackling loudly with her distinct laugh and less than pure image. Its something she does struggle with though when people she likes seem to like sweet Yoomi so Yoomi wants them to like her but... such a struggle. Opinonated with a stubborn streak, being confined is Yoomi's greatest fear. She wants to be free to cause havoc and chaos in her wake, not relegated to being a sweet, innocent girl who can't have an opinion. It's all part of her integrity and honesty with herself: Yoomi knows who she can and can't be. Dishonesty is one of the worst things one can do in the eyes of Yoomi, so she is not willing to do it herself.

To be perfectly frank, if she had her way she'd just flip the world the bird and pretend it doesn't exist. But Yoomi isn't nearly as heartless as she would like to seem. If it's just her, she doesn't care. But add in other people? For all her bluster and swearing, Yoomi is terribly aware of others. It's annoying really to care so much about what other people around her are up to. She wants to be liked and have friends to laugh and have fun with. She's a social creature and normally quite companionable; however she is also prone to being tempermental and beligerant at times. She talks back a little too quickly or lets her opinions be made abundantly clear without much filter.  And while Yoomi will stand her ground, if she's hurt someone or caused bad feelings, it's not like her to let it sit and fester. She will make the first move to make amends...granted, begrudgingly and maybe not with a upfront apology, but she will bring food or help someone or do everything she can to make amends. She doesn't mean for her attitude to cause someone else pain, so one has to make it right...even if she has to be sneaky about it and doesn't like to outright admit it. 

Sometimes though, Yoomi feels doubt. So much doubt. Is she really as sure of what she's doing as she tells herself? Was idol life all a mistake? Surely not, but it feels like it since she clearly is not idol material...words impact Yoomi more than she likes to admit even to herself. Sure, Yoomi is sitting on the ground laughing and not caring if she looks nothing like a lady at that moment. But Yoomi also knows she's being judged as lacking...and it's something that she has to beat back into a dark corner of her mind to keep it from creating doubt in herself. 

"..but...sure, okay...if it'll make folks happy...hmph. Stop smiling, its not that funny." - Also Yoomi

BACKGROUND – Cha Yoomi was not just born. She was born with a high kick to the doctor's face followed by a smack from her fiery mother when he almost dropped her little angel. Just given birth be damned! Thus our heroine joined the world.

Their family is fairly normal except that dad is a tae kwon do instructor and mom runs the business side. She is the second child with one older brother (Minhyuk, 23) and one younger (Jinhyuk, 18). The entire household is boisterous, fearlessly assertive, and quite loving. Yoomi can't tell you a moment when her parents ever told her no without good reason and they've been encouraging her to be an individual since she can remember. Her childhood was one of tournaments and dance competitions as her mother did want her to do both TKD and dance as she thought it would be healthy for her to be exposed to both. 

Life was good! They lived comfortably. From a young age, Yoomi always assumed she'd end up running her father's business since her mother did and her older brother would be the instructor. She had a better business mind. Little brother was on the fence. Let it be known that her family never expected her to inherit her father's TKD school or to continue his work, but Yoomi wanted to. She's very close with her family, and wanted it to stay that way. No one in her family had a musical bone in their body until Yoomi started dancing. 

It was thanks to her interest in dance, fostered by her mother, that Yoomi started paying attention to kpop. She loved watching their choreography, mimicking them in her free time. Her and her friends would spends hours imicking what they saw and admiring the stages, MVs, and, of course, idols too. However, much like her desire to be a Twitch Streamer or Horror Writer, Yoomi knew these were lofty dreams that were nice to have, but not in her future with any cetainty. She knew what she wanted to do in her life early on. It was a good feeling to know that and not have the same uncertainty others had. 

Then came Produce 101. The family would gather round to watch together, enjoying the mix of performance and reality television. After watching both season 1 and 2, Yoomi was struck with the idea that being an idol wasn't entirely unattainable. She though she could do it. If all these other girls were willing to put themselves out there, why shouldn't she at least try? So, she decided she'd give it a shot. She auditioned for Starship and surprised her family when she passed and was accepted as a trainee. 

Neither of her parents are particularly happy about this. They don't have a high regard for the industry itself, nothing against the kiddos in it, but if this is something their daughter wants to do, they would be supportive of her choices. 

 Uses the longest, most colorful of swear words, including casually swearing as just part of her speech. She's been better about it for broadcast, but that doesn't stop the occasionaly, "The !@#$ is wrong with you?" from slipping out.
 Complimentary to her fiery personality, Yoomi has a spice tolerance so powerful, her fmaily go out of their way to find the spiciest things because CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.
 ...has a soft spot for sweet, poppy songs. Her playlist is embarassingly cute. Some choice samples: Me Gustas Tu, Candy Jelly Love, Baby, Mr. Chu, Liar Liar, Zig Zag (people always tell her she looks like a girl from this group. Yoomi doesn't see it though...?)
 Does it really surprise anyone that Yoomi has a black belt in TKD? I mean...does it really? If she isn't going to be an idol, Yoomi planned on helping to run her father's TKD school. She might go to university to learn something useful to help with that (finance or business or something), but her dream if not an idol is to be part of the family business.
 She's an avid gamer and loves watching Lets Plays. She once entertained the thought of being a Twitch Streamer but she's not hardcore enough for that. 
 She was part of dance club in school up until she became a trainee. She even took ballet and some hip hop classes in tandem with her martial arts training. She really does enjoy dancing.
 Yoomi is gay. She appreciates men and their looks, but she never feels attracted to them in that way. She once wondered if maybe she was biual, but men really just don't do it for her. Her family is all aare and are very supportive, much to her relief. She doesn't outright declare her uality, but won't deny it if asked.
 She has a slight fear of small spaces. Nothing serious, but Yoomi has never felt entirely comfortabl in them. She gets antsy and nervous the longer she is in one. Its not a phobia by any means, but it defintiely makes her uncomfortable.
THE FAM BAM and Others!
CHA INSOO and IM HAERI – Ma and Pop. Loud, Feisty, Judgey af, Sassy. You know those parents who show up at their kid's showcase or game and have large, obnoxious signs and noise makers? That's exactly who Yoomi's parents are. Their family has always been supportive and affectionate with each other. In fact, when Yoomi, at thirteen, told her mother that she didn't like boys? Well, the Chas told her to be careful and that all the same rules for a boyfriend still apply to a girlfriend. 

Its not secret they don't really like the whole idol thing Yoomi is participating in. They're not fond of the restrictions and limelight it creates, they're worried she'll never be able to be herself as an idol (see: their daughter is gay). They've been looking for legal ways for them to possibly pull her out of it. They're not troublemakers for the company, but should this show not do well? They will make it their mission to end it so Yoomi can move on.
CHA MINHYUK and JINHYUK – Brothers. Basically carbon copies of Yoomi except maaaaybe a little more subdued. Minhyuk is a tae kwon do instructor and Jinhyuk is still in his first year of high school. Minhyuk is more calm while Jinhyuk is more exciteable and if Yoomi was a boy, she'd be Jinyuk. They're both going to find a way to be loud obnoxious fans of Dream4U despite covid. They will find a way to let loose their airhorns during Yoomi's parts even if it means them being chase by building security. 
JI SEUL – collab with -churros

LEE HEON–  Her best boi. That's what Heon is to Yoomi. The moment they met, they knew they were compatriots. Both wanting freedom and to march to their own drum. Finding out Heon was also gay just made it even better. Yoomi didn't expect to meet another who is so willing to be honest about it, and it made her feel at ease. Heon is the person who made Yoomi first think that being here, at Helix, wouldn't be so bad. He's her best boi, and Yoomi will fite you if you hurt him.
Through Heon, Yoomi becomes acquainted with the other trainees, soon to be Eterne guys. At first awkward, Yoomi was able to put them at ease by jokingly saying, "Y'all call me hyung, alright?" followed by her jovial cackle at their surprise. Even Mansae feels at ease around her since she has made it abundantly clear she ain't interested in them in that capacity. Jack is amused by her, Woobyul and Yoochan are her other favorite bois second to Heon of course, and Howon is thiiiis close to convincing her that all of them making some grand escape out into the world one night together. Sometimes they do call her hyung as a joke when cameras aren;t on them. Its nice to not feel like she has to be innocent around them.
TWIN(S) –  Jooe, Momoland


Yoomi auditioned for Starship on a whim after Produce 101 seasons 1 and 2. For some reason, she thought being a kpop idol sounded like a good idea. Was she foolish? Yes. Did she do it anyways? Also yes. When she passed auditions and became a trainee, it felt like, at least for a moment, that she was going to do something amazing.

How wrong she was in the long run. 

Training wasn't an issue. Thankfully she has good endurance for the hours of training and she seemed to do well in it. But then came the careful weight management, the scrutiny on her appearance, the competetiveness with other trainees...it really wasn't what she thought it would be like. However, she thought maybe she could weather it. Maybe she was just a rookie and unsued to the scrutiny? It would surely get better, right?

That's when she began to receive critique on her personality. While sociable and well liked by trainers personally, it was clear that Yoomi was no dainty flower. She has a sweet face and the feel of being the girl next door. So they push her to perform and practice concepts that were more innocent and pure. While Yoomi likes this kind of music and will happily perform it, she was told she needed to adjust her personality when speaking and interacting with others, especially the public. She should attain the image of a pure youth, the kind of girl every mother would want their son to marry and bring home. However, it was abundantly clear that Yoomi was just not this. Starship wasn't exactly keen on her as time went on and honestly? Yoomi could tell.

It was a predicament. Yoomi was a good trainee, but there was fear that she would not be marketable. What if the public found her rude or otherwise undesireable? That would be a quick ticket to failure for a group if starship debuted her in one. They were considering debuting a new group. Add in her parents inquiring about contract termination and there was an unease there. Yoomi could do well with the right concept: but Starship wasn't convinced they'd ever do that kind and weren't about to accomodate 1 trainee. She was promising but was it worth the effort?

Then Dream4U begins. How perfect was that timing! They didn't expect Yoomi to actually pass auditions. They fully expected her to be passed over, and then they'd have discussions with her parents and her on terming her contract. No loss and they save face. Everyone wins!

...until Yoomi passes and is now tied into a 2.5 year contract. Starship isn't all that mad about it. Lets be real: Yoomi is a fireball and she sure as hell is handful. Let THEM figure her out. And if it all.wdnt well? More the better. Yoomi thinks that finally, FINALLY, her company is showing confidence in her. Maybe she can do thisnidol thing afterall. Little does she know they're less than positive motivations.

All through school Yoomi has been dancing. She always said she liked the idea of dancing up to something, kicking them in the head, and dancing away. 

Starship made her do it. There didn't seem to be much of a future there as far as debut was concerned, and honestly with everything that has happened with Mnet and the Produce and Idol school scandals, AND the luster of being a trainee having worn off, Yoomi is ready to call it quits since frankly it didn't seem like the company liked her much anyhow. However, Starship was pressured to send a trainee, and with Yoomi already one foot out the door and not being terrible skill wise, it seemed like a wise decision.: Yoomi was being utilized and if successful, maybe they had someone ready for their next group. So here she is, in a 2.5 year contract, a debut, and also on a show. Literally everything she was wanting. But whether or not she comes out of this wanting to continue or go back to her original plan will have to be seen.
"Jung Narang can off." - Yoomi most of the time.
Granted, Yoomi says this about a lot of things, but when she speaks about Narang, one can feel the seething annoyance behind it. They first met each other and anyone who knew them before that moment would have assumed they'd get along. They'd be sorely mistaken. Sure, you might think these two are exactly the chaotic pair to go out and cause some havoc together. Arm in arm, out on the town, breaking windows, all that jazz.
But no. Oh no no no.

When they first meet, after a brief introduction, something triggers between them and Narang and Yoomi just do not, absolutely do not, get along. So similar in so many ways, but so so fundamentally different. Narang is the perfect doll of an idol. Narang is what her trainers and company wanted Yoomi to be. Perfect idol material. Nothing but high praise from all around for their doll.

Boy, does that irritate Yoomi.

Narang is everything she just can't be, even if she tries to fake it. And that's what Yoomi feels like Narang is: a fake. If there is anything she can't abide by, it's not being oneself or decieving others. I mean, she has to be fake right? There is no way anyone can be that perfectly gorg-annoying. Yes, Yoomi wants you to know she finds Narang horrible and just so annoying.

Heon, the best boi, is the one who subtley hints that maybe, just maybe, they'd be good toget-shut your ing mouth. Just because Heon brought her into the resident Helix Gay Coven and it just so happens Narang is also gay, doesn't mean they should automatically be paired. Get your head out of your for thinking such things.

And yet, if sometimes Yoomi's gaze lingers just a little too long on her archnemesis...don't tell Yoomi because she might threaten your physical well being for even insinuating such a thing. Just because they happen to have the same friend circle now doesn't mean a goddamn thing.

Even if, deep down, beyond the pang of envy, Yoomi knows they'd probably make a great pair if she she'd just look a litle beyond her first impression and bias.
faceclaim; 125 x 125.
COMMENTS – Sooo I really wanted to make a girl next door that could totally kick your if you crossed her. Also inspired by spicy ramen. I was kind of hungry when thinking of her, not going to lie. 

SCENE SUGGESTIONS – It'd be fun if one day, they all actually do escape and go into the city for shenanigans. Maybe they're baited by mnet for content, so they have cameras too. Mostly, I just want poor Kyumin having a heart pang while the girls have a blast together and give him a merry chase!

SONG SUGESTIONS – Loona - Favorite, Fromis_9 - FUN, Izone - Violetta, Oh My Girl - Nonstop
Layout by Viollium (ง ' ◡ ')ง


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i love you and i love her