twitter is a toxic place

twitter was fun at first and letting you know what's happening from there to here was really fun for me to given the issues and scoops that i can get. but twitter in 2021 is just a hot mess like srsly such a mess right now. i don't open twter that much anymore since its like a battle ground every single day. i feel so insecure also since alot of people a.k.a my oomfs are following my acc and i dont really twt about the groups, i just twt about my feelings they might think im not a fan also i only rt things related to the boys. i just don't want it to be like that anymore but the stress and toxic has been in my tl so i decided to not log in twter anymore so no more blogs about dramas and wins. i have one last draft about the issues, i'll be posting it here after i finished writing in this blog. i will futher question my abilities and try to give yall the scoops but as of now twitter is SO TOXIC, i can't handle it like i used to. i'm also very busy on school and complying all the requirements needed to moving up to shs. i will be taking STEM since im pretty much forced to do so. but i like a good challenge and i hope this will make me even braver than before. please support my last blog which will be up after this one. i hope the gryffindor in me will wake up and be brave, also im a slytherin so idk if that will happen sooner or later lol XD comment down below what's your hogwarts house!!


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