Rant/Hate Comment Gone Missing

Okay, so here's the thing. I am currently writing my third fanfic and was down to maybe five chapters before I'll wrap it up. The thing is, the story is getting intense and also my characters too. My last two chapters are Rated [M], well it's not really that vulgar, it is still cleanly written. And to my surprise, someone posted a comment, like really long. He stated my fics are spam and even took prompt to have it reported. I refreshed my browser and viola, it's gone! 

I'm not hurt for what the commenter had posted and in the end decided to have it deleted. What a namby-pamby. I still got lots of positive feedbacks than negative ones. But this is my first time to receive such a bitter comment and I'm afraid it will continue in the long run. I'm thinking maybe it was done by the other shippers since my characters are my favorite Korean couple.(YongShin). Did anyone experienced this too? 


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Well, i've been dealing the same kind of people for weeks (I think) the things is, when they post their mean messages on my wall, inbox, blogposts, I search their names, however, I always end up finding nothing. It's either they delete their accounts right after posting these messages or change their usernames. Did you try to search up their username? Maybe you can find them even if they've deleted their comment.