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COLORS  #307890   #90A8A8   #D8D8D8   #A8A8A8  

hello, welcome!
BIRTHNAME lee hyejin / 이혜진.
    HYEJIN HYUNG / the younger girls call her this due to her guy-ish personality traits. she hardly acts "lady-like", but this may have to do with how she was raised by a single father basically her whole life.
        LEE-CHODING /  this is a nickname she recieved from the fans when they realized that hyejin is really just an oversized elementary school kid; the funny jokester in the classroom.
        DUKKI /  or "ducky" a nickname that the members, and naturally, fans call her because of the way she putts out her upper lip when she speaks, especially when she is whining.
BIRTHDATE november 23, 1998.
BIRTHPLACE busan, sk.
HOMETOWN busan, sk / seoul, sk.
NATIONALITY south korean.
   KR / her native language, though she still has a bit of a busan accent, and uses busan dialect when angry or confused. / native.
     ENG / now this girl has been learning the secondary language for most of her schooling and training, and yet this girl has never studied a day in her life. she knows the random conversational words and slang because of all the time she spends on the internet, but other than that... / basic.

FACECLAIM izone's yena
BACKUP momoland's jooe
HEIGHT 163cm.
WEIGHT 47kg.

though hyejin isn't the prettiest girl in sixteen, her confidence (whether she's joking or not), would say otherwise. maybe due to the fact that she's been called "horse girl" because of her long face, high cheekbones, and horse-like nose. but knowing hyejin, she took this and ran with it, making it apart of her funny persona growing up, which in turn developed an actual liking for her visual appearance. she's on the shorter side, or at least that's what narae would for, although it does all her to be able to be in control of all her limbs while dancing. she's naturally skinny and with years of dancing as her workout, she's also pretty fit with natural abs to show off and slightly muscular arms. if you ask hyejin what her key point is, she would say the tiny mole in the center of her nose, which is covered by makeup most of the time.

the girls of sixteen call hyejin: "sixteen's fashion terrorist". yeah, she's not all that interested in fashion. or at least she's not all that interested in the work it takes to get put together. but if she's not being styled, hyejin's true style is made up of baggy hoodies, oversized jeans or joggers, sometimes a crop top, but matched with a baseball cap or some weired pants she got thrifting. she clearly likes unique, but lax pieces that she can just throw on and call it a day. she calls her aesthetic: "gamer girl with no job, spending all her time and money at the gaming cafes. cuz that's how i wanna live my life."
the fate that seems like coincidence
  • independent, light-hearted, free-spirited , outgoing
  • honest, witty, brazen
  • air-headed, headstrong, aggressive, flighty


the easiest way to describe hyejin is as either a "mini hoshi" or as sixteen's moodmaker.

being an extroverted sagitarrius, hyejin has no problem with befriending people. which makes her position in the group so essential, she's practically everybody's friend. practically. she balances the group dynamic out so well. most people love her free-spirited and independent outright self. she allows her values and decisions to be based off of what she thinks is right and how her own self benefits. she is to not be swayed by anyone's mindset. she's got her own mindset. 

hyejin's goal is always to be in control of her own narrative. she takes control by being on jump of jokes and gags so that they can be her's. her goal is to always make someone laugh, and to have people laugh because of her makes her feel pride, as if she is doing something right in life. her humor and outgoing presence allows her to be a good friend. this is how she comforts people: making sure no one is left out or frowning.

whether she's aware or not, it's also a tactic to always keep people close in her life. if she can make people laugh, they will easily become her friend, and they will want to be around her. it's a form of insecurity. though her shamefulness as an idol can either make or break her, especially as a female idol in a double-standard world. though, hyejin is a tough girl and she can handle it, no matter what the pledis officials say. she likes making a fool of herself, so that no one else can. she's going to do what she wants.

though the girl has such wit (that can get her in trouble sometimes) when necessary. sometimes she lacks it. meaning a lot of the time. she can have her head in the clouds alot, allowing her dorky "dumb blonde" moments, in which turns into multiple fan compilation videos. the girl is free-spirited, but also head strong. the way she won't falter for anyone is really real. it's not that she is technically hot headed, she actually is a quite relaxed, laidback person on most issues. but when she feels attacked or accused, it's the manner in which she can get angry. it's actually quite scary and aggressive, always a few levels higher than anybody else's anger in the situation. and she can come strong, especially since she does not get angry about little things. zero to one hundred real quick if you are truly asking for it.

like most humans, hyejin can lack awareness, especially on faults caused by trauma she does not know she has. while she is a good friend, always willing to make you feel better and put your mood above hers, she's also not that reliable. she tends to fly like a bird to her own drum, often forgetting whats on the ground. this gets annoying for issues like chores or planwith friends. it's something about commitments that she can't seem to shake.therefore a lot of times she is viewed as lazy, despite being a hard worker in what she sets her mind to.

think hoshi, choi yena, kim hyoyeon.


her whole life, hyejin has been greatly influenced by her father. mostly her father. that's what happens when you have a mother walk out on you. born in the chilly fall busan, with a 3-minute "younger" brother to call "twin", hyejin was born to a young, unmarried couple. being in their mid-20's, the couple didn't have much but hodong's rising dance career. but that wasn't enough for his girlfriend; she did not know if she could handle the job of being a mother in such an unstable state in her life. so one day she left. and the twins were only 9 months old. 

so her father, hodong did what ever he could to raise his kids, with the help of his family, while his dancing/choregraphing career took off. he tried his best to provide for them, in the long run becoming a big choreographer and owner of a pretty famous hip hop dance school in busan. of course, having their father only to look up to, the twins became students at the school, easily being prodigies and becoming top of their classes. 

knowing of the dance school, pledis scouts would often go to the biannual showcases the school would throw. the january of 2014, the school had their first show case of the year, where scouts were attending. after the show, hyejin was handed a business card with the pledis logo on it, which she greatly accepted. being the supportive father he is, hodong allowed hyejin to audition with the promise that she gets accepted and works hard to be a trainee. needless to say, the family packed their things and moved to seoul mainly for hyejin's trainee career, and secondly as an opportunity to create a branch of the dance school in the capital. hyejin's been training since late january 2014.

  • video games.
      • jelly candy.
      • spicy foods.
      • choreographing
      • gaming cafes, which she can't go to anymore.
      • fruity flavored things like cafe drinks or fruit flavored candy.
      • roller coasters (although she's afraid of heights lol).

  • being told how to act accordingly, so basically being a female idol (just kidding).
      • rainy weather.
      • people being left out.
      • people with bad attitudes.
      • sour candy.
      • chocolate and other dairy things.

  • playing video games all day.
      • choreographying, but now it's her job.
      • journaling.

  • using random sounds to describe things, maybe a dancer thing.
      • when she's in an awkward situation, she often scrunchies and nose up, making her eyes wide to this weird, awkward look (caught multiple times in a compilation fan video).
      • sniffing her food before she eats it.
      • chewing food with open.
      • sitting with her legs spread out.

  • not being the best.
      • heights
      • people leaving her.

  • popping and locking techniques.
      • boogaloo.
      • she can whistle through her nose.

  • she says "ma!" when she's mad in her busan accent.
      • although the main dancer and choreographer, hyejin often forgets dance moves.
      • hyejin always suggests doing roleplay situations during the vlives.
    • her father is co-owner and choreographer of a pretty famous dance school in busan.
     • she was raised by a single father, after her mother walked out on her family when she was a baby. 
      • the food she loves most in the world is honey bread and chicken feet.
      • after school's kahi is her dance icon.
      • she's been featured in some dance videos taken at her dad's dance school.
    • hyejin's known within the group for having the best stage presence and facial expressions.
      • she still keeps in touch with rena, xiyeon, and eunwoo of ex-pristin.
      • her favorite color is teal.
      • bae yoonjung is her idol.
      • she is a twin.
      • hyejin's the go-to for illegal snacks while the girls are dieting.
      • when she's not dieting, she likes a good toffeenut latte. when dieting, it's a black americano for her.

  • @hyjn.lee on insta.

LEE HODONG father / 45 / choreographer + owner of a dance school.
  • to say her and her father are close, is an understatment. she would confidently say that her dad is her best friend and her inspiration. after her mother left their family when her and her brother were babies, her dad was all she had. and since her dad was pretty young when they were born, their relationship is less formal and more on the lighthearted, jokey side. of course her father influenced her dreams of becoming a dancer, as well as her brother, therefore there's a close family bond.

LEE HYUNGJIN twin brother / 21 / student + dancer.

  • growing up they were really close, literally always together and doing the same things. knowing that besides their dad, they were all each other had. not knowing their mother made them closer. but obviously as hyejin started training more and more, and eventually becoming an idol, they rarely talk. they kind of keep to themselves now, going in different paths with different lifestyles. but when they see each other, they are always gonna post a quick dance video togerher.

CHOI SEUNGHWA groupmate / 22 / member of sixteen.

  • seunghwa is the groupmate that hyejin really respects. being one of the original trainees in sixteen, alongside seunghwa, the two have a long history of memories and inside jokes. seunghwa being one of the oldest members always acted somewhat like a psuedo leader to the girls, since the beginning, which makes hyejin respect her a lot. over the years, they learn that they share some of the same values. although their personalities can be drastically different, with hyejin being the loud one and seunghwa always having to calm her down, they are kind of the yin to the yang.

KIM DOHEE groupmate / 19 / member of sixteen.

  • it's not that they are not close to each other. it's just... that they know where their relationship lies. these two strong fire signs are too much alike in all the worst ways, both ready to pounce when necessary. it's not always fun while in the same group, nonetheless dance unit. which allows for a lot of heated arguments between the two. and to be honest, sometimes hyejin gets prideful of her postion as main choreographer and that dohee sometimes intrudes on the  heirarchy in hyejin's mind. beyond work, the two aren't often seen casually spending time together. but they don't necessarily hate each other...
YEOM NARAE groupmate / 17 / member of sixteen.

  • to be honest, when narae first got into pledis some of the trainees thought she was a hopeless case and would eventually quiet or just never debut. and based on what she saw, hyejin thought this too. but as the two spent more time together, especially when hyejin offered to give extra dance lessons to the young girl, they realized how much in common they had. narae eventually started trailing after hyejin (which can be seen in 16tv) all the time. hyejin never mind, she sort of took the girl under her wing. they are seen often hanging out together beyond work as narae sees hyejin as a dependable, secure unnie that made her training life easier.
SIXTEEN labelmates 

  • within the year and 5 months she spent training with them, she would say she is relatively close with the boys. though she definitely is close with the more extroverted members: dk, seungkwan, and her mentor hoshi. but she also gravitates towards vernon as they are close in age and have similar hobbies, and he finds her funny, so they keep in touch often to this day. she is comfortable with seungcheol, thanks to seunghwa. hyejin has often been inbetween their sibling squabble before, shattering the wall of awkwardness between her and the seventeen leader. 


keeps making me anxious
STAGE NAME  HYEJIN / just her name, nothing special as they couldn't come up with something that was unique and fit her.
PERSONA THE CHERRY BOMB / the cherry bomb is the equivalent of having firece, y charisma on stage, but also a fiery, wild presence in personality. the creative directors and trainers thought of this when watching her perform.

PLOTLINE HOSHI, dance unit cap, main dancer, choreographer, lead rapper, sub vocalist.
(backup: VERNON
, main rapper)
  izone's choi yena / ohmygirl's kim mimi.
  izone's choi yena / ohmygirl's kim mimi.
 snsd's kim hyoyeon / wjsn's chu exy.
  momoland's jooe / snsd's kim hyoyeon
     5 years at pledis,  2 prior to 16tv.
TRAINEE LIFE  though young, hyejin knew what to expect going into training. she expected it to be similar to dance school. and she was right. for the most part. immediately hyejin was known and considered the best dancer amongst the female trainees. easily. the dance instructors were really impressed and took them under their wings, along with the seventeen dance boys. and with a personality like hers, it didn't take long for her to be an infamous character throughtout the rest of the trainees. 

now she had never sung or rapped before, but she needed to ensure she could do one or another. not wanting to seem one-track minded, hyejin was consistent in trying hard to find her footing in either or. because of her focus on both, she ended up being generally skilled in both, making her something like an ace that can rap as good as she can sing and dance even better.

she definitely had her niche. the hardest part for her was really the comments on her appearance by the pledis staff. a monthly evaluation happens, she slays the choreo, improves her vocals or raps, but yet there's always focus on how she looked. it became even more embarrasing during 16tv filming, making hyejin feel inferior for the first time during her trainee years. she knew she was extremely talented and skilled, but figured it did not matter, unless she was visually appealing. this was the one doubt she had in whether she would debut or not.
Tie my shoelaces and just do it
  • SEVENTEEN'S "MANSE" MV / along with a few other trainee's at the time, hyejin was an extra in the video, only lasting about a couple seconds in. / 2015.
     • DANCE SCHOOL CHOREOGRAPHY VIDEOS / it dates back to 2009 when her father's school started uploading choreography videos for the different age groups onto youtube to gain more traction. and that it did. from 2009 to 2012, the school became more well known in busan. being the daughter of one of the three owners and main choreographers, hyejin was in a lot of them. making her a little prodigy. /2009-2013.
   COLLAB WITH 1MILLION DANCE STUDIO / hyejin's dream coming true as she becomes recognized as one of the best dancers in kpop at the moment. / 202X
MC FOR SCHOOL ATTACK 2021 / hyejin's dream coming true as she becomes r

  • will come up with later.
 • SIXTEEN'S HYEJIN ON REST AFTER KNEE INJURY / this happens the last week of  a future promotion period, you pick. /202X
• SIXTEEN'S HYEJIN's OBSESSIVE PLASTIC SURGERY / just over the course of her career she'll have people point out her visual hole status within the group, but then complain when she gets noticeable plastic surgery.
No more worries needed
BIRTHNAME kwon soonyoung.
BIRTHDATE june 15, 1996

FIRST MEETING they actually first met on hyejin's first week of training. of course during her introductions to the new trainees, she was asked to show off a skill in which she chose to dance. from then, hoshi had been impressed with her, allowing hyejin to be under his wing, along with a few other seasoned trainees, seungcheol, woozi and seunghwa. 

INTERACTIONS soon enough they were known as the best dancers in the program, so of course they bonded over dancing. they also clicked instantly with their personalities. they are clearly the male-female version of each other, making their banter suspicious to most who wouldn't know otherwise. throughout the couple of years training together, it was always a rumor that the two were either dating or liked each other. but they would both deny claiming they were like brother and sister. but they truly have that best friend banter that is intriguing to be who don't know them. even during 16tv, there were speculations about their relationship, but pledis glossed right over it. they're definitely honest to each other. well maybe that's just hyejin, but she will call him out when he's being weird and taking things a little too far. she will absolutely roast him if she has to. they are just good friends who vibe. 


  • hyejin actually came up with the 10:10 nickname and continues to save his number as that in her phone.
  • she often has him help her with choreographing when she's stuck.
      • hyejin definitely had a slight crush on him her first year training, then she got to know him.
      • she doesn't call him oppa, even when they never discussed dropping formalities. so he's always like "yah! respect me!" in a playful way.

BACKUP vernon.
tell me everything
  • "hello everyone!" hyejin smiles and waves with both tiny hands. "i am hyejin, main dancer and main choreographer of sixteen! whooo~" she awkwardly cheers and tiny slightly chuckles to ease the cringy-ness.
  • hyejin makes her eyes big while she puffs out her cheeks, looking at the ground, "well i've been a trainee for a total of 5 years, so i'd say it's about time. hehe." she nods, while making her soon to be infamous awkward face.
  • i love seventeen as older brothers and as inspirations. i think hoshi is- i'm sorry." she stops and takes a breath while smiling at her mistake. "i think hoshi sunbaenim is a great inspiration and has influenced my dancing a lot over the years. i think he's a cool oppa." she cringes in her hands.
  • "just stay on the look out for the amazing group, sixteen because we will be taking over soon!" she blows a kiss to the camera and then laughs while handing in her hands.
What are you doing tomorrow evening?
COMMENTS had to change my face claim last minute.
  • definitely confrontation between hyejin, dohee, and the rest of the dance team.
  • izone's japanese songs, sstos, panorama, d-d-dance, sequence...
      • loona's voice, universe.
      • dance team doing loona's sweet crazy love
      • wjsn' badaboom, full moon, as you wish

PASSWORD "we are the one! we are sixteen!"
-yeonjungs keayanna 8/10 credits


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