What Bothers Me The Most About Faberry

Do you guys know what bothers me the most about Faberry?

- The fact that we’ll never know why Quinn drew hearts around her caricature of Rachel

- or why she drew ographic pictures of Rachel on the bathroom walls

- or why Rachel doesn’t hate Quinn after how horribly she treated her

- or why Rachel could understand if Finn cheated on her with Quinn, but not Santana

- or why Quinn stood up to Sue, risking her coveted spot on the Cheerios, to get the page in the yearbook for GLEE that only Rachel wanted

- or why Rachel knew exactly what type of corsage would match perfectly with Quinn’s eyes

- or why Quinn gave up being prom queen, the one thing she’d spent her entire high school career obsessing over, to give the crown to Rachel

- or why Rachel constantly called Quinn “very pretty” and “the prettiest girl she’d ever met”

- or why Rachel knew Quinn was a lot more than that

- or why Quinn didn’t get mad when Rachel outed the truth about her pregnancy

- or why Rachel didn’t get mad when Quinn slapped her

- or why Quinn bought train tickets to make sure that they stayed in touch

- or why Rachel said the one thing, one accomplishment, she will look back on from high school is that she found a way to be Quinn’s friend

- or why Rachel said Quinn is a lot better than she knows

- or why Rachel always, always believed in Quinn

- or why Quinn always believed in Rachel the same way

- or why Rachel couldn’t stop thinking about Quinn after the accident

- or why Quinn agreed to go to Rachel’s wedding even though she didn’t support the engagement

- or why Rachel so desperately sought Quinn’s approval of her engagement

- or why Rachel asked, “do you not understand what you mean to me?”

- or why Quinn asked if Rachel was singing to Finn, and only Finn

- or why Rachel asked Finn what it was like to kiss Quinn

- or why my heart aches whenever i think about Faberry and what could have been

but we’ll never know.


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This is all so true!!! Especially Rachel instantly forgiving Quinn for treating her so horrible - I would've never done that. The fact that you mention her being mad at Finn for being with Santana and not Quinn too is interesting - Quinn and her are "enemies" for Finn and Quinn was more popular and just as pretty as Santana too - that's an interesting one