He decides to text me after 6 months?

So back in 12th grade there was this guy who created this huge drama with his girlfriend and my friend group was involved with it and it basically tore us apart. In the end they all stayed friends but then they made me look like "the bad guy" when all I did was tell them this is stupid just talk it out they got mad at me bc in reality they were all enjoying this drama and was offended.and it ruined my prom and alot of my last year of high school experience(something I was looking forward to)
A year later they broke up and he decides to text me saying if I wanted to go on a date with him and I said no bc who would after witnessing what he did back then. He continued talking after 2 or 3 days and then I guess he deleted me or deleted his instagram. Then a couple days later he created a new instagram and adds me and on facebook. We haven't talked for 5 to 6 months and today he texts me saying how you've been and Idk what to do.lol

Also I use to like him back in 10th grade and my ex friend told him in the summer behind my back with the excuse of I did it for you. When school started it was the most awkward thing ever bc I didnt know what was happening and he always gave me the weirdest eyes. And I also heard that he told all his friends that i liked him but asked my friend to not tell me that he knows. He's stupid and I hate my friend. So yeah should I text him back after 2 years passes and after he potentially blocked me but added me back? Lol sounds like the dumbest question ever.


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vixxlover123 #1
I guess it depends on if you still have feelings for him and if you're willing to have him back in your life. If however you feel uncomfortable with him being back in your life then I would just suggest that you just slowly distance yourself from him and I'm sure he'll get the message that you're not interested. Good luck with whatever decision you make!
I mean a lot of people change after high school... so he’s more likely a new person now. If you really are down, text him and start off with small talk with how life is going and if it gets deep, mention about the whole soft - block he had done. If he sounds fishy about the explanation, just stop there but if not, get him sis!! (That’s if you’re really down for him) Plus, if the conversation goes well, make sure to explain the whole high school drama properly.