Updates comming soon!

Hey everyone!


I just wanted to update you that I will update my stories soon, but I had a couple of really bad days due to work and my boss so I didn't have a lot of time to go through the stories again and make notes (I lost all my drafts due to hardware changes).

Will try to update before Cyberpunk 2077 releases (December 10th) but I can't promise anything for now. I will also start a new story since I need to start with a new, fresh mind as well.


See you all soon and lots of love!


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Rima-chan #1
Just got the notification, that you updated Two Moons! It's nice to see you again :)

Now I'm wondering if you'll update the reboot of the legends as well? They're my all time favourite here :D

Greetings from a fellow German ♡
B1A4lover #2
omy so exciting!! can’t wait :’) hope things get better at work+with your boss !! i know that can be stressful😢 i hope you don’t feel too pressured either !! i hope writing will remain something enjoyable and not too forced :) lotsa love ❤️
Wow! Thank you so much!
Seems like December festivities are already here!
Don't stress yourself and go on with an open mind!

We'll be waiting<3
Chatty #4
super-duper excited for the update but do take care of yourself as well! Hope everything goes well at work and with your boss! Also excited for the new story!
exobaek2013 #5
Really excited to hear this. I can't wait to start reading the updates and your new story. But make sure to take care of your health first, don't pressure yourself and take your time. We will wait.
I'm so excited for this and can't wait for the updates!!! Thank you so much for this but do take your time though, no pressure. Make sure to take care of yourself.
It would be nice to read your work again... please take your time.. im sure it will be worth the wait..