Application :)




Application for;

6 Guys, 6 Girls, 1 Island by Ashbleeebaby


AFF Username;


AFF Profile Link;

Click here :)



Character’s Name;

Kwon Ji-Na (  지나 )


Nini (Mother's nickname to her)

Picture Link; (Kim So Eun from Boys Before Flowers.)

Link #1

Link #2






Sydney, Austalia




166cm (5'5")


55kg (121 pounds)


- Dancing

- Food (favourite is Spaghetti)

- Maths (weird, I know ^^)

- Fashion

- Listening to music

- Surfing the Net

- Makeup (simple yet chic)


- Liars

- Cheese

- Rude people


- Dancing

- Singing

- Hanging with Friends


Dancing and Gymnastics

Personality; (In Ji-Na's POV)

I am a really nice person. I am someone who doesn't crack easy but if I do, it will not be pleasant. If you take me over the edge, I will go further than that. I try to be as nice and friendly as I can, because it's better to be nice rather than rude. Although I may seem happy and chirpy, more is hidden under the surface. It'll never look like things are tough in my life, but they are. But I try to keep on the biggest smile I can. I will do whatever I can to make people happy; it makes me happy to see others happy. I love to laugh. Laughing is definitely the best medicine. If I could laugh for hours, I will. Ever since my grandfather died, dancing has been my escape. He was my role model, my everything. We were really close. We'd always dance together, so dancing's a part of me. I will a be a loyal friend and truthful. I try to not fall in love because I am afraid of getting hurt, but sometimes your heart won't listen to your head. I am not one to accept help from others. I want to be independent, and will deny if something's wrong for the sake of not annoying or worrying people. Overall, I am nice to everyone and would like to be everyone's friend. I am loyal to people and won't let them down :)

Other things I should know?;

She has a necklace of a ring, which was her grandfather's [Click here :)]




Family Members;

Kwon Chin Ho; Father. Is 45. Is an accountant.

Kwon Cho Hee; Mother. Is 42. Is a Science high school teacher.

Kwon Ji-Ni; Sister. Is 20. Is at university doing midwifery.


Ji-Na was born in Sydney, Australia. Both her parents are Korean. They moved here 1 year before Ji-Na was born, so their English is pretty good. Her sister Ji-Ni is close to her. Cares for her and loves her to bits, even at times during fights and all that. But they still stay strong. School was alright. She was known as the "Maths Geek" by the other students. Although, no serious bullying occured. She had her first boyfriend at 16. He cheated on her with her "best" friend. She has been sceptical of guys since then. She is now studying in university with a degree in teaching in Chemistry. Her dad was against her at first for not doing accounting and joining the family business. Over time, he realised she has a passion for Chemistry and began supporting her. Her parents are a bit strict on her for going out, but trust her. She has a group of four friends, who she's been close with since yr7.



Your Idol;

Choi Minho from the band SHINee.

His personality;

Choi Minho is as strong as a man is "meant" to be. He has the muscles, and the manly personality. He is very sporty, and particularly loves soccer and basketball. Although he seems tough, he is sweet on the inside. It just takes a while for him to open up to you. Therefore, he's a bit closed and quiet when you first see him. He likes to care for people with whatever their situation is. He is one hell of a joker. He can make you laugh to pieces. When it comes to girls, he's a flirt. He will wink and smirk at girls. He's hot and he knows it. But he does have a soft side. But as mentioned, he tries to hide it with this facade of being manly. But overall, he's a sweet guy and will protect the ones he loves.


Link #1 :)

Link #2 :)


Kwon Yuri; Best friend since yr 7.

Lee Min-Ji; Best friend since yr 7 (Twin sister of Min-Jung)

Cho Su-Min; Best friend since yr 9.

Lee Min-Jung; Best friend since yr 7 (Twin sister of Min-Ji)


Kim Ju-Hee; "Best" friend who your boyfriend cheated on you with.



- Has a tattoo of her Grandfather's D.O.B on her shoulder.


Thank You for reading :)


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