Please help me save my mom by sharing this

I'm really sorry, starting today, i'll be posting this every single day because I'm gonna do my best to help my mom recover, she's my everything so I'll do everything for her. Pneumonia is a recurring illness of mine, so you could say that i'm already used to do this ( and I still wonder why i'm still alive), but now its different, it turns out my mom now has Pneumonia and Suspected Tubercolosis. I tried to kill myself since God knows when, i'm ready to die, but the situation's different now, I need to live for my mom, i'm not ready to see her in pain, so please, i'm begging you, just you guys sharing my gogetfunding in your social media accounts is already a huge help to me, please help me save my mom, i'm begging you. Below are my social media accounts, to prove that i'm not a scammer, i'm even even willing to send you a photo of my government Id. Please help my mom survive


Facebook : Divi Gianan

IG: divigianan

Twitter : Jang Diyoon


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