Searching for old fics (The devil wears...)

Hey everyone,


AFF used to be my life more than half a decade ago until I stopped completely. Ive just logged back in but its nice to see all these names I recognise still kicking about.

I just got hit with a wave of nostalgia recently and I was wondering if anyone had The Devil Wears Nothing But a Beret by bluebracelet saved and is willing to send me a link to it. Its been 6(?) years since I have read that fic and I still cant get it out of my head. Since then I have been scouring google as much as I can when i remember to do it and i have come up with absolutely nothing so I was hoping that someone here could kindly help me out for my own personal uses. I would seriously be super grateful for it as its been my internet "white whale" for a while now! 

That said, if anyone still remembers who I am drop me a comment down below, i'd love to see how you guys are doing nowadays

EDIT: found what I was looking for, the gtop community is the best even after all these years


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Hiya this is a bit random but i was wondering if you've still got the doc and if you'd be willing to share it :) i was thinking about this fic for ages and i wish i could reread it
sakura9007 #2
Me too