About "Indulge Me" Series and & Poll. Readers of series please read.

Hello all,

I wish I came to you under better circumstances, but sadly that is not the case. 

If you haven't heard, Hongbin has left VIXX and I am absolutely floored and depressed. I cannot imagine VIXX without him and I 100% do not feel that what happened should've come down to this, it's wrong. I had just come out of a month and a half long self imposed exile to this...I just can't.

That being said, I now have a delima on my hands and I'm asking for all readers of the series thus far for your imput. As you know I am currently working on his story for the series and in light of current events, I now feel conflicted. Do I continue on and finish his story and do Hyuks as well? The series is based on Hongbin and I just...with him being gone from the group now, it feels almost wrong to continue it without him...but on the flip side, I also don't want to feel like...ugh I don't know, I just don't know. I'm completely blindsided by all this and I'm upset and angry and hurt, I don't want him to leave. This may be just emotions talking and me trying to work through it and normally I would be like screw it all and finish, but right now the thought of writing him in this story with the rest of the guys hurts. I don't know what to do, so I'm asking for your input please.

I will be posting a poll on the main page asking for your vote on if I should finish the series or not, the results will not pick the outcome, but it will at least let me know what you all feel from a readers perspective. This means his story, Hyuks and the wrap up story as well. Please take just a minute or two to vote, it will help me a lot, it most certainly is not required of course, but it is a humble request. I just want to get your thoughts, I'm also open to any comments as long as they are constructive, no hate comments or nastiness please, I will not hesitate to delete and block if needed. I'm just trying to be as honest and as open as possible, you all have come along on this journey with me over the last several years, your thoughts and opinions are important to me and I would like to hear them. I will do a separate post later on my decision.

Thanks and I look forward to your thoughts.



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seamusmommy #1
The characters, (regardless of their human counterparts) have a story to tell. They've been with you on this journey so far, leading you to carefully construct their story. So, at this time again (still), you should listen to them and them only. They will tell you how their story ends. :)
I think you should continue with all of them even though it is very sad time for all VIXX fans I don't think they would want him excluded : )
nchui123 #3
i think that you should carry it on as it is super sad what happened and VIXX has been 6 since the beginning so i feel like you should carry it on.
I think it would be an injustice to Hongbin not to include his story in your series. It is very sad what has happened but to those readers who love VIXX would want stories with all members. :-)