→  배현이 IS SEARCHING FOR 김민규! [75%??? DONE]

hello, summer fling
birthname. bae hyunyi [배현이]
honey. only mingyu calls her this nickname, he thinks it's so clever bc hyunyi sounds like honey
birthdate. july 16th (22)
birthplace. jeju, sk
hometown. jeju, sk
nationality. korean
ethnicity. korean
uality. straight
languages. (max. 2)
— korean. fluent, no explanation needed
— english. conversational. took a few english classes in high school, uses english to communicate with any tourist visiting her shop
occupation. [p.s.] co-founder & owner of small stationary shop = [blank page]
i wanna be me, me, me
faceclaim. itzy's hwang yeji
back-up faceclaim. —

appearance. no changes from faceclaim 
style. if one was to ask hyunyi what her style is, she would use the words 'soft', 'light' & any other synonyms that match. mom jeans, slacks, button ups, belts, earrings, blazers, berets, anything you name, she'll most likely have it. she definitely prefers comfort when deciding what to wear for the day. hyunyi tends to head towards earthy, neutral tones with the occassional pop of color. 
tell me, what's beneath the surface?
personality traits. 
[ pos ] adventurous, independent, bold
[ neg ] sharp-tongue, overprotective, selective
adventurous + independent — ever since hyunyi was about 6 years old, her parents have allowed her to go on her own adventures as long as it was in the village and she was home by sunset. at a young age, she absolutely loved going out by herself, whether it be talking to the nice grandma selling rice cakes or running through a field of flowers, she knew how to make her day worthwhile. this unlocked her sense of self-responsibility as well as her love for exploring new places and meeting new faces.

"oi, young lady. aren't you a little young to be running errands by yourself?" the grandma behind the stall asked. 6-year-old hyunyi shook her head as she handed her the exact change.
"don't worry! i'm a big girl! plus, jeju is safe! i know everyone around here!" hyunyi exclaimed. the grandma chuckled before handing the young one a cup of spicy rice cakes. hyunyi thanked the lady before running off to make it home before sunset.

bold + sharp-tongued — if you know hyunyi, she's not afraid to call you out on your bull. she's like a fire and if you try to put her out, she just becomes bigger. along side her 'no bull' side, if you dare her to go do something, she won't hesitate .. okay, maybe she'll hesitate for a second but she will still end up doing it. her sharp-tongue isn't necessarily being witty because she mostly uses it when arguing or coming up with a clapback hence why she views it as a more negative trait. it definitely gets her in trouble a lot but it also ends up becoming a funny story to tell later.

"hey babygirl, can i get your number?" a stranger called out as hyunyi walked by his shop. she immediately halted and turned around with a scowl on her face.

"i'm sorry, what?" she asked through gritted teeth. she took a few steps forwards to meet his gaze.
"you're looking real cute. let me take you out on a date." he smirked. she almost threw up in her own mouth. 
"the thought of going out with you makes me gag. listen here, dude. if you wanna pick up girls, this ain't the way to go. get your head out of the gutter, catcalling is ing disrepectful." hyunyi sneered before walking off. she could hear him call after her, calling her names but she paid no attention.

overprotective + insensitive — hyunyi holds her family and friends near and dear to her heart. she cares for them a lot and would do anything to protect them. however, sometimes, she ends up being too protective. constantly checking up on them, making sure they're okay, it can get a bit much for the one on the other side. sometimes, hyunyi can be a bit restricting and although she has good intentions, she can come across as strict, no jam and insensitive. she doesn't think much about how the other person feels or what they want, if hyunyi sees that it's wrong in her eyes then she tells them not to do it or recommends another solution. 
"what do you think about jinhyuck? isn't he just the cutest?" a classmate flashed her phone towards hyunyi to show her the picture of the said man. 
hyunyi took a look at the man and scrunched her nose. she shook her head and stared at the girl. "girlfriend, he ain't right for you. i've heard so many bad rumors about him."
"you don't even know him." her classmate retorted.

"i know he's not right for you." hyunyi responded. her classmate huffed, turning back around to face the front while mumbling incoherent words.
born and raised on jeju island, hyunyi is the only child of her parents, an excellent bussiness man and a director for many hilarious variety shows. despite the two having hectic work schedules, they never failed to shower the young girl with love. family movie nights, daily outing and late night star-gazing; these moemnts showed her what love is. however, there were days where her parents couldn't spare much attention to the young one. that didn't discourage her though. rather, it taught her how to be independent, allowing her to go on her own adventures. as long as she was home before sunset! with the small community, it wasn't long until she became acquainted with everyone. ranging from the grandparents in the fields of fruits to the vendors selling trendy snack food, there wasn't anyone who didn't know hyunyi's name. her childhood consisted of family, jeju community and self-discovery.
with her mother being a director, there would be days where her mother brings her in to the studio. filming takes a long time so hyunyi got to explore what different people do to make a variety show come to life. this is where her love for designing/graphics came from. she loved watching the editors input more into the clips to make it more interesting. although she found editing boring, she enjoyed watchng them create.
during high school, hyunyi realized that if she wanted to make a career out of graphics and designing, staying in jeju wouldn't get her anywhere. at first, her parents were very against it. the idea of their babygirl out in the big city all alone scared them. after much more convincing, she heads to seoul a month before freshman year in college begins.
fast forward, she graduates with her bachelor in graphic design and marketing! she decides she wants to open a stationary shop in hongdae, the hub of creativity. with some help of her friends, parents and support from the jeju community, she opens 'blank page' 6 months after graduating! alongside keeping her shop open, she meets subin and creates [p.s.]! 

daily life.
on the daily, hyunyi does her morning routine which consists of laying in bed long than she should, hastily making breakfast and running out the door already late. she's suppose to open the shop up at 10am but somehow ends up opening 20 mins later. don't worry, no one is up that early to buy stationary anyways lol. luckily, she has her loyal employees that help her keep on track and sometimes even end up opening up the store themselves. 
during the slow hours/days, she heads to the [p.s.] headquaters to work on decorating the envelopes, sticking on stamps or delivering the letters. hyunyi often travels back and forth between 'blank page' and [p.s.] headquarters. she keeps the shop open until 11pm, just in case some of the hongdae night life seeps into her shop. once she closes, she usually heads home to rest up or has a night out treating her employees or her friends.
— absolutely loves sweets, cannot continue the day without having at least something to satisfy her sweet tooth
— adores old people!! esp. old couples, thinks they're the cutest!
— thinks picnic dates, late night strolls or star-gazing are the most romatic date ideas
— cannot handle her alcohol well despite trying to convince herself otherwise
— beware, animation movies make her cry!! (lowkey a big crybaby)
— hates anything that has to do with horror, if you force her to watch a horror movie, watch your back
— love pictures taken on polaroids or disposable cameras, the memories + the aesthetic = chef's kiss
— wishes she could be like toph but in reality, she is probably more like suki huuuuuu.
— favorite animal is a hedgehog
— likes to listen to spotify playlists based on the mood she's in
— basic but her go-to boba order : original milk tea with tapioca pearls, 100% sugar and less ice (dw, her employees always make her try a new drink every time they get boba)
— kim's convenience is her go-to 'watch when ur sad and want 2 laugh' show
— loves to drastically change up the vibe in the shop LOL. one minute, 'gift' by melomance is playing and the next, 'redevelopmet of love' by yoo san seul is blasting in the shop
sh*t name says.
— "look at this animal crossing dom sticker!! isn't he just the cutest!!!"
— "hi hi!! welcome welcome!! take a look around and feel free to flag me down if you have any questions!!"
— "give me another shot! i can take it!" + along with "nooo, no moreee ... okay, maybe just one more"
— "damn kids .. always making me get boba for them .. not my fault they gang up agaisnt me in rock, paper, scissors."
— "welcome to the hyunyi concert! please turn off your cellphones and enjoy the show!" (happens every time her jam is on in the store, ends up embarrassing her employees lol)
— "play that movie and you die .. this is a warning!"
— "i have two braincells. just lost one over trying to understand what you're saying."
social media.
— instagram : @honeyb
— shop's instagram : @blankpage
you've got a friend in me
ji subin . partner in crime . close friend 
first meeting will be revealed later + they're basically sisters. they goof around, support each other's ideas and bicker occassionally. the two have been inseparable ever since the creation of [p.s.]

ju haknyeon . best friend . if jeju was a person
7-year-old haknyeon knocked on the neighbor's door, holding a box of oranges in hands. his mother had sent him over to give it to his neighbors. the door opened and a girl who looked like his age gave him a quizzical look. the first words that came out of his mouth was "do you want to make sandcastles with me?" a friendship bloomed between the two and despite hyunyi leaving for the city, the two still keep in touch as well as occassional visits to hongdae or jeju + tom & jerry, argue over the dumbest things, treats her like one of the homies, always has her back
park junhee . ha sooyoung . kim youngkyun
"kids who deserve a beating & an award" - hyunyi
all of them applied after stumbling upon her shop & felt bad because hyunyi was practically begging them to join her team lol + a second family, nonstop teasing, daily debates, drunk games, blank page concerts — all close friends who enjoy working together

look at me, now look at you
birth name. kim mingyu [김민규]
— [규규] gyugyu. now, it isn't as creative as the nickname mingyu made for hyunyi but hey, she thinks it's cute!

birthdate. april 6th (23)
birthplace. gyeonggi-do, sk
hometown. seoul, sk
nationality. korean
ethnicity. korean
uality. straight

languages. (max. 2) 
— korean. fluent, no explanation needed
occupation. general manager @ cj group

faceclaim. svt's kim mingyu
back-up faceclaim. —

appearance. no changes from the faceclaim. 
style. mingyu's style is all over the board. one minute he looks like the powerful ceo of a company and the next minute, he looks like the soft boyfriend taking you out on a romantic date. his outfits really depend on how he's feeling that day or if there's any special occasions going on.
personality traits.
[ pos ] passionate, courageous, honest, playful
[ neg ] short-tempered, inconsiderate, impulsive
passionate + impulsive — to simply state that mingyu is a passionate man is an understatement, this man is crazy! anything mingyu does, he puts his heart and soul in it. he's playing a fun round of soccer with his friends? expect him to be tearing up field, playing his hardest to ensure his team wins. he's assigned a project for work? expect him to be staying up day and night to make sure it is up to perfection before the presentation. everything is done with 110% effort. however, along with his burning passion comes impulsive behavior. most of the time it's making impulsive decisions. whether it be buying ice cream for the whole team or making a very important decision that could change the project, it's all mainly on a whim without much thought.
"mingyu, what should we do? we either change this part or completely scrape it and come up with something new." chanhyuk, a co-worker of his, asked.
honest + inconsiderate + short-tempered — mingyu has no trouble with being completely honest with someone. if a classmate were to ask mingyu to cover for him, mingyu would straight up tell him that what he is doing isn't right. if a friend were to confine in mingyu about any life problems, mingyu wouldn't hesitate to share his thoughts on the situation. however, because he is so honest, he doesn't seem to take the other person's feelings into consideration. he doesn't take a moment to think before speaking, why hid the truth to save their feelings? mingyu can get a little short-tempered when his friends try to tell him what is wrong or if he's hurting someone. sometimes, he can't understand the logic in hiding the truth but he knows his friends are reaching out with good intentions. he tends to walk off, mumbling incoherent words, trying to cool his head down before coming back to conversate with his friends about what he's doing wrong.
"look, all i'm saying is that it isn't right for you to continuously chase after her despite knowing that she doesn't feel the same way as you. doesn't matter if she's single or not, she's not interested." mingyu sighed.
"but maybe if we got to know each other better then there would be a chance of us getting together." his classmate said with hope intergrated into his voice. mingyu let out another long sigh, rubbing his eyes.
"how many times do i have to tell you, pal? it's not going to work out. plus, look at her. she already has heart eyes for someone else." mingyu flicked his head to the left to the said girl. 
"bro, of course you would know how to add more salt to the wound." his classmate huffed, a small pout appearing on his lips. 
courageous + playful — this boy does not have an ounce of fear in his body. brave is basically his middle name. he absolutely loves taking on extreme sports, roller coasters and haunted houses. he can take on any challenge that comes along the way and he takes it on with quite a playful mindset. he loves to joke around and tease his friends endlessly. sometimes he can take it a little too far but all his friends know that mingyu would never purposely hurt them. 
"mingyu please!! can we not go in .. there .." his friend shakily pointed to the haunted house. fear filled his eyes as he looked at mingyu who was grinning back at him. 
"come on! it'll be lots of fun! don't be a chicken! or else i'll have to tell the entire team that you couldn't enter a haunted house made for babies." mingyu taunted, pulling the skin under his eyes down while sticking out his tongue. his friend whined, stomping his foot before heading to the entrance. mingyu couldn't help but let out a laugh, following his friend.
does not need to be as detailed as your character's background. just briefly go over, like, their life.
— food. food. food. basically on mingyu's mind 24/7 lol. can and will eat just about anything that is in front of him.
— bungee jumping is his all-time favorite extreme sport
— a lightweight but often controls his alcohol consumption so he can look out for his friends
— any sport, you name it, he can basically excel in it after playing a few rounds
— is actually pretty bad at gaming LOL. but still enjoys it
— a wonderful cook! absolutely loves to make dishes for his family and friends to try
— he is the definition of life of the party. wherever he is, it's always a good time!!
— has a playlist for when he's feeling like he's on top of the world (listens to that the most, confident piece of sh—) and for when he's feeling like a speck of dust on a lonesome window sill (poor baby huu)
— looks super cool, collected or the life of the party on the outside, on the inside — a bit clumsy, kind of romantic dork
— actually enjoys dad jokes, pick up lines, anything corny LOL. 
— his color palette is neutrals with pops of color. classy over trendy.
sh*t love interest says.
— here.
social media.
— instagram : @mingyuk
can't help falling in love
plotline. ' hello, summer fling ' (create your own plotline)
back-up plotline. —

their story. all it took was one trip to jeju-do. right after mingyu graduated, his friend group decided to take a trip to jeju-do in celebration. for 2 weeks, the group would do nothing but go on adventures, eat the most delicious food and see the magnificent sunset every day. never would mingyu imagine to come across the girl of his dreams. the first day mingyu arrived, it was already so late at night as it was the cheapest flight down to jeju-do. while his other friends decided to unpack and rest up for the eventful day to come, mingyu wanted to explore a bit before resting. upon walking down the dimmly light path to the shoreline, he spots another figure sitting in the sand.  

although mingyu definitely wanted to keep moving along, his curiosity got to the best of him. as he made his way to the lonesome figure, he began to feel nervous. what if it's some old serial killer, waiting for his next victim? what if it's some witch, ready to zap him into a frog? he stuck out his fists in a fighting stand as he approached the figure. tapping her shoulder, he screeched, shutting his eyes tight, ready for whoever to take his life. he opened his eyes once he realized the person was laughing at him. a sheepish smile stretched out on hips lips and a light blush dusted his cheeks.
"did you think i was gonna murder you?" she laughed. "i'm hyunyi. you are?"
"the name's mingyu! to be honest, i really thought you were. i was afraid i was going to be your next victim." he admitted sheepishly.
"well, you're in luck, mingyu. i can assure you that i am not that type of person. it is quite late to be out, what brings you here?" she asks, scooting over and patting the space next to her.
taking the seat, mingyu can't help but let out a soft chuckle, looking over at the young lady. "actually, you did. i saw you sitting by yourself along the shoreline. i don't know, something just attracted me to approach you."
after that encounter, mingyu actually invited hyunyi on many of the group's outings. his friend group didn't mind too much as they appreciated a local helping them out. for two weeks, the two hung out day and night, exploring new areas together, trying delicious street food and making memories that would last a lifetime. after many laughs, drunk nights, messy polaroids later, two weeks pass by like nothing. 
it was time for the group to head back to seoul, to prepare for the next stages in their lives. over the past two weeks, the two had grown close and adored each other. leaving while their relationship was just starting to bloom was a heartbreak the two never wanted to experience. 
"don't worry, we'll meet again. promise." mingyu stated. he glanced at hyunyi's watery eyes before chuckling softly. "oi, don't get all sappy on me, country girl. come visit me in the city!"

she laughed, wiping away the tear that managed to escape. "just you wait city boy!"
mingyu opened his arms, a delicate smile decorating his face. as much as hyunyi wanted to jump into his arms, she shook her head. she wouldn't be able to deal with the news of mingyu not being her soulmate if she gave him a hug. mingyu understood and stepped back, his hand gripped the handle of his luggage.
he waved goodbye and sent her one last dazzling smile. he jogged to meet up with his friends. this wouldn't be the last time he would see hyunyi, he was going to make sure of that.
first touch. their first touch is quite simple. it takes place about a month after opening blank page. it was a slow day in the shop, hyunyi allowed her employees to go out for lunch while she stayed to take care of any customers who came in. she had her back to the front doors as she swept the floor. [insert song name] was playing through the speakers, making hyunyi hum along while swaying slightly. 
then, a young gentleman walks into the shop. his eyes full of amusement as he watches the shop keeper jam out the song. a good 30 seconds pass before he coughs to emphasize his presence. hyunyi is taken by surprise, turning around to met a familiar pair of eyes. 
"m-mingyu?" hyunyi gasped, her hands flying to cover . her eyes are full of surprise and wonder. mingyu can't help but laugh as he takes a few steps closer to her.
"i told you, country girl, that i'd run into you again." he stated. his eyes wander around the shop. "so this is what you've been up to since the last time we parted. it's cute, i like it."
the reveal. the company will require pen pals to meet up after a certain amount of time. describe their relationship after finding out that they're soulmates. does being soulmates change their relationship? if so, how will they interact after? how will their lives change? 
ending. do they end up together or part ways?
interviewing chara's name...

introduce yourself. "hello! i'm hyunyi! it's a pleasure to meet you! how are you?"
how did you come across p.s.? "i'm sorry, what? it's as if you have forgotten who founded [p.s.], hmph."
what are your thoughts on soulmates? lost soulmates? "the thought of someone basically being your perfect match is a cute idea but in reality, it won't always be perfect nor will it be someone you expect. my heart breaks at the thought of not finding your soulmate but that doesn't mean there isn't someone else out there for you. it's all about perspective."
do you think everyone has a soulmate? why? "i do! otherwise, why else would these names be appearing on people's wrists?"
how do you feel about having a pen pal? "i would love a pen pal! all the cute papers i could write on, the adorable stickers i could paste on the envelope, it would be the best! if my pen pal doesn't write back with the same energy, it's over!"
when you have a pen pal of your own, would you ever consider meeting them in person? "although the thought of meeting them scares me, i think i would consider it out of curiosity. it would be nice to put a face to the letters."
do have anything else you'd like to say? "blank page is having a 15% discount if you come in with a cup of your favorite boba! make sure to stop by! limited deal!"
you've reached the finish line!
comments. hi everyone! i'm so happy that you've all shown interest in our applyfic. we are so grateful for all the support and applicants! i'm just need to finish mingyu's portion/relationship and i should be done! i can't wait to see everyone's apps!!!
scene suggestions. ok but how cute would it be if like all pen pals got together, bonded, got drunk, played games, ate delicious food, it would be so cuteeeee huuuuu.
password. i gotta think about this more but for sure a the boyz b-side


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I was wondering, is hyunyi currently living in jeju?
Did she attend college/university? If yes, which one?
[ hi to whoever stumbles upon my app huuuu. it's still a work in progress but i at least wanted to get out the personality so if you put hyunyi in your app, you kinda get an idea of who she is. i know it isn't much nor as detailed as i'd like but pls do not hesitate to reach out if you wanna know more. i'll try my best to update this asapppppp. ]