🌞  Kim Jieun is ready for 𝐒 𝐔 𝐌 𝐌 𝐄 𝐑 (Open for Collabs)

kim jieun
Susan15 | 7.5 | Carol
birth name: kim jieun
birthdate: April 1 (21)
birthplace: Seoul, sk
hometown: NEO city, sk
• Ji - short for her name, her friends call her that;
• Juliet, Wife/Wifey, Babe - Minseok calls her that to ;
Nationality: Republic of Korea
Ethnicity: Korean
uality: Heteroual
Spoken Language(s):
Korean - Native language.
English - Fluent (she learned since she was young both in the USA and during school - since she is supposed to inherit the company, she must be great at english).
School Year: Junior.
Major: Business Administration with a minor in music (if possible - Piano).
Clubs and Societies: NCU's piano club and photography.
Accommodation: She lives in her house, not too far from campus and goes there in her car (her parents live now in Seoul and left her the house).
All about me
Personality: Aries, Gryffindor/ Slytherin, ENTJ

Positive: Sweet, Kind, Funny, Optimistic, Hardworking, Honest, Brave, Charismatic, Independent
Negative: Impatient, Stubborn, Proud, Fierce, Perfectionist, Bold/Straightforward, Bossy

At the beginning Jieun was quiet, a loner and didn't let people approach her. However, now she is funny, friendly, optimistic and sweet. She cares a lot about her friends and wants to protect them. She is more confident than she used to be, but she doesn't consider herself neither an introvert or extrovert, she is just herself. She easily gets along with people and since she is a good talker and also a good listener, she can understand people and guide/ help them well. She is hardworking and very perfectionist, putting a lot of pressure towards her grades, however, she is highly intuitive and she can think straight and quick under pressure. Although she is a good daughter and may be obident towards her parents she won't let them manipulate her life as she is the one who should choose her own future. This charismatic girl doesn't care about what other people think about her and she is quite bold and straightforwards, saying exactly what she is thinking (which sometimes may hurt some people, but she doesn't have bad intentions), so if she disagrees with someone's idea, opinion or behaviour she will tell that person right away. Jieun is very stubborn, so she won't change her mind until she realizes that she is wrong, yet since she is determined and strong-willed, she won't give up until she did everything she could to achieve her goal. She is also quite impatient, since she doesn't like to wait or make people wait for her ("time is money" - something that she learned that makes a lot of sense to her). She sometimes can have a big pride and won't back down easily if she is challenged, which makes her competitive. Yet, if someone messes with her, her friends, or even make her angry she can be fierce (and a bit scary) and since she has a huge temper, she would yell at her friends if they are making her angry, or she may even get into trouble when defending someone in need. She is fair and honest and hate when people lie or hurt others.

Jieun was born in the 1st of April (April's fool), in Seoul, and is the only daughter of the Kim family. She comes from a whealthy family and her father is the CEO of a company (Kim Empire). Her father inherited the company from her grandfather, as their company has been pass through several generations, being Jieun the heir (first female heir) to the company. All of her family had to study abroad in order to increase connections and gain power to strenghten the company. Her father was friends with the CEO of Jung Corporations, but somehow always saw his old friend as a rival in the business, yet he always thought that competition was good, so he didn't have any ill intentions towards the Jung family.

Unfourtunetely for Jieun, her childhood wasn't easy. First, her family was always hard on her education because they had high expectations on her. Also, since her father was busy and important in the company, he had to attend meetings and stabilish connections in different countries. Therefore, when she was still young they moved to New York (USA), for a couple of years, in order to strenghten the company and form new aliances. During her time there, Jieun learned how to speak english and good manners, also being polite and respectful to others. In addition, she learned to play piano and even perfromed in the music academy with classical music. However, not only her education was hard and pressured, but she also had to travel a lot since her family's company still needed to grow. So, with all that, Jieun was used to always being the new girl wherever she went and at the beginning it was nice to meet people, but since she couldn't actually have friends, due to the fact that she was moving, and couldn't get closer to anyone. That being said, she labelled herself as the new girl and decided not to put effort into meeting peopple anymore.
When she was about to start highschool, her parents, who have always be going back and forward from Seoul (where the Headquarters of the company were) to NY decided to go back to South Korea. Her father thought that it was a good idea for them to move to his hometown in Neo City where Jieun could finish her studies. Therefore they moved to NC and whenever her father was needed he would go to Seoul. Already familiar with being the new girl, Jieun started her classes and introduced herself, acting cold and as a lone wolf, so she wouldn't get hurt, she thought that if she could be invisible for the remaining years then everything would be fine. However, life doesn't always happen the way you want and that being said, life played a trick to Jieun.  She met a girl named Moon Heeyoung, with whom she quickly clicked. Heeyoung introduced her to the rest of the group and they became close and for the first itime, Jieun had real friends. Jieun enthusiastically told her parents about her friends, and her father recognize the Jungs, being thrilled that his daughter was friends with Yoonoh. He invited his friend's family to dinner to catch up. The two men were happy that their kids were friends, hoping that their friendship would last and maybe strenghten both companies. Yoonoh didn't seem to react to them speaking, and just smiled, however, Jieun was stiff and uncomfortable as the felt like a piece in a chess borad and she didn't like the feeling. Her father encouraged her to be close to the Jungs and asked her not to fail him, even though that she didn't quite understand what he meant by that.

During the two years that she stayed in highschool, Jieun could say that they were the best years of her life, because she managed to make good friends for the first time and she managed to have good grades. When it was time for her to choose her college, her father informed her that they would be returning to Seoul, much to Jieun's disappointement. However, the time she spent there, made her realize that she didn't want to keep moving around so, just like her friends she applied to NCU, instead of SNU like her parents wanted. She literally didn't had the choice about her major, if she wanted to stay and have their support, she had to take the Business Administration major, since she would be taking over the company, but Jieun understood that it was a small price to pay and therefore negociated with them. Her parents returned to their appartment in Seoul, yet they said that they would be calling or visit her sometimes to ensure that she wasn't doing nothing wrong. Jieun was offered a full scholarship to NCU due to her grades, but she declined the offer. Since her parents returned to Seoul, she decided to stay home, which wasn't too far from campus and she would invite her friends to go there and stay for a while whenever they wanted.
Jieun was excited, her life would be great, now that she realized that she had some control over her life, but oh boy she was so wrong. Her parents had her whole life planned and even if they let her feel that she was in control, one day they would strike and tell her exactly what she has to do. They want her to finish her major, go abroad for a graduated degree like her whole family, be successful and then return to inherit the company and have an arranged marriage to form an aliance and strenghten their Empire. Even if her whole life was planned, she didn't know of her plans, and as it seems like they didn't know how stubborn Jieun can be, they weren't aware that she would probably sabotage their ideas. 
College Life:
During the week, Jieun has classes for both her major (with Yoonoh) and minor and spents the rest of the day having fun with her friends or relaxing at home with Minseok, by playing games, watching movies together or even talking and going for a walk or groceries.
MONDAY: She has one class from her major and two classes from her minor.
TUESDAY: She has two classes from her major and then she has piano club
WEDNESDAY: She has three classes from her major and then she has photography club.
THURSDAY: She has two classes from her major, one class from her major and then she has piano club.
FRIDAY: She has two classes from her major and one class from her minor, then she has photography club. Friday night Jieun and her friends always do something together.
During the weekend Jieun hangs out with her friends, she also relaxes at home, using her time for her hobbies, facial masks and relax. She parties with her friends during the weekend or friday night, since they prefer not to go on parties during the week days due to classes next day.
Jieun wants to have a great summer this year, it's probably the last time she can be freely with her friends without any of them have any worries. She spoke to her parents and they are starting to make arrengements for her to get engaged after she finishes Senior year and to procceed her graduated studies abroad, before getting married and starting to work in the company. Being the masterplan, logical and analythical Jieun that can be, she will use this summer also to find a plan and the earn courage to sabbotage her parents plans and to do things her own way.
When it comes to her plans for summer, she doesn't know what to do, her idea was to be spontaneous this year, yet she knows that she doesn't want to hybernate like Minseok (little does he know that she will drag him out of bed, literally). She wanted to travel to another country and meet new cultures, but her friends don't seem to enjoy her and Yoonoh's idea, so probably they would go clubbing and follow their usual plans. 
can you see me?
Face-claim: Kim Sohyun
Height: 165 cm.
Weight: 53 kg.
Appearance: She looks exactly like her face claim (dark brown hair, pale skin and brown eyes).
Style: Jieun is very girly. She isn't the fashion queen, but she likes to wear girly clothing and dresses. She likes to look natural, but will use makeup on special occasions or in parties.
Examples: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
• Ice cream;
• Bubble Tea;
• Colours Purple and Blue;
• Photography;
• Nature (sceneries and beautiful places that makes her feel connected to Earth and appreciate being alive);
• Adventures;
• Winter, Snow and Rain;
• Animals;
• Bullet Journals and Scapbooking;
• Stationary supplies and pastel materials;
• Rom-Com movies;
• Mango and Peach;
• Coffee;
• Music;
• Books;
• Harry Potter, fantasy movies/books, manhwas and anime;
• Swimming;
• ...
• Horror movies (she is a scaried cat);
• Beer;
• Bugs (especially Bees);
• Lies;
• Seafood;
• Gossips;
• To be ordered around;
• ...
• Playing Piano;
• Drawing;
• Taking photos;
• Singing (especially when playing piano);
• Exercice - at home or doing some jogging;
• Watching movies;
• Listening to music;
• Swimming;
• ...
• She is afraid of the dark and thunders;
• She hugs people in her sleep;
• She has a car which she drives to her college;
• She is learning to cook with Minseok;
• People says that she resembles Hermione Granger (Harry Potter) when she is angry and that she can be quite scary;
• Jieun likes to play cupid and help matchmaking;
• Her favourite genre of music is Classical Music (being Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven and Yiruma her favourite composers);
• Even though she won't become a professional musician, she still wants to play and perform;
• She is always up to try and learn new things;
• When it's time to make a decision or sharing ideas, she steps ahead as she has leadership skills;
• Sometimes she can be bossy and arrogant;
• People sometimes call her Boss Jieun because she can be bossy or act like a leader/ someone in charge;
• Jieun's instagram account is: @QueenJi (it was Minseok's idea because he thought it was funny especially because her family's company is the Kim Empire, so there must be a queen);
• Her lucky number is 5;
• Sometimes Jieun plays Basketball with Minseok;
• Jieun wants to inspire people and help them become the better version of themselves;
• She wants to be well succeeded like Steve Jobs;
• She talks in her sleep;
• She has the habbit of biting her lower lip when she is nervous;
• If she is drunk she is super honest and will answer truly any kind of question;
• She still hasn't figure it out what she wants to do in the future;
• Her friends often make fun of her for her birthday being in April's fool day;
• ...
Jieun Says:
• "It's not 'I want to do it', it's 'I can do it!'!";
• "Don't tell me I didn't warn you";
• "I have a plan/idea!";
• "Do you want to die?!"
• "Hm..."
• "You have 3 seconds to tell me what the hell is going on. 1... 2...";
• "If you're struggling just remember that tomorrow the sun will rise again, and so will you".
Heeyoung is like the mother of the group, she always care about them and she is a great friend. Jieun and Heeyoung talk a lot about everything and enjoy having fun together, since the two of them are much similar. They often laugh upon the other three and Heeyoung teases Jieun about Minseok, while Jieun on the other hand strikes back teasing her about Yoonoh. Is hard for the two of them get into an argument, but strangely Jieun can make Heeyoung get bolder show her funny side more often. Jieun never forgot that was thanks to Heeyoung that she is who she is now, and she will always make sure that her friends knows that. For Jieun, Heeyoung is the older sister she never had and she loves to about that.
Jieun and Yoonoh have very similar personalities and think alike, so it isn't weird that they exchange looks and know exactly what the other is thinking without saying out loud. Jieun talks to Yoonoh about girls while he talks to her about boys, because they are too dense to understand feelings and emotions if that's not right in front of them written in their faces. Even though both parents seem to want to join the two of them, they don't give much attention to the olders and instead they stubbornly do what they want. They, along with their friends have a lot of fun and usually party together. The two of them open up about problems to each other because they are the only ones who can relate to what they're going through since they have a similar story and a very similar personality.
Chaeyeon is joy and energy herself, and she can brighten the funniest and energetic side of Jieun. Jieun treats her as an younger sister that must be protected, even if they don't have a big difference in age. She always teases Chaeyeon calling her a baby and stating that she is young, but when it comes to tease Yoonoh or Minseok, Jieun joins her and together they tease the boys. When asking about her whereabouts in the group, Jieun sometimes call her as Picasso ("Where is Lady Picasso?").
KWON JAE LIN / 20 / FRIENDS (collab with  DefineImaginary)
Jieun met Jae Lin through Chaeyeon as the two girls are pretty close. As they got to know each other they became friends quickly as Jieun realized how preacious Jae Lin was. The two of them would have a lot of fun with Chaeyeon and even speak about themselves so they could get to know each other better. Jieun strated to treat Jae Lin as a younger sister and was always happy to have her around. As the two of them became closer, Jieun learned about Wonhyun, who happened to be a colleague at piano club. Jieun teased playfully the girl about Wonhyun and gave her advice hoping that they could work things out. She of course, would talk to Wonhyun more and try to encourage him to talk to Jae Lin and even try to get informations from him to help her friend. It is also pointless to say that at some point Jae Lin was honoured with Minseok's presence as the boy playfully whined that he was jealous of Jieun spending time with Jae Lin and not with him. Jieun sighed while Jae Lin laughed and bout Minseok when were the two of them. Jieun sees Jae Lin as a good girl and truly wants to be there for here whenever she needs.
SONG SARANG / 21 / FRIENDS (collab with tbhddaeng)
Jieun met Sarang in the Photography club and the two of them got along pretty well. They did not only shared the love for photography, but also the fact that both wanted to decide their own life and go against their parents, the difference between them was that Sarang managed to cut ties with her parents, while Jieun couldn't, so sometimes Jieun may ask Sarang for advice and encouragement words to get courage to keep following her own ideals. Other than that, they can balance each other personalities quite well, since Sarang is a chill person and can deal into Jieun's explosive character. In addition, Jieun tries to help Sarang express herself more often, meeting new people and having fun. Of course that Jieun, who is either involved in drama or creates the drama herself, would try to help Sarang and Yoonoh to actually talk to each other and hang out, to satisfy their curiosities and of course she can manage to play cupid. Even though she knows the situation between Sarang and Heeyoung are quite complicated, Jieun would try to help them become friends, because in her mind her girls come first than boys, and Jieun knows that Yoonoh can be dense, after all they're similar in many aspects. Sarang is also helping Jieun realizing her own feelings, even though Jieun is too dense to even understand.
The plans
So, how ready are you for this summer?
"Yes! I need to stop studying for a bit, it's exhausting! For I'm not as excited as Chaeyeon, that girl needs to chill"
Do you have plans for this summer? If yes, what is it? If no, what would you want to do?
"Hm... Not really, to be honest I agree with Yoonoh and it would be awesome to travel to Europe with the rest of the group, but they are chickens, so let's skip that. Hm... We will probably go to Namsan Tower and Lotte World as usual, but really... I hope we will do something exciting. I wanted to do a big trip because this might be our last summer together, and honestly I will have a hard year next year because I won't let my parents do whatever plan they are making".
Do you drink? What's your favorite drink? How good is your alcohol tolerance and what kind of drunk are you?
"I drink casually, not like in the 'let's get drunk' way. To be honest I don't enjoy being drunk because the hangovers are just terrible and someone has to take care of Chaeyeon. I like sweet drinks, like vodka mixed with something, mojito is also great, bloody mary too, oh and I like soju too. Ok side note, I think I'm ok wiith anything except beer, if I drink that thing, I will definitely throw up. My tolerance?" - Jieun thinks for a while before remembering the time when her friends told her stories about herself and she shivers - "Ok... I don't have high tolerance for sure, but not too low like Chaeyeon or even Heeyoung, but when I'm drunk... I get too clingy and flirty to a person all night, I just happen to choose the person who is besides me and the poor person has to let me hold his/her arms and see my childish reactions... Most times it's Minseok who has to deal with that".
If you were to go on a road trip, can you drive? Do you have a car and willing to use it for the trip?
"Oh yes sure. I consider myself a good driver and I have a car which I take to college everyday so no worries. But I think Yoonoh is far better driver than me".
If you were to go on another country, where would you like to go and what are you going to do there?
"Oh boy, the big question" - Jieun takes her bucket list with a lot of places she wants to visit - "Let me see... Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, UK, Italy, Greece, ..." - She checks her list with more than 15 names of countries - Ok let's just say I want to travel across Europe".
Anything we need to know or any last words?
"I hope everyone can have a good summer and if you need me you know where to find me" - Jieun eyesmiled.
The Lover
Birth Name: Park Minseok

Back Up Love Interest: OPEN (I think she could also be well with Yoonoh, but I was hoping that he and Heeyoung were a thing haha. if you have a better idea, feel free to Machmake :) )
• Sloth, Romeu, Edward Cullen (mostly Cullen - from Twilight) - Jieun calls him that to
• Min - Jieun calls him like that as short for his name, while some other people call him Seok
• ...
Face-claim: Mingyu (Seventeen)
Age: 21
Birthplace: Neo City, SK
Hometown: Neo City, SK
Nationality: Republic of Korea
Ethnicity: Korean
Occupation: Junior (Architecture)
Personality: ENFJ, Hufflepuff/ Gryffindor
Charismatic, Altruistic, Natural Leader, Outgoing, Funny, Selfless, a bit childish, Lazy
Minseok lived all his life is Neo City. His father is Yoonoh's father right-hand man. He is majoring in Architecture
The Story:
Meeting - Highschool
After Jieun moved to Neo City and became friends with Heeyoung she met the rest of the group. They all welcomed her and she becames friends with them. She was closest to Heeyoung comparing to the rest of them, but somehow Minseok could get into her nerves, since back then quiet and cold Jieun didn't have the patient to his energy. He found it funny to and eventually she started yelling back at him, the two of them looking like Tom and Jerry. The other 3 just stared at them and started to laugh whenever the two started fighting. When Jieun realized, she was already relaxed, no longer with her walls up and Minseok grinned towards her "welcome to the group".
At a certain point during highschool, the group played truth or dare and Minseok was dared to kiss Jieun. Jieun raised an eyebrow and as she was about to say "hell no", the boy just shrugged and leaned into kissing her. Jieun was angry and hit him, it was her first kiss and she didn't even get a saying in that. Heeyoung comforted her, saying that it was just a joke and that she also kissed Yoonoh (didn't the later kow that she soon would be dating Yoonoh). Jieun was angry at Minseok and didn't speak to him for a couple of days, while he kept going after her to apologise. After a while, she ended up forgiving him, seeing no effort into trying to avoid him. Seeing his childish happy face, she just laughed.
Getting Closer
As the time passed by, somehow the two of them were always together. Minseok teasing Jieun and she yelling or hitting him. As the both liked photography, they ended up taking a lot of pictures to sceneries and even creating imaginary stories with the pictures. Minseok would always be clinging to Jieun, making pranks and even hug her to , during free times they would play games or go to the cinema with the group and somehow ended up always arguing about whatever reason. After they went to college, the two of them joined the photography club and it was their sacred time when they could just speak about photos and even create stories like they used to in highschool. Other than that, Jieun would be in classes or in her piano club, while Minseok would be in his basketball club. However, somehow they always managed to have time for one another and even talk at night on the phone.
Eventually, Minseok and Yoonoh asked the girls to watch them play during matches and so did they go and Minseok asked Jieun to use one of his shirts to support him, as the girl replied "Why should I? Ask Heeyoung", "She will use Yoonoh's" he said, "Then Chaeyeon" Jieun pouted "Chaeyeon says that it doesn't match her outfit". Jieun looks at Chaeyeon who just winked at her. Jieun sighed and wore the shirt "Fine". The man besides her grinned a lot and leaned to whisper into her ear "See, all of them are jealous!". Jieun just shrugged "I don't care what others think", Minseok grinned towards her "Let them think that we are together then" and before she could ask him what he meant by that, he kissed her cheek and then ran to the field.
Whenever they went to parties and Jieun ended up drunk, Minseok would be by her side so that she could hug his arm and lean on him "You look like a vampire" she grinned "What?", seeing the man confused she giggled "Your teeth, it's cute". Minseok laughed and her head "You're cute" and the girl just eyesmiled "I know". Seeing that Yoonoh just facepalmed himself and told Minseok "Just get a room please, take her home and just kiss already". Minseok didn't quite understood what he meant, but took Jieun's car keys and drove her home. He had been there several times with the others, but it was the first time that he was there alone with her, and something in his stomach just didn't make things easy. Before he could do something he would regret, he took her to her bed and when he was about to leave, she held his hand and asked him to stay. He texted his friend and then slept next to her.
Crossing the line - "What are we?"
With time, that became a regular thing, he would either sleep in Yoonoh's place or in her house. Jieun was asked to move since her house was too big to be alone and he wouldn't need to use his lazy to find a new place. That lead to an argument in front of his friends.
"Ji, I can't do that".
"Why? It's not like it's the first time we slept together".
"It's different now, I-"
"STOP. WHAT YOU MEAN BY THAT?" - Heeyoung just widened her eyes in shock.
"It's not what you're thinking idiot" - Minseok sighed, while Jieun mouthed a what confused.
Then Chaeyeon started yelling asking if they were togther, and Yoonoh, who knew that when Jieun said sleepin together did literally mean just sleeping in the same bed, explained them the whole situation.
"Oh, so you two aren't having ?" - asked Chaeyeon.
"WHAT?" - Jieun looked at her with big shocked eyes.
"Ok ok, I will take a couple of things and we meet later!" - Minseok just ran away from there, avoiding the whole situation.
Everyone in campus thought that the two of them were a couple, something that Jieun never really understood why. Whenever she spoke about that with the girls they would , so instead she would talk to Yoonoh who laughed and said that she was too dense. One day Minseok was playing basketball with Yoonoh when the two of them saw a boy approaching Jieun, who just laughed. Minseok's face hardened seeing the look in the boy's face and he didn't like it at all. Yoonoh put his hand in Minseok's shoulder and said that his friend should make a move before it's too late. On the other hand, it can also be said that Jieun was a bit jealous of Chaeyeon and Minseok's friendship, especially because Minseok takes pictures of everything, everyone and in particular to Chaeyeon who he calls his muse, but he never takes any pictures of Jieun, and somehow that bothers her.
Jieun's father kept talking about the possibility of Jieun getting engaged to Yoonoh, and the girl just sighed since she was too tired "Ok dad, I'll think about marrying Yoonoh, bye". Minseok who hear that just became quiet and kept watching the tv in his pajamas. Jieun sat besides him and he placed his arm around her shoulder and earned some courage to ask her "do you like Yoonoh?", his eyes never leaving the screen. The girl blinked confused "Yes, of course. I like you all, you're my friends". Minseok turned to her, his face dead serious "I don't mean it like that". Jieun realized what he meant and decided to "Oh. I mean he is definitely good looking and my father would be super happy, it's a win win. Why, are you afarid I would spend less time with you?" She stuck her tongue out and Minseok, impulsively cupped her face "I don't like that". Jieun was nervous, but still managed to keep her posture "Why should I care?". Minseok sighed "What if... If not Yoonoh... Would your father accept if it was me instead of him?". "W-What-" Minseok leaned, his lips almost touching hers, while his eyes never left hers, he was willing to take the risk now. When he was about to kiss her, someone rang the bell and made them jump in their sits. When Jieun opened the door flushed, the other three walked in, Yoonoh seeing her red face searched for Minseok who was ruffling his hair in frustration and he smirked seeing progress.
After that day it seemed like the relationship between the two of them were different, but they didn't feel like anything had changed, neither were they awkward. Jieun would still yelling at morning to push Lazy Minseok out of bed, then whenever they were on the street, he would walk in the sidewalk near the road to protect her (something she never noticed in detail), whenever they were in group he would place his arm around her shoulder and even make kissing face to with his lame jokes, they would still be fighting, playing around and playfully flirt with each other and even talk about things that were important to one another. He would cook for her and clean the dishes, while she would do the laundry and take care of his things. Even if they didn't realize, they acted as a couple.
And in parties, especially if Jieun got drunk they would become more closer, hold hands and even kiss when they were alone, but they always used the drinking as an excuse, never to think that they should cross the friendship line (which they already crossed but still deny to). They got used to share the same bed whenever Minseok slept over (which somehow turned such a regular thing that they almost live together) and sometimes Jieun would wear one of Minseok shirts which would be huge on her and he would "Wow, y. I love that shirt I bet the owner is also y" only receiving an eye roll from Jieun and eventually a hit.
Dancing together can be very dangerous for them, since they both know they have some kind of feelings other than friendship and dancing makes them do things that would lead them to cross the line and not let them return to that friendship ever again. They are afraid to admit their feelings, ruin their friendship and that her father finds out and don't approve of them together. But they want to take the risk, each one of them hopes that this summer will help them to take their relation to next level and finally label themselves.
"Minseok is so hot. He must be handsome even when he sleeps!"
"His feet and farts smell" - Says Jieun walking pass a group of girls.
"Hey Wifey, you look gorgeous on that dress, can I wear it?"
"Park Min Seok get your lazy up"
"More 5 minutes mom"
"I'm not your mom"
"You'll be the mother of my kids one day"
"Shut your mouth and get up" - Jieun leaves flushed.
"Mission Accomplished" - Minseok goes back to sleep.
"You know you can always talk to me about anything, right Babe?"
"I know Min, but... I'm not your Babe"
"Yet. You're not my Babe yet"
" You"
"Now? I didn't know you had a dirty mind"
"Park Minseok, stop! You're killing me!"
"I love you too Wifey"
Current Status: Friends with something going on on between them
Ending: It would be nice if they become official :)
• Minseok is a good cooker;
• He secretly takes pictures of Jieun, but hides them to make a surprise for her;
• When Jieun is sleeping, he plays with her hair and sometimes he steals kisses from her, already being caught by the other 3 who none stop;
• Minseok snores in his sleep;
• He likes to encourage and help people, so due to his charisma and kind personality he is popular among girls;
• He actually likes Jieun for a long while;
• Jieun is used to share food with Minseok but she still pouts and hits him whenever she is eating ice cream and he steals it from her, eating the rest
• Minseok is a romantic person and will slowly try to make their relationship work, by taking some time and effort into showing his commitment and how dependable, reliable and worthy he can be as Jieun's partner;
• Minseok has the habbit of his lip;
• ...
Scene Suggestions: Maybe Minseok getting jealous? Or playing Truth or Dare like in highchool. Or if she becomes official with Minseok, she later telling her parents? To be honest, just surprise me xD I think anything will be just fine!
Comments: Hi! I hope you like my girl and that she can balance and take the best of each person (turning rocks into diamonds!). I had a lot of fun making her and writing her interactions with Minseok and the others xD I think she would be great with Minseok but if you think she would be better off with someone else, you have my blessing! Examples of Jieun playing piano: 1, 2, 3.


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omg i also made minseok my l/i XD