《hormones》 : Serena Park
FULL name : serena park
birthdate & age : 24 AUGUST (22)
ethnicity : Korean
languages : english (native), korean (semi-fluent), chinese ( conversational - learning)
occupation : University student and part-time in a coffee shop/restaurant
faceclaim : Kim SO HYUN (actress)
Backup : jennie (blackpink)
height and weight : 165 cm and 47 Kg.
appearance : She looks a lot like her face-claim. Serena has brown hair and hazel eyes. her hair is currently medium-short lenght (she cut it before classes started), but she is letting it grow.
stylE : she dresses according to her mood but she is usually seen wearing girly t-shirts and jeans when she wants to be comfortable,but she also likes to wear girly clothing such as dresses, skirts and wear makeup. Example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.

LIVING ARRANGEMENTS : she is renting an appartment with Mia (they have another room available)

DO YOU DRIVE? : Yes, but she doesn't have a car yet.
"how you doin?"
personality traits :
( + ) : sweet, funny, caring, emphathetic, reliable
( - ) : Insecure, sensitive, naive, vulnerable, perfectionist
( ? ) : hardworking, responsible, optimistic, humble, romantic
description :

Serena is a nice, sweet and funny girl, a bit innocent, but who wants to find love and affection, something that she never felt in her life. She looks for happiness wherever she can. she is very insecure about everything, especially about herself, since she hates her appearance. Even though she moved out of her house to study, she works hard because she believes that if she is well succeded in life, if she becomes beautiful and if she has a good life, maybe her parents would love her. serena is very loyal towards her friends, but she won't be afraid to tell them if they did something wrong or if she doesn't agree with something they've done, but she would do anything in her power to protect them and help them all the time. she is a lovely girl that has good looks (even if she doesn't realize that) and that attract people due to her optimistic and cheerful personality, but when it comes to men she really wants to feel loved, so she may try to change her personality or try to behave so that they will like her. serena always sees the best in people and she feels that she can easily understand them. she trusts people easily and that's why she gets hurt so many times, moreover, since she is naive people easily get advantage of her. she is responsible and may act like the mother of the group and act like she is ok even when she is at a verge of a breakdown.
background :

Serena was born and grow in Pennsylvania and is the only child of the Park family. her parents were never home and never had time or patient for her, so she mostly learned how to survive on her own. if she ever disobeyed or did something wrong her father would slap her and ground her, while her mother just was too busy at home, so none of them ever got the time to deal with her or even care about her. even though her family situation wasn't good, she never show anyone that she was not ok, instead she hid it to herself. That made her feel that she was never good enough, pretty enough and that no one cared about her. she developed anxiety and eating disorders because each time she looked at the mirror she hated what she saw.

during her highschool time she always tried to smile and be friendly, however small gestures would make a huge impact on her as she would believe that people cared about her, only to be hurt. she was friends with Noah since they were kids and she could be herself around him, she didn't need to change her way of speaking to please him and she would even yell at him if needed. as she grew up things at home were the same and she wanted to leave there as far as she could, to start a new life, so when she heard noah saying that he wanted to leave to nevada she didn't think twice and decided to go with him.

upon her years in college, life seemed to have gotten better, but it was all a fairy tale. serena became popular and some boys asked her out. she never got serious with anyone and only had some dates were they kissed and held hands, but she never took things to next level, because she thought that she needed to wait for the right moment to be with someone who liked her, so she wanted someone who would like her by who she was and not that doll that she was.
however, things had a turn point, she got a crush on a boy at the end of junior year and did everything so he would like her. they dated for a while during senior year and she was happy that maybe she wasn't that bad looking and she was getting better with her anxiety and eating disorders, but soon she realized that it was just a bet the boy made with his group of friends that he would be able to take the famous serena's v-card that year, because for him that was what she was, a doll. serena had a breakdown and thought that no one would ever like her, they would just use her. she asked for the help of her friends and ever since that day a part of serena was never the same. 
lifestyle :

serena is majoring in psychology, since she feels that she is a good listener and wants to help people.

during the week she has classes and she does a part time job 3-4 times a week in order to earn money for the university fees and for renting her room. when she isn't working or studying or in class, she relaxes at home or hangs out with her friends.

during the weekends and friday night she has fun with her friends as they go to parties, cinema or anything they feel like at the moment.
trivia :

- when serena feels too pressured she gets panic attacks;
- she is keeping her insecurities and disorders as a secret from everyone;
- she once considered suicide, but was able to get herself together, thinking that things would be better;
- she is a hopeless romantic and small gestures makes her hopeful and get interested;
- she feels that she isn't good enough and that her parents will never be proud of her, and neither will someone ever love her;
- she is afraid of thunders;
- she hates seafood;
- she loves coffee;
- she likes to listen to music in her free times or watch movies with her friends;
- she is afraid of what she will become in the future and she doesn't know if she is will succed;
- she enjoys to walk in the beach, see the sunset, watch the stars and even walk barefoot in the grass;
- she hates cheaters and bad people;
- she wants to become a mother one day and she wants her children to feel loved;
- she likes the colour bluish-green (colour of the sea);
- her lucky number is 7;
- She sleeps with only an oversized t-shirt and ;
- she hugs people in her sleep;
- ...
"we were on a break!"
catchphrase :

"don't ever tell anyone you love them unless you really mean it, because they may do something crazy like believe you"

"you can count on me"
how do you feel about drugs? : "I would prefer not to use it, but I think trying wouldn't hurt if we're careful and want a couple of minutes of happiness, being able to get away from the darkness"
what about alcohol? : I like to drink, any type of drinks, I'm not weird" she laughs " however I don't have a high tolerance, so I try not to get drunk". serena becomes sensitive when she is drunk and let's all her emotions come out, that she was hiding to herself, she also becomes touchy and wants affections, since she never really have affections in her life.
clubbing? : "I'm not a good dancer, neither good looking like the other girls, but I like to feel the beat and dancing around, letting my mind travel, so I can run away from the world for a while and have fun".
birth control? : "I believe if women want to start ual relationships should be careful. I believe men will use protection, but having some extra security is always good"

are you a ? : serena shyly nods her head "yes, I've always thought that I should wait for the right person, but you know what?" she laughs sarcastically "that person will never come, so should I wait for someone who will never come? if people see me as a doll, then maybe I am one, a stupid naive doll".

how ually adventurous are you?  : "as I said I don't have experience, but who knows? but I won't do anything that I don't feel comfortable with"

what's the weirdest thing that has ever happened to you? : serena blinked confused "I think so far nothing weird happened to me, the weirdest would be dreaming about someone who I was not supposed to?"


i leave it up to you. honestly i could see her with noah, or even with andy, but if you have any other character in mind that could help this poor girl find love, i won't mind! it would be great that she could find someone who likes her by who she is, who could help her deal with her insecurites and disorders and that she could somehow make that person a better version of himself.

AGE : lorem ipsum
PERSONALITY : lorem ipsum
ANYTHING ELSE? : lorem ipsum
HOW YOU INTERACT : lorem ipsum
ENDING : lorem ipsum

you are my best friend

noah li : 22, best friends/ close friend. serena and noah have known each other for years. they are friendly and close and love to tease each other a lot. most of the times they party together and have fun together and even speak about their problems. serena doesn't agree with noah's behaviour of being a playboy and usually says that he shouldn't treat women like objects (which somehow also pains her, since she feels that is the way men treat her). she hopes that one day he find someone who will make him change. after her breakdown he was the first person she thought about and called him asking for help. noah doesn't know about her problems, but he suspects that something is wrong with her mood swings and with how often she isn't hungry. he sometimes crahes at Serena and mia's appartment. although noah is a playboy, the two of them never crossed the line of their friendship until now, but with everything that serena has gone through she is considering crossing the line and ask him for help, because if she is willing to throw what she has kept all this time, at least it should be with someone she knows.
mia hwang : 21, close friend/ best friends. serena met mia when mia was a freshman, they became roommates and became friends easily. serena started treating mia as an younger sister and always took good care of her, being always there for her. since she feels that she must be a good example and a responsible person, she doesn't let mia know about her problems and always act confident like everything is alright. When serena was in junior year, the two of them decided to rent a place to stay not too far from the university. mia is daring and challenges serena a lot as the two of them have a lot of fun together. mia is very beautiful and easily finds a partner to get some fun at parties, however serena always warns her to take care of herself first.
andy yong : 20, close friend. serena treats andy as her younger brother and finds him cute. he is innocent and she wants to protect him from getting hurt, but at the same time she likes to , since becomes reactive towards her. they can have serious conversations and sometimes hang out the two of them outside of the group, as Serena likes to spend time with him. Andy is always complaining that Serena treats her like a kid, instead of a man and says that one day he will show her that she is wrong. Of course, Serena just finds him cute and laughs at his whines.
CHARIYA "SOM" hongsakul : 21, friend. SOM CAN BE VERY LOUD AND ADVENTUROUS AND SHE ALWAYS challenges Serena for some parties and for having some fun. Even though Som is younger than serena, the later feels that som is able to take care of herself and whenever they go to parties, she isn't too much worried like she is for Mia for example. sometimes Som, Serena and Mia have girls nights where they talk about boys and Som and Mia even try to challenge Serena into flirt with some boys in parties and have some fun. After Som and Noah's breakup, Serena tried to be there for her, even though both of them were her friends, because she knows that sometimes Noah can be insentive.
OLIVER CHOI : 22, ex-boyfriend, fc: btob's lee minhyuk. serena and Oliver dated a couple of months since Junior year until the beginning of senior year. Serena found out that Oliver was dating her in order to take her ity and them boast about that to his friends, so Serena broke up with him. Their breakup had a huge impact on her and after realizing she was a doll, she started caring less about keeping her v-card to someone special, because she realized that that someone will never exist, since no one would love her by who she is. Oliver is quite popular and have a lot of females after him, he is charming, knows how to talk and can be very persuasive and manipulative. He hates Noah as he sees him as his own rival, so one of the reasons he started to date with Serena was to destroy her, a close friend of Noah. He still isn't done with any of them and will make their lives a living hell. He may try to manipulate Serena and try to win her back.
"i don't even have a plan"
scene suggestions : serena loosing her v-card with someone who cares about her or maybe serena having a breakdown and someone finding out about what is going on with her and helping her.
comments : hi, i haven't introduced myself, i'm carol! i hope you like serena and i hope you have fun playing with her. at the beginning i felt that she could be a good match to noah, but i will leave it up to you with the story developing! i wish that someone can change this poor girl's mind and that she can finally feel loved. however i feel like she should also suffer a bit of drama and get through some adventures haha once again thank you for your help, and sorry for all the trouble!
password : skins for the win


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