Looking For Beta Readers!

Hi, guys! Back again.

While I am posting on Wattpad, I'm also working on other things. Namely, novels that I hope I can get published one day. That is kind of hard to do when I have little to no feedback on my work seeing as its not posted online and I have no one to read it over for me.

That's why I'm looking for beta readers.

And I mean beta reader as in reader. You won't have to do any editing or anything like that; just read the text and tell me what you think; where I could improve, where I could expand, what you hate, what you like. 

Ideally, I want a few readers, not just one. I need opinions from various perspectives so I hope to get at least two.

I would probably send you a chapter or two a week, give you a day or two to read it and put down your thoughts on it and get back to me. Once every chapter has been gone over once, I'll let more betas have a go at the whole thing at once to catch anything the first round missed. 

If you're interested, PM me or DM me on IG @michannse or Twitter @ummsehun. 


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