I made this playlist this morning and that it'd be nice to stream it since it includes all the Absence and Ontact teasers plus Moonbyul's music videos and other videos of her so you just have click and play on it if you're too busy to switch videos (since constantly repeating the video is considered bot behavior and doesn't get counted as views). DO NOT SKIP ADS.

  • Play the video with a 480p resolution or higher
  • Volume at 50% or higher


Plus, if I have readers here that own Fan SNS Accounts (Twitter, FB, Instagram etc.) please DO NOT REUPLOAD THE WHOLE TEASER VIDEO. It doesn't get counted as Youtube views and we'd like to hype our girl up.


Check out @lunaestrellados at Twitter, she provides updates about MAMAMOO stuff plus translations of articles. Here's the link to her profile:


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