Jolyne (Jojo) Kawaboshi
birth name: JoLyne Kawaboshi
birthdate: March 2, 1999 (21)
birthplace: Yokosuka, Japan
hometown: san diego, CA
Other Names: if any
• Jojo (given in high school)
• Kawa (given at workplace)
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Japanese + Filipino
uality: confused lmao
Languages Spoken: don't go overboard
english (fluent): raised in America
Japanese (broken asf lol): can understand fluently, but can't speak it to save her life
All about me
Personality: Introverted is a great way to start off. She's usually the person who will not say hello first, but will still greet back. She's very artistic yet critical about herself. If she talks to you, it most likely means she's all about your vibe since she's the kind of person who can tell right away if she likes people or not. When you get to know her— and I mean REALLY get to know her, she's super funny. But she keeps her circle somewhat small because of things she's experienced in the past.
Background: Honestly, she just chose USC because her brother went there. She'd be lying if she said she did much research. Plus, its close to where she works. She isn't too rich, but considering her situation, she's making bank (but we'll get into all that later on in this application). She's a local, raised in sunny San Diego 
School Year: Sophomore
Major: Biology
Clubs and Societies: "Nah bro. I don't have enough time"

College Life: All right, here we go. She gets off work at 1600 and takes most of her classes online and 2 on campus. She can be seen around campus usually on Tuesdays and Thursdays getting food from the vegan cafe and walking around with tea in a coffee cup. After classes, she drives 30 minutes to her apartment she shares with her roommate in Seal Beach. The parties she goes to arent college parties, rather they're thrown with people from work. She knows a few people from school, but doesn't ever really have the chance to get close with them no matter how much she wants to. Maybe it's because she doesnt have time to join any clubs or sororities, but studies should come first, right? Even at the parties she's not so loud or crazy. More like the designated driver waiting for her friends to be done, but its no big deal. Just doing what she can to stay out of trouble.
Accomodation: Shared apartment off campus
can you see me?


Face-claim: here
Height and Weight: in cm and in kg
Appearance: any differences from your face claim? if no, just write none
Style: short description of what they usually wear, can be in a form of pictures as well
• anything eucalyptus & mint scented... and mint flavoured anything (except toothpaste. It's spicy and makes her tear up)
"mint ice cream??? *animal noises*"
• Fashion!!! Some might say she has a shopping addiction... and they're right but um we don't talk about that
"it was on sale. I mean some of it was but look! It's so cute huh?"
• Sight seeing + taking photos!! She isn't always the biggest fan of getting her own photo taken (but she'll definitely let it happen if she's feelin herself enough), but she'll always offer to take a friends' or a strangers'
"Wait wait wait! Don't move you look good!" // "Do you guys need a picture?"
• people showing PDA — hypocritical because one time she was high and made out with someone in public but she's not ready to talk about that either LOLL
"can you not do that within my line of sight holy "
• Drama. Leave her out of it. 
"I dont need to hear about how you made out with your ex at the party just to make her jealous. I can't offer any advice or solutions if the only thing you can do is let time heal it."
• People that get too close too fast
"I understand you feel connected or whatever but don't be acting like we're all close and you know?"
• Cracking joints. Oh man, this is one she's built from elementary school. 2 parts of her finger, wrist, neck, elbow, knee, ankle, toes, back— any time she feels stiff at ALL, she's gotta crack her joints. Once she cracks one, she's attempt to crack em all
• Swearing. This one's definitely because of work. But now it just happens. It's part of normal vocabulary in casual conversations but she at least knows when to not do it.
• Walking while holding her hands behind her back. According to Jo, it feels a lot less awkward.
• Dance. We've gotta put that at the number 1 spot. In high school, Jo was in numerous urban dance teams while also learning contemporary dance through color guard. She has a big love for performing arts and being in teams. As introverted as she might be, this all seems to flip when she's with the people who love her and share the love for performing arts.
• Drawing/Painting/Makeup. All of this kind of ties together. Through middle school and high school Jo was so set on becoming a tattoo artist. In her first semester of college, she fell in love with watercolors. After she left college, she fell in even more love with facepaint and SFX makeup.
• Scrapbooking/Bullet Journaling. This is one she picked up about a year ago. Not too much to say about it but something about creating aesthetic spreads, recording everyday situations and making goals just feels like a great way to end every night.
• The reason Jo isn't too involved with the students at USC is because she's in the US Military. She works 0700-1600 (4pm) M-Saturday. Giving up the civilian life wasn't something she thought too much about since she has many uncles and aunts that were in— and her dad was in too— so the military lifestyle wasn't anything foreign. With her position, she's very set on keeping her reputation clean in order to rank up in a shorter amount of time. On top of that, she's carrying on after her dad, and he's the Last person she will ever try to disappoint. 
• She's not necessarily the "mom" friend, but she does always make sure the people around her are doing okay
• She's never been in an actual relationship. Never had a boyfriend or girlfriend, never been anyone's girlfriend, and never talked to someone longer than 2 months. "Yeah, I think i skipped a few steps lol". I mean, she's had before but she also never had her first kiss until she was 18. The super awkward kiss happened with a dude she met on bumble and when she went to Vegas two nights after, she was determined to redeem herself by making out with a stranger secretly— while telling her mom she was hanging with a "friend" that happened to be there. Long story short, he took her ity afterward. "Honestly though, I'd rather have it like that than have it being taken by an ex boyfriend or girlfriend. At least it was good too."
Name Says:
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• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Road Trip Playlist: list of songs your character would wanna hear on the road trip
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• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel libero sed sapien vestibulum bibendum. Morbi dignissim tempus nibh. Morbi quis blandit urna. Vestibulum justo quam, varius ut malesuada non, mollis in augue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer rutrum nunc vitae aliquet blandit. Donec vitae tortor enim. Sed eget libero non dui vehicula posuere quis ac lacus. Proin et augue sed ipsum mattis egestas. Vivamus a odio sit amet augue tempor tempus a vitae ante. Vestibulum pharetra ante ac est mollis, eu pulvinar nisl porttitor. Integer sollicitudin dolor ut metus facilisis, pretium bibendum velit accumsan. Integer sollicitudin dolor ut metus facilisis, pretium bibendum velit accumsan.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel libero sed sapien vestibulum bibendum. Morbi dignissim tempus nibh. Morbi quis blandit urna. Vestibulum justo quam, varius ut malesuada non, mollis in augue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer rutrum nunc vitae aliquet blandit. Donec vitae tortor enim. Sed eget libero non dui vehicula posuere quis ac lacus. Proin et augue sed ipsum mattis egestas. Vivamus a odio sit amet augue tempor tempus a vitae ante. Vestibulum pharetra ante ac est mollis, eu pulvinar nisl porttitor. Integer sollicitudin dolor ut metus facilisis, pretium bibendum velit accumsan. Integer sollicitudin dolor ut metus facilisis, pretium bibendum velit accumsan.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel libero sed sapien vestibulum bibendum. Morbi dignissim tempus nibh. Morbi quis blandit urna. Vestibulum justo quam, varius ut malesuada non, mollis in augue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer rutrum nunc vitae aliquet blandit. Donec vitae tortor enim. Sed eget libero non dui vehicula posuere quis ac lacus. Proin et augue sed ipsum mattis egestas. Vivamus a odio sit amet augue tempor tempus a vitae ante. Vestibulum pharetra ante ac est mollis, eu pulvinar nisl porttitor. Integer sollicitudin dolor ut metus facilisis, pretium bibendum velit accumsan. Integer sollicitudin dolor ut metus facilisis, pretium bibendum velit accumsan.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel libero sed sapien vestibulum bibendum. Morbi dignissim tempus nibh. Morbi quis blandit urna. Vestibulum justo quam, varius ut malesuada non, mollis in augue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer rutrum nunc vitae aliquet blandit. Donec vitae tortor enim. Sed eget libero non dui vehicula posuere quis ac lacus. Proin et augue sed ipsum mattis egestas. Vivamus a odio sit amet augue tempor tempus a vitae ante. Vestibulum pharetra ante ac est mollis, eu pulvinar nisl porttitor. Integer sollicitudin dolor ut metus facilisis, pretium bibendum velit accumsan. Integer sollicitudin dolor ut metus facilisis, pretium bibendum velit accumsan.
Do you know anyone in the group? If yes, how did you get to know them?
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What is your first impression of this group and its individual members? 
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Why do you want to join them on this road trip?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
What's your take on weed? Would you partake in the usage of weed?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Do you drink? If yes, what kind of liquor do you enjoy? What's your alcohol tolerance? What kind of drunk are you?
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A few mandatory questions from Russ, can you drive? On the scale of 0 to 10, please rate your driving skills. Do you have a car? Are you willing to use your car for the road trip?
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Last question, are you planning to bring a plus one to this road trip? If yes, how is he/she like as a person?
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The Love interest
Name: here
Other Names: if any + reason
Birthdate: mm, dd, yy (age)
Birthplace: here
Hometown: here
Nationality: here
Ethnicity: here
Face-claim: here
Current status: friends? lovers? strangers?

Personality: here
Background: here
Our Story: how did they meet? what interactions do they have?
Ending: do they end up together or will they split ways after the road trip ends? 
• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Scene Requests: here
Comments: here
Password: here


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